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Projects 1948 Chevrolet fleetmaster

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by gallogiro, Jun 9, 2013.

  1. Carolina Man
    Joined: Aug 15, 2013
    Posts: 86

    Carolina Man

    I have to say you really put a classy touches in the interior. Wonderful Job
  2. gallogiro
    Joined: Aug 10, 2008
    Posts: 911


    thanks Carolina man. I got an idea floating in my head that I could have bought today but thought id sleep on it. what if I replaced this for the carpet




    too much? am I pushing it? I would see carpet floors like this in antique places like the queen mary, old theaters and old homes and was wondering if it would accent the car. any thoughts, I wanted to sleep on that idea. it would lay right in id just trim the edges all the way up to the firewall like I did the carpet it has. yes/no?
  3. jcmarz
    Joined: Jan 10, 2010
    Posts: 4,631

    from Chino, Ca

    I think the carpet would be a little too much. A bit overboard but it's your car and if you like it, go for it. I am just giving my 2 pesos.
  4. gallogiro
    Joined: Aug 10, 2008
    Posts: 911


    yeaa, that's why I didn't buy the carpet I was like sounds cool, but let me sleep on it. went to a place where they have antiques to look for the brass picture frames I plan to use for the speaker grilles and found this I just had to buy it. 1908-1909 fall/winter tailors album with image drawings of suits and fabric samples. back then most people got their clothes made by a tailor and these albums are how they made sales. its HUGE, check out how big next to a cd, a magazine and me














  5. gallogiro
    Joined: Aug 10, 2008
    Posts: 911















    too old to display with my car, not 40s. but very cool piece of 106 year old American history whats cool too is there is the original fabric samples with it too. not using it for the car but using it in my house im mounting it on my wall open
  6. Carolina Man
    Joined: Aug 15, 2013
    Posts: 86

    Carolina Man

    I would say no. Check out old Rolls Royces of the 20's-40's
  7. jcmarz
    Joined: Jan 10, 2010
    Posts: 4,631

    from Chino, Ca

    That's a nice book. My dad used to have his Zoot Suits tailor made when he was young and single. It's a shame that people don't take the time to dress nice like they did back then.
  8. gallogiro
    Joined: Aug 10, 2008
    Posts: 911


    yea not the same anymore, would be nice though but I don't think itll ever get back to that again =/ I got some stuff to do tomorrow so no work on the car tomorrow but plan to have the trunk done this week
  9. El Jefe ATX
    Joined: Jun 18, 2013
    Posts: 84

    El Jefe ATX
    from Austin TX

    I'd skip the carpet, but that chandelier piece is the shit!

    I want a couple!
  10. gallogiro
    Joined: Aug 10, 2008
    Posts: 911


    thanks, yea im skipping the carpet, don't want to overdo it but still doing the speaker grille thing with the picture frames. that chandelier piece I really like because it has history to it, it hung over the lobby of the united artist theater since the 1920s and the theaters grand opening in 1927 had attendees Charlie chaplin, Einstein, and other famous people from the time so although small the piece, was in the presence and these people walked under it also throughout the years it was used as a premiere palace

    it lights up, ill show you when it gets dark ill take pictures but looks really classy.
  11. gallogiro
    Joined: Aug 10, 2008
    Posts: 911


    I was looking for fender guides, I need them they are actually handy on these cars you cant see the fenders from the hood and I don't want to hit my wall or scuff my whitewalls. im buying these, I like the look and color

    ill fly them but also wanted them for the stems. I wanted something different and unique, don't want to blend in so I bought something I think I can work with. got the package today











    they are "lazy dog" aka "red dot" aka "yellow dog" bombs

    they were developed in 1941 for WWII and were also used in the Korean war and Vietnam war. cluster bombs would be released and mid air would let out 100s of these and rained down on enemy soldiers. the ones used for the Korean and Vietnam war were the lathe turned ones that looked polished so these cast ones are the earlier ones Its the ones I wanted. but what I see is fender guides =) going to drill and tap threads on them and mount them on the stems along with little streamers on the tail like the fulton aerial. but going to repaint them and airbrush them, will get that going when I get the airbrush paint I ordered but theyre going to look cool ;)
  12. fleet_47
    Joined: Oct 19, 2008
    Posts: 70

    from N/A

    Those are bad @$$. You know honestly I bet the carpet would look just fine in your car. I think it would be the main item and all the little details would complete the look.
  13. gallogiro
    Joined: Aug 10, 2008
    Posts: 911


    I got tired of looking for spare wheel well to replace in the trunk of my car, and getting offers for ones just as bad as the one I took out or worse. I never planned to mount a spare in the trunk, I want all the room I can have back there so the spare tire tub didn't exactly have to fit a tire. so If I cant find it ill make it. 18 dollar galvanized steel and a few rivets. better than what I had planned just seal the hole







    mocked it in, fits nice and snug. and it drops 10 inches, just about the same as the gas tank





    fits right, so riveted it in


    frame notched here, so I modified for that




    all riveted in, put some of my weights from my weight bench in it and held 4 45pound plates and 2 25pound plates just fine so its nice and strong. not planning to mount anything that heavy in it but wanted to make sure its strong. best part is now the space I have to carry things back there is pretty nice. here it is with a hubcap in it



    im going to put a lid on it to open and close that compartment with a hinge and latch. wanted this figured out and done so I can now do what I been waiting to do, upholster the trunk which no I can finally do I can finally move forward with redoing the trunk really nice and fancy. right now im going to start to make the panels that go on the sides and floor and tomorrow morning getting the fabric and materials to do the job. will look cool youll see =)
  14. upspirate
    Joined: Apr 15, 2012
    Posts: 2,299


    Maybe use the rug/carpet for the trunk
  15. gallogiro
    Joined: Aug 10, 2008
    Posts: 911


    I like that idea, trunk would be different than doing the whole car floor. thanks upspirate =)
  16. jcmarz
    Joined: Jan 10, 2010
    Posts: 4,631

    from Chino, Ca

    That spare tire tub will make a perfect ice chest for drinks.
  17. gallogiro
    Joined: Aug 10, 2008
    Posts: 911


    I was told that, to put a drain plug on the bottom. I know itll hold it that's for sure. figuring out a lid right now, already got the hinges =)
  18. 40FordDeluxe
    Joined: Dec 21, 2010
    Posts: 414


    Great work and that carpet would work nice in the trunk!
  19. gallogiro
    Joined: Aug 10, 2008
    Posts: 911


    yea youre right, and I can use a much smaller one good idea =) It rained earlier so when the rain let up i started on the trunk since the floor is done and i can get moving on it. my car didn't come with the original trunk panels. i had the big middle one done, but had to make the ones for the sides


    only took me 15 min to make



    perfect fit snug top to bottom


    i decided im NOT using that back one i made, i got a lot better at upholstery i can make something way better so i am. ill problably give this one away cause its nice and anyone can pop it right in theyre car. but this is what i am going to upholster




    again not using that center panel so im going to make a new cutout but heres an idea of the panels, now going to upholster the side and center panels and put the carpet/rug in to have the trunk redone. also making a panel to mount on the inner side of the trunk lid so its upholstered all the way around. im thinking this, have this design in mind



    i have that design in mind, but some extras i have some more ideas i have in mind to make it really nice. tomorrow morning i buy my fabrics and materials, once i have them i should be done with it all in about 2 days
  20. stimpy
    Joined: Apr 16, 2006
    Posts: 3,546


    too bad you cannot find a old pop cooler cover to fit over that well .. I have a old nehi cooler that has the nehi name embossed in it , we found it in a garage we were paid to clean out . I would look for something like that .
    also beware of some of the new stupid laws that are in effect ,like around here we have what they call a hidden compartment law thanks to the drug smugglers . and that would basically fall under it if covered with a lid . ( I know who would do that in a car that gets alot of attention ... but still you know how stupid people get )
  21. gallogiro
    Joined: Aug 10, 2008
    Posts: 911


    I get what youre saying. we do have that law here, but applies when youre caught with guns or drugs and its on your car whether they were in the compartment or not, just an extra charge to screw you if youre caught. here in California it would be hard to regulate with all the custom cars, all the mods and compartments made into the custom car. if you watch that show pimp my ride, not work id personally do some things are just too off the wall but most of the cars they built have compartments.

    I think theyd use theyre own common sense and opinion between a compartment in the car to store car related items/maintenance, equipment or luggage from a compartment in the frame or inside the dash or gas tank. but then again who would smuggle anything in a classic car and risk losing it and know its going to attract more attention than a regular car. but that law does apply here but im putting a little brass handle on the lid so its not exactly hidden if you know what I mean.

    I got a lot of ideas im playing with in my head over what im going to do in the trunk, not decided so I haven't got started. but I did get a package today, something I really needed and will help with my trunk and even more when I reupholster my 65 impala


    got it for 85 bucks, its an original hand junior button maker along with #30 and #22 dies which is the standard sizes for car upholstery buttons and a bunch of core buttons and supplies. a single set of dies alone are worth that much and mine came with two sets I got lucky.

    I needed to make buttons for the trunk on this car the 48, and a bunch of buttons to do my 65 impala im going full custom 70s button tuck interior so this will do the job. Its easier to use than I thought
















    I really needed this, and its going to get a lot of use trust me. I haven't done any button tuck work because I didn't have this but I do sure know how to do it. my 65 is getting that look all around but keeping the dash original. but with this now I can move on with the 48 trunk as soon as I figure out what direction im going with it
  22. stimpy
    Joined: Apr 16, 2006
    Posts: 3,546


    a box of packing peanuts , have to see what your going to do with them .. :D

    I know what your saying but east of the muddy river they are getting stupid and are not using common sense about things like this and just being plain stupid with the ways they try to enforce the laws and do not think . , as the Cops are the ones who decide at the time its found ( they can search your car here with probable cause ) and then you have to prove your innocence and fight it in court . and being your In Cali I know sometimes CHP can be Idiots at times and go over the top for a simple traffic stop .
  23. shadams
    Joined: Mar 16, 2011
    Posts: 1,505


    Wow know...its not really my style, I mean, I cant see a redneck dude with a beard rolling in that car, but it is just so damn cool. With the little interior touches it literally looks like you could have posted that car as a garage find and no one would be the wiser. I hadnt checked up on it for a while but glad I did. Cant wait to see how the trunk turns out...

    I am fixin to pick up my seat at the upholstery shop this week, not something I could do to the level I wanted it done anyway. Its just cool to see someone do almost every damn thing on their own. The crystal piece and record player are the shit...I thought the player was going in the trunk? Anyway, bad ass man, keep it up...
  24. gallogiro
    Joined: Aug 10, 2008
    Posts: 911


    thanks shadams, I gave it extra touches to appeal and catch the eye of anyone wanting to see something different and off the wall. and the build has been very fun because of my personal touches I can really express myself with this. do you have a build thread on your truck? would like to see how your seat turned out.

    and yea on my own, I turned down help not because I wanted to be an asshole or didn't want anyone touching my car, but because I wanted to know when I looked at it done that I built it on my own, every nut, bolt, stitch, bulb and wire. and because I learn from doing not from being told or watching someone doing so when I needed help it was always what do I do tell me what to do not come and do it for me. I did have some help, with the timing but all it was was loosening the distributor bolt and turning the distributor

    the record player is mobile, not electric so itll spend most of its time in the trunk, but at times will fly where it is now in the rear seat or mounted on the back of the front seat on brackets Im going to make for it. the crystal is cool too, historic was in the presence of some very famous people. I haven't posted a pic but looks really cool lit up when I turn on the dash lights, ill post that pic tomorrow it looks nice. ill have the trunk done by sunday, its not a time issue but getting the right fabric im still undecided

    found the carpet, man its nice I don't think I could have found a better one that thing is NICE =D once I have all the materials it should be done in a single day so ill post a picture then, kinda bust out the trunk done then show the process after but the carpet is nice once I saw it I knew I had to have it.

    I went to the upholstery shop today


    was supposed to get the fabric for my trunk and pick up 20 yards of fabric I ordered for my 65 to start to reupholster it when I hit a road block. I ordered this type of fabric to do a job like this but in light blue color


    well I get there and they tell me they called to tell me they weren't able to get me my fabric in blue so I could have some of these for only 5 bucks a yard. same material but different colors






    none of those would work, none match with the color blue and blue flakes the car is going to be from the outside, not even close. and the only blue they had had a wave design to it I didn't want it


    so they gave me my money back and now I have to find it somewhere else. don't know any other upholstery places so if anyone knows hit me up, in so cal.
  25. gallogiro
    Joined: Aug 10, 2008
    Posts: 911


    which brings me to my second road block, I was there also to get the fabric for the trunk, and wasn't happy with my options. I had this to chose from










    this one was the best one they had there I thought, this one would have buttons in the center and pleats like that chair I posted


    I didn't get it, wanted to check other places so I went and looked somewhere I felt I wouldn't find anything but still gave it a shot, went to joannes fabrics. and that's where I found my trunk carpet. I walked up on it knowing it was it, knowing I was bringing it home. I got it, and its better than those Persian rugs I posted that I thought would be cool to use. ill post a picture when its done, but now that Im using that as a carpet, these fabrics are more fit for it, BUT if I use any of these fabrics, I cant make it button tuck and pleat like the chair because itll break the design and wont look right, if I used these itll match the carpet but would have to go on flat, no buttons no pleats just flat









    these go more with the carpet, but I cant use buttons. the others I can use buttons and would look cool like that chair I posted. don't know what to use so I haven't bought anything yet I an undecided. guess ill sleep on it but I need to figure out which one by Saturday I make it sunday and has to be done sunday night.

    when I was standing in line at joannes to buy the carpet, an older white lady in a low voice told me that's very nice fabric, what are you doing with it? I told her I was lining the trunk of a 40s chevy with it and showed her the picture. even she said that fabric is perfect for it, then asked what was the price on it. told her it was pricey but worth it, 50 bucks a yard and I got a yard and 6 inches so about 58 bucks. she then gave me her cupon and said I could have it, what shes buying it was only going to save her 2 bucks and handed it to me said to take it its fine. I get to the register to pay and look what the cupon saved me


    I was like shit, wow! thank you! I thanked her and she said I was welcome, shes glad it worked with what I was buying. said she was happy to help, but the girl at the register saw when she gave me the cupon and made a face, like if it was coming out of her pocket so I gave her a face like fuck you and was just glad she gave me that face not the lady. but that was really nice, not only because I saved money but because it showed me there is still good people, nice people out there, that's why I try to be that way myself and always try to help others but felt good knowing there is still good people out there
  26. gallogiro
    Joined: Aug 10, 2008
    Posts: 911


    sorry for the super huge pics, don't know what happened
  27. xpletiv
    Joined: Jul 9, 2008
    Posts: 938

    from chiburbs

    Oh man, the smaller pic of the blue patterned stuff(blue pattern w/cream background) I want it, but nowhere I've looked would have something near or like it. Gotta try the web.

    Nice score!
  28. gallogiro
    Joined: Aug 10, 2008
    Posts: 911


    yea I liked that one too, goes with the carpet I got it. but if I go with that it wont have buttons will be solid, but If so I was thinking to dress It up somehow. ill figure it out, just stuck on what im going to use im stuck
  29. gallogiro
    Joined: Aug 10, 2008
    Posts: 911


    started sewing today the carpet to the foam, I said STARTED. till company came over and wanted to go eat so I figured it would be ok I can take a 30 min break, and this is her so that's why I didn't say no
    who likes del taco, because I love del taco!
  30. shadams
    Joined: Mar 16, 2011
    Posts: 1,505


    HAHA!!WTF! Booty on the was she doin something and you snuck some pics or was she posing for an ass shot? Either way....looks good from way out here in Texas, haha!!

    Anyway, that fabric is going to look sweet....still waiting on a nite pic of the crystal...

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