Another small update. I installed the rubber seal on the hood air deflector using pieces of mechanic’s wire for the staples. Mounted the tail lights. They just barely clear the garage door. Put the decals on the air filter assembly and set it on the motor. I still need to get an air filter. Sent from my iPhone using H.A.M.B.
The brake reservoir and air cleaner are just plain cool! Good job! Sent from my SM-G900V using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
Very nice and neat and clean Sir.Please keep the updates coming as you are able. Good luck.Have fun.Be safe. Leo
Well, I had some success and some failure today. Success: - I had the pleasure of talking to a couple of Hambers this morning as we did a little bench racing. - I have the pressure for the transmission TV cable set. - I put the modified master cylinder lid on and bled the system. Failure: - the modified master cylinder lid is leaking where the cap and the rubber gasket meet. I thought for sure the clamp that holds the lid down would put enough pressure on it to seal it. Guess not. Once the exhaust and such cool off I’ll take the lid off and see if I can come up with a way to seal the rubber to the lid. On another positive note, the engine ran nice and smooth while I was bleeding the brakes and setting the TV cable pressure. Sent from my iPhone using H.A.M.B.
That's asking quite a bit to have that seal like that.are you filling the oil filter can up all the way?mabe just fill the master cyl.and a little bit in the oil can?when the fluid comes back in the master after depressing the pedal,it's probably overcoming the seal strength.just my thought
So you’re thinking the hydraulic pressure is just too great? I thought the fluid would just go back up the tube into the oil can but you make a good point. I used a similar setup on a buddy’s F1 but the lid we used for the MC was a flat piece of aluminum with a hose fitting connecting back to the oil can. Trial and error I suppose. If I can get it to work, great. If not, well I tried but I’m not giving up just yet. Sent from my iPhone using H.A.M.B.
Finished painting the license plate. I’m so excited about putting this on the front of the truck. When I first got it. From the painter Lettering done. Sent from my iPhone using H.A.M.B.
A couple more steps forward and a half step back. I put some silicone around the MC lid to try and help seal the rubber gasket to the MC lid. It definitely worked better than before as in the brake fluid wasn’t gushing past it but in the end it did still leak. So it looks like the magical oil canister MC reservoir is going to be decorative only. I did uncover a MC leak around a fitting so I got that sealed and the brakes bled. The pedal is good but not great. Think I might lengthen the push rod between the brake pedal and booster and rebleed the system. I ordered a K&N filter last week and it came in today. I think it’ll work! Sent from my iPhone using H.A.M.B.
Too bad about the leaking, [emoji53] but on a good note the air cleaner is so cool! [emoji41] Sent from my SM-G900V using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
Got a few more small things done today. I tightened up the lugs (inner and outer) on the back wheels and installed some chrome lug covers. These covers were the first thing I bought for the truck when I started working on it. I didn’t put them on the front wheels yet because I have to take the front wheels off and set the front axle on some dollies to get the truck low enough to clear the garage door. I also painted and installed the hood latch. And I have the air filter assembly fully mounted. I bought some all-thread and cut it down to size. Glued a 1/2 spacer to the bottom of the air filter assembly. And made/painted a strap to simulate the one that would have originally tightened the assembly to the carb. Sent from my iPhone using H.A.M.B.
Since I couldn’t get a guy to sell me the hood safety latch I needed I resorted to making my own. I borrowed one from a buddy’s ‘50 F1, bought some steel and got to work. It’s a little thicker than stock but it’ll work! Now to paint and install it. This was the last piece I needed to complete the truck. Sent from my iPhone using H.A.M.B.
Well, tomorrow is the day, I'm getting the truck out of my garage, getting it registered and hopefully the AC charged. I've been doing some small things on the truck, sorry no pics. - I have the hood where it latches now. The fun part was when I finally got the hood latch, I couldn't open it!! Fortunately I don't have the gravel pan installed so I was able to remove the hood latch bolt from underneath with a long extension. Once the hood was open again I realized the hood release wasn't opening fully so I adjusted that and it works great! - I installed the glove box insert and glove box door. I had to make a limiting strap for the door because it was rubbing/hitting the dash when opened. Obviously I didn't want the paint to be dinged so I took some black electrical wire and two ring terminals and made a strap to keep the glove box door from opening all the way. - I tightened up the cowl vent handle. Really hoping that it doesn't leak since the fuse panel and relays are in close proximity to it. - Clay bared and waxed the truck. I was amazed at the schumtz the clay bar removed. It's nice and slick/shiny now! - I was going to mount the front bumper but realized the paint shop left some rubbing compound on it and I couldn't get it off. I'm taking the bumper back to the paint shop today. - I touched up the chassis with some black paint. There were a few placed the paint had been nicked so I "fixed" them. I'm crossing my fingers that the first test drive goes well. Honestly, I'm pretty nervous. There are an awful lot of parts on this truck that have never worked together "in real life". Should be interesting!
Well, “Fred” is out of the garage!! I drove it up and down the street and he does pretty good. Got the brakes adjusted some more but it appears the rebuilt carb will have to be replaced. It’s sucking air through the secondary throttle shaft. The trans seems to be shifting well and the ride is, well, stiff. Having the bed on will probably help. Front tires removed and drums sitting on Dolleys to get the cab low enough to clear the garage door. Sent from my iPhone using H.A.M.B.
This weekend with the truck has been interesting! A few of the bugs that have shown up are as follows. - had to convert the brake light switch from pressure to mechanical. I really don't have to press the brake pedal hard to get the truck to slow down/stop, thus I wasn't generating enough pressure to activate the pressure switch. Changing it to mechanical, as soon as I put my foot on the pedal the brake lights are coming on. - the seal where the passenger axle slides in the drum/hub is leaking a bit. I have some gear oil on the rim. Should be an easy fix. - had to retighten the door hinges. - trans is shifting good but going into O/D it hesitates a bit and the engines revs some. - need to remove and reposition the steering wheel so that it is straight when the front tires are. - gave my wife a ride in the truck last night and both headlights blew, low and high, as soon as I turned them on. Hopefully it's just a bulb issue. The fog lights worked well, thankfully, so I still drove the truck. My wife commented that she was glad she had a sports bra on; the truck is obviously a boob shaker. haha not too bad, all things considered, for a fresh build.
Jeez Dave that's a nice looking truck . I like the color even more in the sunshine. Gets a guy to thinking !!! Great job !
Thanks Andy! I love the color. It's supposed to mimic '48 Ford Pheasant Red. Not sure how exact it is because I didn't have a paint code; just used color chips to get close.
I have some of the bugs worked out of the truck and had the AC charged a couple weeks ago. This weekend I started working on the wood for the bed. As mentioned probably a year or so ago, I didn’t order the full thickness wood for the bed floor in order to save some money, so yesterday I was trying to decide whether to varnish the wood spacers or paint them black. Well, I decided to paint them black in the hopes the spacers won’t be noticed. Really the only place you’d see them is on the front of the bed. Anyway, after sanding the spacers I put their first coat of black paint on. Sent from my iPhone using H.A.M.B.