So I just got my truck delivered to my house and am waiting for the current registration in the mail so I can transfer it to my name and drive it on the street. Until then it's in a parking lot and I'm tinkering. My passenger side door handle works, but it is able to spin 360 degrees and not stop. I've taken it off, sprayed it with the magic WD40, but no luck. Does anyone know what's wrong?/have pictures... And another problem I haven't looked at too closely yet is the horn doesn't work. How do I get it to work...what usually goes wrong? I didn't see one under the hood, so maybe I don't have one, but it's pretty original, and that would really be the only thing missing under the hood, but maybe when the previous owner switched to 12v he took it out for some reason? Or is it hidden somewhere else on these trucks. Also...My vacuum Wipers want to work it seems, but the hose keeps getting crushed in, and they don't really work. If I just replace it with a new hose will that possibly stop this, or is the problem deeper than that. P.S. I'm new to this whole restoring thing and I'm glad my problems thus far are so miniscule. Knock on wood...
Door handle is probly worn out, horn is usually mounted on exhaust manifold if original motor's still in it....squirt some WD40 into the wiper motor where the hose slips on, it'll swell up the leathers inside, install new hose, turn on the wiper switch and help them along, it should start to work real well on it's own. good luck, any pics?
replacement handels are reproduced horn pic trace wire comming out of the bottom ot the steering mast inside the cab if you will be driving in the rain much you may want to upgrade to electric wipers.
I haven't heard of the WD40 in the wipers, good idea I'll do that when I replace the hose. They want to work...they just need help. And it looks like I don't have a horn at the moment...I'll have to figure that out for my inspection. And yeah I saw the replacement parts for the handles, but I wasn't sure if there was a "quick fix." I appreciate the help! I'll be putting pictures up once I get the truck to my house and can drive it more than in just a small parking lot. Maybe even a video if I can figure that out! And notthatguy....not sure if that's your truck, but that is one clean truck! I like it!