I should have asked that differently. You are going to remove the step flange and do a proper panel replace, right? Now, I understand that is not how most Home Builders go at things but where do you want to spend your time, making a good fit and finish or being a Sculptor with Body Man in a Can trying to get things close enough to paint? Are you going to burry the Sins of poor metal work or learn to do good metal repair?
Check this video out on u-tube on but welding sheet metal i have used this technique for years. The thinner cutoff wheel works the best. Frank
Please check it out . It will cut down on the frustration and grinding and less warpage. I use ER70-S6 .023 wire in my mig , also take several strands twisted together to use with my tig, people call it easy grind. Practice on some scraps till you get your technique down then weld in your patch panels in. The practice time is quicker than Bondo work, Trust Me. Frank
1-Shot, I attended a car chop class put on by @Pinstriper40 in Kansas last Fall and he covered that technique. I have seen the video you posted. Watched it several times as a matter of fact. That is exactly how I had planned to do the butt welding. It works out for a very good fit and weld joint. I am going to try to TIG everything that I can. I need to get some practice time in on the TIG torch before starting all this welding though. I would say I am not up to snuff on my TIG welding, it's been a long time since I have done more than just lay a few practice beads.
Here's a little tip. .060 Tig fill rod is to big for me on Sheetmetal. The bigger the fill B-B the more shrink draw in the seam. I like to pull .030 wire out of my Mig machine and cut 20" give or take lengths and use it. It's closer to the metal thickness your welding on and much less grinding or fileing to get to hammer and dolly work. Try it, you might like it.
@ems customer service , you and I spoke about the quarters when I ordered them. I am using the doors off of a 2 door car so that is why I ordered the 2 door quarters. The doors are about 7" longer than the Sedan Delivery doors. And THAT is what good customer service is. The guy thought I ordered the wrong thing, and wanted to bring it to my attention. How many times does THAT happen. Thanks again EMS!
One step closer to transplanting the Sedan Delivery body. I put some casters on my long sawhorses so I could get the car off the rotisserie and get it set on what is left of the 4 door car. It's time to fit the rockers and the quarters, then put it back on the rotisserie once everything is tied together nice and tight. I am off work next week so between home improvement projects and Dr. Appts, I hope to have some of that accomplished.
Absolute dedication. I admire your stick-to-it-ive-ness. I oxy-acet weld sheet metal. Hard habit to break, since I've been doing it since 1954...
Well there may be a minor setback. Went to the optometrist this morning and it was discovered that I have a Stage 4 cataract on my right eye, and a Stage 2 on the left. Appt with the surgeon tomorrow morning to see what the options are for removal and replacement lenses are. I knew something was up with the right eye, but the left seemed good. I'll get it taken care of and healed up before I start welding. Probably a month to heal up from what Ive read. Maybe it will make me weld better, if I can see!
Thanks Lloyd, It'll be alright. I'll be better for it on the other side. Might not even have to have glasses except to read.
Did you know that the majority of Chinese men have cataracts? The rest have rincolns just a little humor to make ya smile
Do they make auto-darkening lenses? FWIW...my dad got the procedure done a couple of years ago on both eyes (one at a time naturally.) He wore pretty serious prescription glasses most of his life, now he’s got 20/20 vision without glasses or contacts and says he’s never had better eyesight. He said he wishes he’d done it a long time ago.
Well that stinks it will break your stride for a bit, but the new eyes will be a great new bonus! Praying for a speedy recovery!!
Well now, that explains why you bought project #1 in the first place. You're vision was so cloudy you couldn't see what a Mess it was. I just thought you were a Krazzy like the rest of us. Speedy recovery my friend, you won't regret this move.
Guys buy pieces of cars all the time and make cool cars from them, and yes we are Krazy. I am still going to fix that chopped up piece of rusted junk. I've had some ideas about what to do with it. Thank you for the well wishes!
Good luck with the eye surgery - I also suspect you'll be able to see better after than you have for a long time. Wishing you a speedy recovery.
I asked for Auto-Darkening and I got that ol' "deer in the headlights" look so I didnt push the issue.
You will be very happy with the eye repair. I put mine off several years because I am a coward when it come to Drs. If you have the funds for the upgraded lens. Do it! I didn't and wish now I had.
Thanks Dick, I have excellent insurance and a healthy FSA account so yeah, I am going with the upgraded lens. I'm not big on drs either but when you cant see.....and the place I am going to get this taken care of was great today. Gotta get cleared for the procedure with my cardiologist and in a couple of weeks I'll be seeing much better. I hope you are doing well!