I apologize if there's a previous thread...I have no computer and have to use my smart phone...anyway...tearing down this pig, and the passenger windows have me baffled. I have all the hardware out and the frame moves where it's at, but I can't pry the sucker out. The vent window is still in, and it seems I can't get the frame out without removing the vent window which can't come out without the frame being pulled!? Tell you what, Lincoln BUILT a damn car. I know sight unseen it's a big ball of tangled yarn...just seeing if anyone had a trick up their sleeve.
G'day can you send a photo. I know there pretty tight to get out. Cj Posted using the Full Custom H.A.M.B. App!
did you unscrew the two bolts at the bottom of each vent window's glass channel?[the one the door glass slides up and down in]