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1950s 1960s Hot Rod Movie Stills & posters

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by rbantique, Mar 9, 2009.

  1. rbantique
    Joined: Jun 12, 2008
    Posts: 6,439

    from maine

  2. That's Frank Gorshen, the "Riddler" in the mid-60s Batman TV show, in the roadster.
    Stogy likes this.
  3. rbantique
    Joined: Jun 12, 2008
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    from maine

    Both gals were in Dragstrip Girl dragstripgirlmovieposter_edited-1.jpg dragstrip_girl_023.jpg
  4. rbantique
    Joined: Jun 12, 2008
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    from maine

    With 6 You get Eggrolls
  5. rbantique
    Joined: Jun 12, 2008
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    from maine

  6. rbantique
    Joined: Jun 12, 2008
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  7. rbantique
    Joined: Jun 12, 2008
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    from maine

    1961 Lock Up ... Like Father Like Son
    hrm 7.png hrm 3.png hrm 1.png hrm 2.png hrm 5.png hrm 4.png hrm 6.png
  8. rbantique
    Joined: Jun 12, 2008
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    from maine

  9. rbantique
    Joined: Jun 12, 2008
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    from maine

    eb_edited-4.jpg ls.jpg hrp 4.jpg
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2018
    Stogy, Jalopy Joker, GuyW and 4 others like this.
  10. rbantique
    Joined: Jun 12, 2008
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    from maine

    Beverly Hillbillies barris_edited-1.jpg
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  11. rbantique
    Joined: Jun 12, 2008
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    from maine

  12. rbantique
    Joined: Jun 12, 2008
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    from maine

  13. Church Key
    Joined: Nov 30, 2004
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    Church Key

    Stogy, VonWegener and Bowtie Coupe like this.
  14. Pa G.
    Joined: Sep 1, 2012
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    Pa G.
    from CT

    I saw that episode of Lockup referenced in post 608 not long ago. That's the McMullen roadster that Tommy Ivo is driving powered by a multi carbed sbc. The flathead roadster is driven by Stefanie Powers billed here as Taffy Paul (no kidding).
    Stogy and Bowtie Coupe like this.
  15. Stogy
    Joined: Feb 10, 2007
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    @rbantique, thanks for your trip down memory lane...Hotrods, Lust, Love, Bam & The People...Rockin' Roll

    You've found some incredibly cool stuff...;)
    Bowtie Coupe likes this.
  16. rockabilly777
    Joined: Mar 16, 2019
    Posts: 17


    Hi guys and gals, this is officially my first post on the forum. I joined about a year ago, largely because of this thread. I've always been and will probably always be a wannabe hot rodder. I grew up in southeast Michigan and my dad was a Woodward Avenue gearhead through the 60's, and that's probably where my interest in cars came from. I, like most kids, had posters on my bedroom walls during adolescence, and sometime as a young adult became aware that original movie posters were something that could be found and purchased. When I heard of and became a member of ebay around '98, movie posters became a bit easier to find. The genres that I've collected over the years have varied a bit, but always kind of centered around bad girls, juvenile delinquents and hot rods/cars. Except for a handful of movie poster forums that have existed over the years, there really hasn't been a place that I could share the posters I've collected. I have a wordpress account and have considered a blog, but that's not something I've really tackled quite yet. Anyhow, I'll stop yammering. All the posters that I post pictures of are mine and are originals. The few instances that will come up that the posters are prints or reproductions, I'll point it out. I doubt that I have or can show titles that haven't already been shown in this thread, but you might appreciate some that are matted, framed and hanging on the wall. Sorry about the quality of some or all the photos. A professional photographer I'm definitely not. :)

    Hot Rod Girl insert, Hot Rod 1 sheet and Hot Car Girl 3 sheet:
    living room poster corner 20.JPG

    We Go Fast (not a hot rod movie, but has a great title) and The Choppers 1 sheets:
    living room stairs winter 20.JPG

    Not a movie poster at all, but a 24x24 (if memory serves) record store promo poster:
    aliens ate my buick framed.jpg

    Just the seller's photo from the auction. Battle of the Drag Racers 1 sheet:
    battle of the drag racers.jpg

    1 sheet and snipe for Wild For Kicks, which was later retitled Beat Girl:
    beat girl 1 sheet.jpg

    Bikini Beach 1 sheet:
    bikini beach 40x60.jpg

    Blood, Guts, Bullets and Octane 1 sheet:
    blood guts bullets and octane 1 sheet.jpg

    I'm meandering through the posters folder in the computer which is sorted alphabetically, so these posters aren't being presented in order of interest or importance, just what pops up in the folder from beginning to end.

    This is just a small, die-cut herald. From memory, it measures about 6 inches long by 3 inches tall:
    burn em up barnes die cut herald.jpg

    Burnout 1 sheet:
    burnout 1 sheet.jpg

    Jumbo window card from the first Cars movie:
    cars jumbo window card.jpg

    The only other poster from the Cars franchise that I thought was pretty cool. Cars 3 advance 1 sheet:
    cars 3 1 sheet.jpg

    The Checkered Flag half sheet and window card:
    checkered flag half sheet.jpg
    checkered flag window card.jpg

    Suburban Mayhem Australian 1 sheet:

    The Devil on Wheels half sheet (I think this is style A) and The World's Fastest Indian 1 sheet:

    Devil on Wheels 60's re-release 1 sheet:
    devil on wheels 1 sheet.jpg
    The Devil on Wheels insert, framed:
    devil on wheels framed.JPG

    The Devil on Wheels style B(?) half sheet:
    devil on wheels half sheet 2.jpg

    The Devil on Wheels 1 sheet:
    devil on wheels one sheet.jpg
    The Devil's Hairpin 1 sheet:
    devil's hairpin 1 sheet.jpg

    This one is a bit out of sequence alphabetically, but I'll stop posting to the thread for now and pick up sometime later, but I wanted to leave off with something that was actually framed and/or hanging on the wall. Here we have pressbooks for Juvenile Jungle/Young and Wild, Dragstrip Riot/Cool and Crazy, and High School Hellcats/Hot Rod Gang. The cool thing about pressbooks is that in cases like these, you sort of end up with a double feature poster that never happened in a normal poster format.
    framed pressbooks reading area 2018 2.JPG

    Thanks for stopping in and having a look. There's lots more for me to post, but I'll leave off for now. :)
    echo ed, Jalopy Joker, Stogy and 7 others like this.
  17. rockabilly777
    Joined: Mar 16, 2019
    Posts: 17


    Good morning, fellow car geeks. Another day "safer at home" and furloughed from work anyway brings an opportunity to post more stuff. Let's see what I can dig up from the rockabilly archives:

    Dragstrip Girl/Rock All Night Benton window card:
    dragstrip girl - rock all night window card.jpg

    On the right is a Danish movie program for Dragstrip Girl. Definitely cool, but not really big enough to frame and display, so I had a canvas print made of it, which is what's on the left. There are Danish 1 sheets of this title out there somewhere, but I haven't been able to find one for sale yet.
    dragstrip girl danish canvas print.jpg

    Dragstrip Girl insert poster:
    dragstrip girl insert.jpg

    I don't yet have any posters for Dragstrip Riot, but I do have a full lobby card set. I found it a bit troubling that for a movie having "dragstrip" in the title, that aside from the border art, only one card has a partial image of two cars. Ugh.
    dragstrip riot lobby card set.jpg

    A 1 sheet for The Family Secret. Definitely not a car movie, but nice car art on the poster:
    family secret 1 sheet.jpg

    A Belgian poster for The Family Secret. Different art than the US paper, but still nice vintage car stuff.
    family secret belgian.JPG

    Another Belgian poster, this time for In Fast Company:
    fast company belgian.jpg

    Freeway Phobia window card:
    freeway phobia window card.jpg

    And another Belgian poster, this time for Genevieve:
    genevieve belgian.JPG

    Here's Genevieve and In Fast Company, framed and on the wall:
    genevieve and fast company on wall.JPG

    Insert poster for Ghost of Dragstrip Hollow:
    Ghost of Dragstrip Hollow insert.jpg

    This is an ex-Yugoslavian poster for an Italian film, titled Giovani Mariti. The English title is Young Husbands:
    giovani mariti framed.jpg

    Pressbook for The Girl In Lover's Lane/The Wild Ride:
    girl in lovers lane - wild ride pressbook.jpg

    Insert poster for The Girl In Lover's Lane. Only sort of car related, but worth posting:
    girl in lovers lane insert.jpg

    The Green Helmet 1 sheet:
    green helmet 1 sheet.jpg

    Hell's Highway 1 sheet:
    hell's highway 1 sheet.jpg

    High School Hellcats lobby card set. I'm posting this title now because one of the cards features cars. I have an insert poster for this title that I'll post later after the car stuff with bad girl/juvenile delinquent-y stuff if there's any interest.
    high school hellcats lobby set.jpg

    Highway Dragnet 1 sheet:
    highway dragnet 1 sheet.jpg

    Highway Dragnet Belgian poster:
    highway dragnet belgian.jpg

    Hot Car Girl 3 sheet (already shown in my first post):
    hot car girl 3 sheet.jpg

    Hot Cars 1 sheet:
    hot cars 1 sheet.jpg

    Also posted previously, but here's a better photo of my 1 sheet for Hot Rod:
    hot rod 1 sheet.jpg

    A 30x40" poster for Hot Rod Action:
    hot rod action 30x40.jpg

    And like last time, I'll leave off with something framed. Also in my previous post, but here's a little better shot. Hot Rod Girl insert:
    hot rod girl framed.jpg
    Thanks again for looking. I'll be back with more. :)
  18. rockabilly777
    Joined: Mar 16, 2019
    Posts: 17


    Good morning fellow petrolheads (as Clarkson, Hammond and May would say), and happy Easter! I hope this morning finds you and your families all safe, well and healthy. This is my second attempt at a post this morning. Somehow I dragged and dropped a picture incorrectly to the post, and I couldn't get what I had done to that point back. Arrrgggghhh. :mad: Anyhow, let's try again. This time I'll try and use the "save draft" disk icon and see if it helps. This morning I'll start out a little differently and post a picture of my office/poster lair. It's much more of the latter, as I'm not really intelligent enough to do anything that requires an "office". This photo was taken about a year ago, and there's a significant amount that's gone up on the walls since then, but the room is way too disheveled to snap a new pic this morning. I'll do that another day.
    poster lair 2-19.JPG

    Next up, I need to go out of sequence alphabetically a bit. When I was going through my first post, I left out my Deuce of Spades poster, probably because I wanted to show a pic of it framed, and there wasn't one on the computer. I had one on my phone that I sent just now, and also sent a handful of related pics with it.

    deuce of spades poster framed with car.JPG

    The poster is autographed by the superwoman that made Deuce of Spades, Faith Granger. As some of you are probably aware, she financed, produced, wrote, directed, acted in, and wore most of the other hats that it took to make the film. In front of the poster is an Ertl American Muscle '32 roadster that I sent to her and had her pinstripe and number, the latter of those two paying homage to the dry lakes racers. Here's a few pics she sent me while she was working on it:

    pinstriped roadster RH.JPG
    pinstriped roadster top view.JPG
    pinstriped roadster front 2.JPG
    pinstriped roadster back.JPG

    I was really pleased with how it turned out. So, having made that little diversion, let's get on with the show.
    1 sheet for Hot Rod Girls Save The World. I've since matted and framed it. No idea why I don't have a picture of it:
    hot rod girls save the world movie poster.jpg
    Hot Rod Hullabaloo 1 sheet and insert:
    hot rod hullabaloo 1 sheet.jpg
    hot rod hullabaloo insert.jpg

    Hot Rod Pinups half sheet:
    hot rod pinups half sheet.jpg

    Hot Rod Rumble Half sheet (style B) and insert:
    hot rod rumble half sheet.jpg
    hot rod rumble insert.jpg

    Again, my apologies for some of these pics. When I buy a poster I usually save the seller's pic, and then never get around to taking better ones of my own. Both of the above posters show up in the panoramic photo I posted, so at least there's that.

    Here's a couple prints that show up earlier in this thread somewhere, from the very talented artist (and nice guy to chat with) James Owens:
    hot rod zombies 16x20 print.jpg
    dragstrip delinquents 16x20 print.jpg

    Jalopy half sheet. Another one that has since been framed, but where's the pic? Ugh.
    jalopy half sheet.jpg

    Johnny Dark half sheet. Same deal here. It's framed now, where's the pic? What kind of lazy-ass am I anyway? ;)
    johnny dark half sheet.jpg

    Joy Ride 1 sheet, 3 sheet and daybill:
    joy ride 1 sheet.jpg
    joy ride 3 sheet.jpg
    joy ride daybill.jpg

    La Bella Americana Spanish 1 sheet:
    la bella americana Spanish 1 sheet.jpg

    I'll wrap up this post for now, and as usual I'll end with something framed and on the wall. It goes out of sequence a little bit, as I'm posting this pic more for Roadracers than Daddy-o at the moment. As mentioned, if there's interest after the car stuff is posted, I'll go back through and start posting juvenile delinquent/bad girl stuff. You've seen this setting before, but this is what was in the 3 sheet frame before Hot Car Girl:
    living room 3 sheet 10-19.JPG

    As always, thanks for stopping in and having a look. With regards to the forum and this particular thread I'm way late to the party, but I'm just sharing a bit of the poster love. :) Have a great day, and stay safe!

    Attached Files:

  19. rockabilly777
    Joined: Mar 16, 2019
    Posts: 17


    Good morning, fellow hepcats and kittens! Another day, another opportunity to post some ephemeral goodness. I'm going to take the liberty of stepping outside the tv/movie related stuff a handful of times today. If it rubs anyone the wrong way with regards to being temporarily off topic, I apologize. I've collected a number of posters over the years that don't have movie connections, so let's see what pops up here.

    This one is (in terms of movie material) about half sheet poster size (22x28 inches). It's a record store promo for a Reverend Horton Heat album, but the art is done by the talented artist Max Grundy.
    max grundy horton heat poster.jpg

    From memory, this one is roughly bus shelter poster size, which is about 45"x70". It's a Chrysler dealer service department poster showing an exploded view of an engine/trans:
    mopar parts service poster.jpg

    Probably an auto parts store poster, maybe circa 40's or early 50's with the style of the car. Not sure about the misspelling of rhythm:
    motor rhythm tune up poster.jpg

    Half sheet for Pit Stop:
    pit stop half sheet.jpg

    Two 1 sheets for The Racers. The first one is the original release in 1955, the second was for a re-release in 1961:
    racers 1 sheet.jpg
    racers 1 sheet different style.jpg

    This is a 1 sheet for the re-titled 1962 re-release of the 1950 film, To Please A Lady:
    red hot wheels 1 sheet.jpg

    An ex-Yugoslavian poster for Red Line 7000:
    red line 7000 Yugoslav.jpg

    German poster for Rififi In Stockholm:
    rififi in stockholm german.jpg

    1 sheet for Road Rebels:
    road rebels 1 sheet.jpg

    1 sheet for Secret Agent X-9:
    secret agent x9 1 sheet.jpg

    Crappy image here, but an 11"x17" poster/flyer for what I assume is part of the Sin City graphic novel series, and not directly connected to the films:
    sin city family values.jpg

    Another title I don't have any posters for yet. Like a lot of hot rod/car related movie posters, they seem to stay prohibitively expensive. Here's half a set of lobby cards for Speed Crazy:
    speed crazy lobbies.jpg

    Another one that's not a hot rod movie, but it has a great title and cool art on the poster. 1 sheet and insert for Speed To Spare:
    speed to spare 1 sheet.jpg
    speed to spare insert.jpg

    German poster for Stingray:
    stingray german.jpg

    Window card for Taxi:
    taxi window card.jpg

    1 sheet and half sheet for Teen Age Thunder:
    teen age thunder 1 sheet.jpg
    teen age thunder half sheet.jpg

    I'll include this one here mostly because of the tagline. Teenage Crime Wave half sheet:
    teenage crime wave half sheet.JPG

    This one should've been back up a ways alphabetically, but knucklehead me has it in the computer as "The" Fast And The Furious. Insert poster:
    the fast and the furious insert.jpg

    Same deal for these next two. The filename I gave them includes "the". Ugh. Anyhow, The Young Racers insert:
    the young racers framed.JPG
    The Zero Hour 1 sheet:
    the zero hour 1 sheet.jpg

    Thunder In Carolina 1 sheet:
    thunder in carolina 1 sheet.jpg

    This post has run a bit longer than the others - sorry. I knew I had to be in the home stretch, so I was pushing to get to the end. I think there's only 3 more to go.

    Wild Ones On Wheels 1 sheet:
    wild ones on wheels 1 sheet.jpg

    The Wild Ride 1 sheet:
    wild ride 1 sheet.jpg

    Another one where the poster art is only sort of car related, Wild Youth 1 sheet:
    wild youth 1 sheet.jpg

    And lastly for today, and true to my nature a bit out of sequence, the Life Magazine November 7, '49 article about the hot rod problem that I framed up:
    life magazine hot rod article framed.jpg
    That brings us to the end of the posters folder in the computer, but there's still more car stuff to post. I'll have to get busy snapping some pics of what's left. As before, I appreciate you having a look at the poster-y stuff I've accumulated. Stay safe today, take care of those you love, and have a great day! :D

    Attached Files:

    AHotRod, Tenney, Jalopy Joker and 4 others like this.
  20. rbantique
    Joined: Jun 12, 2008
    Posts: 6,439

    from maine

    Thanks for posting these great images !!
    LOST ANGEL and Stogy like this.
  21. rockabilly777
    Joined: Mar 16, 2019
    Posts: 17


    Good morning, fellow nitromethane sniffin' grease monkeys! I hope this lovely, if not a tad chilly Wednesday finds you all well in body and spirit. Nothing too earth shattering presented here today, so there's plenty of time to avert your eyes and save your boredom for something more deserving. :)
    As I said before, I'm certain that there's very little if anything I can present here that hasn't already been shown in this thread previously. I'm certainly not trying to step on anyone's toes or steal any glory. Everything I post here, unless otherwise noted, is part of my collection. A lot of it ain't pretty, as my budget is very small and for the most part I'm just a bottom feeder. Movie (and other) posters are just kind of a surrogate, as a way to appreciate the history of car culture in the absence of being able to be a hot rodder in real life. So without further ado, let's dive in.
    I'll start with posting pics of some lobbies that have been framed (only one matted, so nothing unusual here), that haven't been able to make it up on the wall yet:
    dragstrip girl lobby framed.jpg
    dragstrip girl lobby framed 2.jpg
    hot rod rumble lobby framed.jpg
    hot rod lobby framed.jpg
    Here's a smattering that I did get up on the wall. They're just in Dollar Tree cheapo frames, but they're up:
    poster lair lobbies 1.JPG
    poster lair lobbies 2.JPG
    poster lair lobbies 3.JPG
    Another US lobby and a Mexican lobby for Teenage Crime Wave:
    ghost of dragstrip hollow lobby framed.jpg
    teenage crime wave mex lobby framed.jpg
    Some framed stills from Teen Age Thunder and Dragstrip Girl, respectively:
    teen age thunder lobbies framed.jpg
    dragstrip girl stills framed.jpg
    Here's that Family Secret Belgian poster framed up. Sorry about the glare on these pics. The lighting in here and these glass frames make it a bit difficult. :mad:
    family secret belgian framed.jpg
    For the most part these are not hot rod/car related. I took a couple 1 sheet frames off the wall the other day and put up some inserts and a different half sheet. I'm not sure how wild I am about the mismatched frames and appearances, but I'll give it a few days. On the opposite wall, I just took down one of the framed pressbooks and hung a half sheet in it's place:
    laundry room april 2020.jpg
    laundry room 2 april 2020.jpg
    laundry room 3 april 2020.jpg
    Allrighty. To wrap things up today, it's repro time. I strongly prefer to collect original posters, but as with lots of things in life, some of these posters seem to be made of unobtainiuim. They're either for sale only occasionally, but pretty expensively, or they just rarely if ever come up for sale, and when/if they do, of course they're very pricey. Also, many times the image quality of reproduction posters sucks. It's tough to tell from an image online how clear the reproduced image will be when you get it in hand. For this first one, I lucked out. It's not perfect, but for a repro sourced on ebay (24x36) it's pretty good:
    blonde comet repro framed.jpg
    These next (and last) two are those that rarely, if ever come up for sale and they'd be plenty pricey if they did. Actually, the Anna Di Brooklyn (US title - Fast and Sexy) Italian poster is for sale from at least one source for $700 currently, but that's too rich for my blood. Anyhow, I took the best images I could find online for these two and had prints made of them. The frames are 24x30, sourced inexpensively from Walmart, so you can kind of gauge the size of the prints from that. I'm pretty pleased with the results:
    anna di brooklyn repro framed.jpg
    suenos de gloria repro framed.jpg
    That's all I can think of to dig up for today. Thanks again for having a look. Crank up some car themed tunes, and have a fantastic day! :D
    Stogy, lurker mick and impala4speed like this.
  22. 51 mercules
    Joined: Nov 29, 2008
    Posts: 4,097

    51 mercules

    I'm not sure if this was posted![​IMG][​IMG]
  23. rockabilly777
    Joined: Mar 16, 2019
    Posts: 17


    Oh heck, it was probably posted, but the more the merrier! There's lots of repeats in this thread, but that's just more to look at. It appears that there were a few movies that used midget car racing as a backdrop. It must've been pretty big during the late 40's and (early?) 50's, which begs the question, where did all the cars go? I was reading an online Hot Rod Magazine article about nitromethane, and it mentions one of the earlier uses of the fuel stateside was by Vic Edelbrock Sr in a midget racer. Sounds like something Wile E Coyote would dream up. ;)
    Except for new acquisitions, which I'll post a couple of here, it looks like I'm probably tapped out on hot rod movie material for the time being. Just to make my post a bit more interesting, I'll throw a couple more pics of posters that have been on the walls in the past, but they're rock n roll and bad girl, not hot rod.

    Here's a new 1 sheet for me. I'll still look for this under the better title of Hot Rods To Hell, but this will be a fine placeholder for now:
    52 miles to terror.jpg

    Here's a Hot Rod Girl/Girls In Prison Benton window card I got the other day. I'm still knocking around the idea of getting the Dragstrip Riot/Cool and the Crazy window card too - it's just kind of meh.
    hot rod girl benton window card framed.jpg

    Here's some 50's - 60's rock n roll-ish stuff that I just took down a couple days ago:
    reading area april 2019 - 2.JPG
    reading area april 2019.JPG

    And to wrap things up, how about some wimmins with questionable morals? ;)

    poster lair insert wall 3-18.JPG
    poster lair inserts 6-10-18.jpg
    That's all for now, gang. Be good, stay safe, maybe crank up She Took My Oldsmobile, by The Romancers and have a great day! :cool::D:cool:
  24. Rockabilly777, you have a great collection of posters, enjoy seeing them.
    Here's a pic of my "Hot Rods To Hell" poster, I also have the "52 Miles to Terror" poster.

    Mick hotrodroomdig6.JPG
    chryslerfan55, Jalopy Joker and Stogy like this.
  25. rockabilly777
    Joined: Mar 16, 2019
    Posts: 17


    Great lookin' wall, Mick! :)
    Stogy and lurker mick like this.
  26. rockabilly777
    Joined: Mar 16, 2019
    Posts: 17


    Hey guys (and hopefully gals), I didn't think I'd have anything to post so soon yet, and this definitely isn't an offering that will change your life in any way, but these are both movie and car related, so why not? It may help everyone's boredom for a minute or two anyway.

    First off, how about a Risky Business poster minus Tom Cruise? Just a nice, wholesome gal and a Porsche 928. It's a video poster, yes (reserve your copy on beta now!), but it's still pretty cool:

    risky business video poster.jpg

    Next up, this is a set of stills (no idea if it's a complete set or not) for Hot Car Girl. I was kind of on the fence about adding them to the rock-o-car geek collection, as they're maybe the dullest set of stills known to man, but they weren't expensive, and I thought it'd be remiss of me not to get 'em. I have two that aren't shown here, but I assure you they're as dull as the others: ;)

    hot car girl stills (2).jpg

    And lastly for now (sorry for the extra short post), a Belgian poster for Checkpoint. I have the US 1 sheet for this title, but the art on this one is different and in some ways better:

    checkpoint belgian poster.jpg

    As always, thanks for looking. I'll continue to add car stuff as I can. Continue to stay safe, and wash those dang hands! ;)
  27. Jalopy Joker
    Joined: Sep 3, 2006
    Posts: 32,551

    Jalopy Joker

    Very Cool - Thanks
    chryslerfan55 likes this.
  28. rockabilly777
    Joined: Mar 16, 2019
    Posts: 17


    Good morning, fellow hot rod hooligans and cubic inch delinquents! I hope today finds you all in good health and good spirits. In the handful of posts I've made to this thread so far, I've veered away from the original topic many times. It has all been in the general interest of automotive related art, but every time I post something that's not 50's or 60's hot rod movie related stuff, I wonder if it's enough of a transgression that a separate thread should be created. Since I've displayed the majority of the movie related automotive stuff I have and am now kind of sweeping the corners for more general automotive art, I'm not sure how far I'd be able to take a whole new thread. Let me know your thoughts on me continuing to add automotive art to this thread, whether it fits the original topic or not. I'm a newcomer, and definitely respectful of the thoughts and feelings of others, and especially long time members. I'm quite happy to post things I have that I think may be of general interest in terms of automotive themed art, but if anyone wants me to stop, just say the word.

    Having said that, I'll post a couple car related movie posters, one from the 60's, but not hot rod, and the other is from the 80's, and arguably more muscle car than hot rod:

    This one is a small (approximately 23x31 inches) French poster - the English title being Death In A Red Jaguar:

    l'homme a la jaguar rouge french.jpg
    This one is generally out of my scope of collecting. My preference is to collect pre 60's movie stuff with the occasional 60's poster here and there, but this was inexpensive and combines women and cars, so I gave it a go. According to IMDB, it's actually an Australian film titled Running On Empty, and Fast Lane Fever was the US title:

    fast lane fever 1 sheet.jpg
    Here's a bit of a departure from movie stuff. Here's a poster (24x32 inches) created by George Trosley, who we all know from CARtoons magazine and Krass and Bernie:
    quick service hot rod grill 24x32.jpg

    Next up, how about going back a few decades further? They used to have some very cool art on sheet music, and in some cases the subject was cars. I think most of these measure roughly 10x13, so they're very frameable.

    hot rod race sheet music.jpg

    he'd have to get under sheet music.jpg

    motor king sheet music.jpg

    And since most of this post has been non movie related, I'll end it with a couple posters promoting the Woodward Dream Cruise from quite a few years back. I grew up in southeast Michigan (and now live in east Tennessee), and it's been ages since I've been able to attend a Woodward Cruise. Hopefully I can make it back for one again at some point.

    2003 dream cruise poster.jpg

    2004 dream cruise poster.jpg

    As always, stay safe, stay sane, take care of those important to you, and have a fantastic day! :cool:
  29. rockabilly777
    Joined: Mar 16, 2019
    Posts: 17


    Good afternoon, and happy Sunday to y'all. I hope this post finds all of you safe, happy, healthy and enjoying the holiday season, no matter what your spiritual or social inclinations are. It looks like it's been over a year since I posted to this thread. I've acquired more movie ephemera in the interim, so I thought I'd lay it on ya, and give you something to look at (and say to yourself "why the @#$% would he buy that??".) ;) There's probably enough for 3 posts or so, so that none of them run too long. Some of these titles I've already posted, but the repeats I post here will likely be a different poster format than ones shown previously. Some of these are true to the original intent of the thread, and inevitably, some of them are not. As stated previously, if the latter of those two rub any of you the wrong way, I apologize. Without further ado:

    Danish 1 sheet for Hot Rod Girl
    hot rod girl danish.jpg

    And here's that one up on the wall with the US insert beside it:
    hot rod girl US - Danish framed.JPG

    Fury Unleashed (UK title for Hot Rod Gang) 30"x40" British quad:
    fury unleashed framed.jpg

    Road Devils British quad and US 1 sheet - IMDB lists Road Devils as an "alternative title" for Hot Rod Gang, but I think it was the title they used for it's re-release in the 60's:
    road devils quad framed.jpg
    road devils 1 sheet.JPG

    British quad for The Fast and the Furious:

    Fast forwarding quite a few decades, a subway format poster for The Fate of the Furious (measures approximately 45"x60"):
    fate of the furious bus shelter.jpg

    And lastly for this post (8 posters seems a good limit), going in the wayback machine to 1939, a condition challenged insert for Burn 'Em Up O'Connor:
    burn em up oconnor insert.jpg

    Thanks for looking, hot rod guys and gals. There's lots more to post - probably more than 2 more posts will accommodate, so tune in next time - same time, same poster channel! Until then, stay safe and be good to each other. :)

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