Posting some images here of artwork that led to the birth of the boom in Hot Rod comics published in the 50s & 60s, the period itself, and its affect on hot rod art today..Thanks to Ryan for providing this space to share this ever evolving hot rod art form. Here you will meet or revisit Clint Curtis, Speed Davis, Buster Camshaft, Scott Jackson, Natch Kilroy, Speed Smith , Ken King, Flash Foster, Freddy, Howdy Hail, Andy Hardy, Hot Rod Happy, Johnny Comet, Rick Roberts, Chuck White, & the group of folks from Gasoline Alley. Most of these stories do not accurately portray hot rodding. They were not intended to. Exploitation was what sold the comics. It is easy to see how the general public got a bad impression when they heard "HOT ROD". Wonder Woman Speed Savage
That is sweet...I wonder how much it would cost to acquire that issue or if anyone makes a reprint of the cover as a poster? Either way, thanks for sharing
Thanks for the interest . A few for young kids. We used to call them Funny Books. They would keep us kids in the back seat quiet while Dad drove the car. Cars now have DVDs with full length movies . The splash panel = TOO much beer, the crinkle fender technique, & a 50s female attitude toward hot rodders . Put Down From the Past by Bill Montes Put Down From the Past by Bill Montes
Clint Curtis was in Hot Comics. Here is the first issue , the splash panel of The Racing Witch, & some early Green Hornet . Comics were sold on newstands, drug stores,and local Mom & Pop groceries. If you were a good kid they would hold a book or two for you under the counter so you would not miss your favorite issue.Also a few Bumper to Bumper comic strips from the 50s & a splash panel of "Cursed". Buster Camshaft 1951
Plenty of old Hot Rod comics on ebay ...Here is a shady character with a rod for sale, + some good girl art.. Pearl & Terri. Forbidden Love was the type of comic we needed protection from said the Comic Code.. check for the seal of approval !!! A few more comic strips. Bumper to Bumper & Nate by Dave Bell
Apologizing in advance for straying off the topic of hot rods from time to time & posting some random panels.. most with old cars - clipped from vintage horror, romance, crime, superhero comics, & from a wide variety of comic book blogs & web sites. Here is a bad girl comic that Mom did not approve of.... You said Chicken ? Hot Rods and Racing Cars, ,Mighty Matchbox, & rear end art panel
Push It To The Floor Norman Saunders painted cover . Check out his book shown and a Dime Dectective cover . Also shown are some early The Shadow interior car art panels + Scott Jackson. Splash panels for Superman in Talking Car and Green Lantern , Rockin' the Boat, plus Nate.
Hot Rod King Speed Smith published by Ziff Davis with a Frank Giacoia cover. Women racers,& some later Shadow art. A Pall of Death + assorted interior panels from some romance comics & more Nate.
Hot Rods & Racing Cars was the longest running Charlton hot rod comic. 120 issues from Nov 51 to Jun 73. Other Charlton titles were 16 issues of Teenage Hotrodders from Apr 63 to Jul 67 which got retitled to Top Eliminator for 5 issues Sep 67 to Jul 68 which got retitled again to Drag N Wheels 29 issues 68 to 73. Another Charlton title Drag-Strip Hotrodders ran for 16 issues from the Summer of 63 to Aug 67 which got retitled to World of Wheels for 16 issues Oct 67 to Jun 70. Still another Charlton title Hot Rod Racers had 15 issues from Dec 64 to Jul 67 which was retitled to Grand Prix for issues 16-31. Charlton title Speed Demons ran for 6 issues Feb 57 to 1958. Hillman Periodicals put out Hot Rod & Speedway Comics for 5 issues feb 52 to May 53. Fawcett Publications put out 7 issues of Hot Rod Comics from Nov 51 to Feb 53. Ziff-Davis Publishing co put out 2 comics in 52 Hot Rod King & the other titled Speed Smith the Hot Rod King.There were many other comic book series that had an occasional hot rod theme which are fun to collect also.
Bob Powell did the art for the seven issues of Hot Rod Comics. Student Nurses & the original Powell cover art. + some 1937 Gasoline Alley strips with Skeezix , his fenderless cutdown roadster & teenage buddies. The ole blob of grease
Death was the Driver interior artwork and story line. Also a nice Bob Powell Hot Rod Cover + 1937 Gasoline Alley Dirt on the license plates
a little car humor Several Humor type covers with cars. also a couple of detective issues. check out the other Arin Cee threads.. Chicken Draggers... Peggy Tyler Dead at 16
Clint with his foot in it , excellent Hot Rods & Speedway cover, more Hot Rod & Racing Car covers, Arin, & 1937 Gasoline Alley
I guess these comics aren't cheap... Geesh.
Yeah, they are...this is foolishness. The ones I posted above were less than $10 apiece...also on Ebay
Dollman & Hot Rods & Racing Cars featuring Speed Davis and Buster Camshaft ..they were 10 cents ea . Also some mid 30s Gasoline Alley comic strips Vampire vs Chevy
I need little or no encouragement . I 've always liked this hot rod art stuff . went to art school in the 60s but found out quick that it was going to be tuff trying make a living at it . see my other threads on hot rod movie poster artwork, exploitation paperback car covers, & 40s 50s 60s commercial artwork as it relates to this 1950s comic art.
You know. If somebody was smart. They would take these comics and blow them up to poster size and sell them. Man I bet they would sell well. How about taking one on an overhead projector and painting the image on a shop wall in full color. Now that would be awesome. These are great.
I like that overhead projector idea...A boy grease monkey, a woman reporter in distress using a stack of wide whites for defense, Johnny Comet & Raven, plus more 1937 Gasoline Alley