Thanks so much for the trip down memory lane. I cannot believe that no one posted "Car Toons". That was my favorite comic book. I think it came out in the 60's. Anyone one out there have any to post?
Mostly only a collection of images on my computer. Inspiration for the young at heart. A panel by Jack Kirby with vintage trailer art and some Art Saaf romance for the ladies . Also some Batmobile art and Margie
Bob Powell panel I think this link covers 90% . They were great and deserved a thread all of their own !!! rod cartoons Here is a sample
Bob Powell did the artwork for Hot Rod Comics 1-7 Here is some of his art from other comics of the same period Margie + King comic strip art
The graphic violence in crime related covers was the main reason they came up with the comic code which put many comic publishing companies out of business.
These are a different breed of cat than what's been posted so far, but these three humorous articles were written and illustrated by Marv Rubin for Honk! magazine in 1953. They were funny to me then, and they still are:
I remember the Honk magazine your article was in ..renamed Car Craft after several issues I believe. There was another Honk also put out by Don Martin some years later. Also a glasstop comic strip His Big Dream & Return of the Champ by jack Keller
WOW! I just wasted HOW long on this thread! Jeeze...there went my day. what a great inspirational thread. Thanks for the history lesson guys.
All I can say is this thread rules! Has anyone made a thread on their favorite issues of various old hot rod magazines? I just ordered a bunch of old 50s Hot Rod Magazines and Hop Up, Rod and Customs etc. I CANT WAIT!!!! If i'm ambitious enough ill scan some stuff. A thread on favorite 50s auto part/speed shop advertisements would be cool too...
Sorry to hear about Dave Stevens . May his spirit hear our words of praise. So many people pass on and disappear without a trace. His art will be here to inspire others forever. Late 40s Buzzy
Nice Kirby cover but no relation to story contents (circa 1946 10 cents) not to be confused with Thrills of Tomorrow which was released in the mid 50s