I purchased a 1968 Mustang tank for my 1951 F-1 (mounted on a 1977 C-10 Chassis) only to find that tank is slightly too wide to fit in rear frame (thought I could cut about an inch from rails and it would fit - It would not!!!) I need a tank that is about 27 inches wide Excluding Flange to mount in rear bed with a center fill. I guess that means about 291/2 inches wide (flange included), I don't mind ordering the tank but don't know which make/model, etc. of vehicle had a tank that meets the size limitation. SUGGESTIONS!!!
go to the "tanks" website, they have pics with dimensions...I'll bet you could trim your rails to make the 'stang on fit tho.
I cannot trim rails that much without damaging structural integrity. Also, mounting location close to the leaf spring load. It would not be worth the risk!
I bought one from Tanks, didn't have to trim the frame. Pictures in my profile album. Pretty easy deal.
t bird rear looks tits! first mistake was using a chevy frame under your FORD the ghost of henry is punishing you use a blazer tank and be done with it