So, im going to be using this to track my build a little easier, i have posted a few questions on this car so far. so here we go!! from the beginning. purchased this car back in Dec,21 with a plan of having it running in a year for a car show in Tombstone AZ in Nov and well that didnt happen. missed it again this year(show is next weekend) life got in the way and didnt want to rush. here are a few picture's of how i got the car Chopped 3"( i think) shaved door handles and gas door(i hate).... Ford 8" from a Granada lowering blocks in rear lowering spindles
First thing i did was take a surface conditioner tool to the rust and puddy... a afternoon later and a dozen cand of primer, at least it is not rusted anymore... now a few holes to fix..... later..
Helped a friend pull a 400 sbc from his 78 k20 so he can throw a Diesel in the truck ... my fee? a 400 sbc engine... and a Th350 51k milage on the engine i know it will upset alot of people... BUT its free and a engine that is free is the engine for me
new Master cylinder installed, all new wheel cylinders and brake lines.... and yes.. i did forget the fitting once on a flare
and this makes it up to today, i had a old block and empty trans case i used to mock up the shoebox central mounts, ill need to cut the crossmember and notch it, going to be very tight at the oil pan.
What you doing with the front seat out of that car? I also have a 51, Gonna do a "Gasser" style build
Congratulations! I bought my 49 coupe which I named The Judge back in 2011. Luckily the body was in very good shape and had been primed with epoxy primer.. It took me 8 years nearly every day to get her where she is now. However I decided to document it in a different way.. so that I could organize the subject matter.. I had two reasons to do it that way. So that in the future I can remember what the hell I did, and when I'm gone the next owner will be able to figure out what the hell I did... The website is organized in galleries with a specific subject for each gallery.. it's best to just scroll a gallery rather than tap on a given picture because you lose the narrative that goes along with the photograph. For the included videos you have to tap on those to play them but then hit the back button to get back to the gallery.. for those who are interested the link is in my profile, or you can Google "1949 Ford Coupe Paul". Perhaps you can get some ideas here and there for your build!
Didn't do anything to amazing today, just worked on degreesing the sbc400 and removed the factory oil pump to install the chevy 2 pump, tho I behave a problems.. Mounting the pick up tube. The bracket doesn't line up with the mains in the 400, probably will have to cut the tab off and figure something else out. Took some measurements to check crossmember clearance. And no.. the oilpan is not staying purple
You have to drill and tap a hole in the block web for a factory-ish installation of the Chevy II pick up tube. Fun to do on a newly assembled short block...
I don't think I can do that, the 400 has bigger mains, I don't have any room. I was thinking about cutting off the bracket. Bolting it down then rewelding it to the tube
One think to watch is that one of the rods may hit the pump body. Bolt it on loose and give the crank a spin. That pump is made for a 3.25" stroke, no bueno with my 3.48" stroke.
That is the plan, been going to are local swapmeet, if I can't find it there or locally I'm trying to not buy it. Only exception so far was when I splurged got the wiring harness online.
Thank you most progress will be on weekends. except this coming up weekend, I'll be at Tombstone AZ for a carshow I volunteer at
Well... crank does hit oil pump.... new problem. Need to figure out how to make that work or find a new oilpan that will work or figure something else out to clear tie rods
as has been said many times, nothing is easy. '51 front-end is one of the best lookin. might want to do some more wheeling & dealing to get a 350. search online for Steve's Nova site that may have info on whether or not a 400 ever used with Nova pan
i did some measuring, if i notch the stock pan in the back 1" deep and 1" tall it will clear and back on track im going to clean the pan up and do some cutting and tac welding to make it clear. at best. problem fixed... at worsted i get to practice welding and improve then it still wont leak then sell the chevy 2 pan/oil pump
That's a sweet car, looking forward to seeing it come together! Don't blame you for using a sbc, cheaper and much easier to find parts no matter what people try to tell you...
Look at '55-57 Chevy oil pans that have tie rod clearance. It was too iffy in my case, I still may have had to alter it.
I haven't gotten more into getting the engine fit, BUT I did get the gauge rebuilt converted to 12v and cleaned up! Along with the dash. Tho I need to do some research on changing the milage to match the engine.
We used to use an electric drill on the speedo to run the milage back. You can contact Rusty of Speedometer Service here on HAMB to get a professional opinion.