It's not on the cover, but I'm not complaining about a 14 page article in TRJ for my first build. The Dan Webb built So-Cal Streamliner and Johnson's Hot Rod Shop '32 definitely deserve the cover more than the Kaiser.
This is so huge! You gotta know how many people feel a lot of pride on your behalf... kinda like watching your kids raise their kids from afar. We're just so damned proud of you (wiping tear)...
Congrats on your build this car is unbelieveable great job are you ready for your next built. Frenchy
Hey Frenchy! I have a lot of ideas in my head, I need to pick one and get going on it. I want to meet up with you guys again, any plans for a show or Pavillions soon?
This weekend I will not be at the Pavillion as well as next weekend I will be at the Rockabily in Lake Havasu 17 th to the 19 th. Frenchy
Headed to Pavillions tonight, hope to see some HAMBers there. Also planning on the Goodguys show in a few weeks at Westworld in Scottsdale. Hoping to hit more shows once the boy grows up a bit and we are up to it as a family.
Saw your car at the Pavilions last weekend. It was by far one of the sweetest rides we saw out there. I am on about page 5 of your build thread, and I am blown away at all the work you did to this car. I just had to stop by and say Job VERY Well Done. Hope to see you in person some time since we are semi local.
J-Man, wish we could have said hi, but we were not near the car most of the night. We met some friends and then had dinner at YC's. I moved the car over there and we sat at the outside tables and watched people check out the car. It was quite strange to sit there and look at my car finished. Thanks for the compliments, hope to see you out there next time.
Pickup Rodder Journal at the swap meet. What a great write up. Neat story and a great build. Car looks great, I hope you were able to get copies of some of the mag shots. Congrats! Nobody told you, you couldn't do it.
Thanks Jett, I was very pleased with the article. I got my subscription issue this week and will be leaving it in the plastic, since I already have an early release issue that I can read and show people.
Great car , congrats very well executed, really enjoyed following and reading about all your hard work and the respect for Gene. Hope to see it in person one day soon. Also congrats on the little one its just as fun being a dad as it is building cars. Sent from Boerne Stage Kustoms
Rodder's Journal put up a preview of issue #54 on their site, check it out.
I just got it in the mail and immediately read it; very nice! Congrats on a job well done Keith! It was fun, eh?
Great job Keith, congrats on the coverage. Got my issue this week and immediately read your article first. I couldn't be happier for you! ps: don't have time for Merc wants it's chrome! LOL
It sure was, and I literally could not have done it without your support. Glad you finally got to read the article. Those pictures really show off the brightwork huh? The front end shot shows how absolutely straight the grille bars and bumper are. Put a straightedge on that page, I dare ya!
great car, i saw it in Hot Rod unpainted. great build and a inspired design. should have looked for the build here, keep it up.
Keith, Like many others, picked up a copy of The Rodders Journal and saw the Kaiser. Looks fantastic. Congrats.