Got my shine on today. And despite looking at custom making a new Olds rocket steering wheel done cap I managed to track down a repop clear dome to really finish the job off
Where the heck do you buy titanium? Know somebody in the aerospace industry or is there somewhere that specializes in selling blocks for lowriders?
I used to buy my titanium out of the scrap bins of a titanium mountain bike hub makers 'HOPE TECHNOLOGIES' but now of course it ain't scrap :-/ Chrome is getting done locally but I'm In UK so not much use to you
Hi Anteek. They are a garage that handled the first part of the build before I got my hands on it.
A bit more progress. working my way through getting the olds wheel horn contacts working witht he chevy truck setup. So far extending the copper sprung loaded contact before I get into the wiring.
scored a B-31 and magnifying lenses off Fleebay. Now I just gotta adapt to recreate those super rare Suburban Clamshell backup lights
Been learning blanket stitch to adapt my vintage travel blanket to work around an Accuair Eco mount and tank cover
Long time since last post. So much so I can't even recap what ive been up to. Sent from my iPhone using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
I took delivery of some s/s sliders for the burb side windows. I'm guessing the previous owner gave up trying to replace the weatherstripping as it is a slow and (without gloves) painful job. But I got it done Sent from my iPhone using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
I also had the misfortune of doing a deal with #DrewPhillips of #OilCapitalAutomobiles. Here's what I paid for back in March of 2016... ... And to date, this is all I have received. Not the front seats complete as advertised but just one trash seat cushion. My best advise to everyone is avoid Drew Phillips and his company at all costs as during the painful process of chasing and chasing the rest of the seats I have had 9 calls from other people saying they have also fallen victim to his false claims Sent from my iPhone using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
Never one to be beaten, especially by a crook like Drew Phillips I decided to make new frames for the trash he did bother to send me Hours and hours of unexpected work later. I was ready for mediablast Sent from my iPhone using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
Had to add a 10mm band to the collar of the air filter for it to clearance the carb Sent from my iPhone using The H.A.M.B. mobile app