Currently figuring out my priorities.. I'm not sure I want to invest everything I have into this car. Is there anyone that might have an interest in it? Never hurts to ask..
I would certainly be interested in it, if I had the money to buy it. I would have to give up on my project which I promised my grandson it will be his when I'm gone, so that can't be done.
I have no way to absolutely confirm it, but I feel confident that it's the only intact genuine '53 Studillac extant. I have a LOT of info that I would share with anyone that might be serious about it. There is one other '53 known, but from what I've found out there isn't much left of it. And there are 2 '54's known (both undergoing long term restorations) and a '55. The '55 is in about the same shape as my car, and sold for $24K a month ago. I want nowhere near that for mine, I just have nothing else to compare it to. It has rust. It needs work. But... It's a '53 Studillac. As much as I love the thing, I'm realizing I won't be able to do it justice.
That thing is Great!!!! Compaired to the one I sold last year it's MINT! OPPS I forgot! This on was A StudaPackard!
It's a very cool car! But not being able to do what I want with it kind of takes the fun out of it. Unless someone sees this thread and wants to contact me about it, I'll get it moving under its own power and put it on ebay in the spring. I don't know what to expect.. There hasn't been a Studillac for sale to the public in decades.
Hey, MbS; This site might be worth a try: + the SDC monthly mag. FWIW. Marcus...
Complicated, no. But expensive is relative.. For now it's tucked into a corner of the shop I'm renting space at. I may feel differently about it in a few months, but right now I'm debating on whether going and staying broke for a hobby car is what I really want to do. True! Seeing some of my former old cars go to great homes was one of the highlights of owning them.
Thanks for sharing. Very classy automobile. One of the best 50's body's and one of the best 50's powerplants. All you need is Grace Kelley sitting in the passenger seat. Think about that drive around Monte Carlo??? If you are looking for a nice future road trip, bring her down to Orlando Feb 6th 2016, for our 16th annual Groundhog Gala. I'll save a spot right up front for y'all. JT Orlando Misfires C.C.