I have a 347 Pontiac engine in my 27T. Changed the oil today and I think I need a new sump plug because the threads are a bit buggered. I'm in the UK so I can't nip over to O'Reilly - anyone know what the thread is and whether there's a more modern vehicle used a compatible plug? Thanks
I believe the thread size is 1/2" - 20, with a 9/16" bolt head and would be used in all Pontiac V8 engines. In the US it's available from Dorman, part 65202. It should also be the same as used in a small block Chevy and many other engines, so hopefully it's a common enough part you can find it in your local parts store.
No local parts store here has stocked an imperial threaded part for 25 years but I should be able to find something online
So “nip” on over to your computer and order one from over the pond! Or find an inch bolt (the head would not matter)