You are right. You do not have to own , build or drive a On Topic vehicle to be welcome on the HAMB. Or worse ( I guess, to some ) its even fine if you own the "wrong" vehicle. ( such as Street Rods, Rat Rods, or like in my case vintage Road Race cars ) All we ask is that Users are willing to post things that are Relevant and On Topic. Owning, building and driving a On Topic vehicle doesnt hurt, but its not a requirement. ( like its already mentioned, there are some really knowledgeable Members who are currently without one.)
I wonder if Ryan has info on Country specific numbers? That would be interesting. I know there is a huge following here in NZ. I'm #32621
amazing how crazy its gotten here in the last 10 years! Im not on here nearly as much as I was in the past but its still fun checking in.
To put the 200,000 into perspective, here's some cities with about that population. Tacoma WA Oxnard CA Akron OH Yonkers NY Agusta GA Little Rock AR Huntington Beach CA Salt Lake City UT Des Moines IA Richmond VA Mobile AL Amarillo TX Tallahassee FL
I didn't see Texas on your list of countries Ryan...commercial says: "It's like a whole nuther country"...
I'm 4338. Joined after Christmas 2004. I lurked for a while, wrote an ok intro, and managed to only make a couple of hundred posts since but I learned a ton of stuff, shared what little I know and I guess that's want makes the HAMB great, learning and sharing. Cliff Ramsdell
I lurked for a few years (2000 or so)....not a joiner but this is the first board I joined. #1567 and to my knowledge I still haven't done an intro .
Here is a really dumb question- how do you know what number you are??? I don't see it in my profile anywhere.
Put your pointer over your name and in the bottom bar on the left you'll see it at the end. Your 4421.
If this was posted towards what I asked, I was just CURIOUS how many of the 200k had rods. Nothing meant/implied past curiosity. When I go to a show and someone talks old cars.... I dont assume (or care) if he/she has one or not. P&B said he doesn't and I will still joke around with him, same as before. I have sold cars before finishing the next. When I'm without... I'm still the same car guy. Now, if it wasnt towards me asking, than disregard everything above
I can't wait for the thread about the original 10,000 members. Then I can chime in like a badass. I'm #7338.
Wasn't ment towards anyone in particular, as I said, just a thought! My main reason for the post? Well I know I've only been a member here for a little over a year but have been around here and old cars for quite some time. When I see someone bitchin' about some one's high post count it often (not always) comes from someone that has been here a long time but doesn't have many posts to show for their time. So who's really involved??? Likewise I've seen some folks bitch about someone (who's involved) not having a vehicle or having one that may not be H.A.M.B. friendly. So what! Some of us, like you mentioned, may have sold off and are moving on, some of us "had" been a part of rodding at one time, some of us are just plain car nuts and some of us want to learn and/or contribute. I, for one, have taken a shot for not "presently" having a H.A.M.B. friendly car. I have cars but right now my closest is a '67 that I nostalgia race and I have not boasted about it because of its age. Referenced it's mechanics but have not posted about it. But, I have had many cars and bikes in my past that certainly H.A.M.B. friendly and currently looking for another. So if my 2000+ posts in a little over a year pisses someone off, too bad! At least I'm involved which means I must be helping someone out as well as spreading the gospel of hot rodding. And, as they use to say on the Johnny Carson show, "More to come"!
I lurked a while and was to scared to join! The HAMB wasn't not as gentle and caring then... Another note, every time I use google to search Hot Rod topics, a HAMB thread always appears in the search results. Also, one word ....... Germ.
I just never understood how you could read something on the HAMB, and have some knowledge, or the answer and NOT post. It's just payback for what you learn here. If we kept all the bits of history and trivia in our head and never put it in print it will be lost forever. Bob
That's my point! Too many people just sitting on their ass. Contribute... Not everybody knows everything and what you may know might just help someone that knows alot but didn't know what you just told them.
I'm just posting here to find out my number. As to answering questions and helping out, I try to but usually by the time I read them, someone else has already said the same thing that I would have. So then I resort to feeble attempts at humour. If I'm reading it right, my number is 123124?
#67834, Been here nearly 4 years almost daily. Online at this moment is 800 (+/-) members but 1100 guests!!! Scotty
I thnk I am # 24194. This site has had many threads that were interesting to read. It is good to see that younger people have made hotrodding part of their lives as it promotes a good work ethic and activity based theme to it's members. I have seen great history, engineering, craftsmanship, creativity, art, ability and talent displayed on these pages that makes me proud of the younger generation. Some threads have great pics of cars and projects that we could only dream about years back. Some threads have caused me to just break out laughing as hard as ever and on topics that we would never think could be funny. Some are kinda sad but true, some promote safety, and most of all they are unique from the stand point of our hobby and passion. And the site allows for transfer of knowledge from some of the older guys to younger hotrodders to foster the tradition into the future. Thanks for this site, I am thankful for our right of self-determinaton, and most of all our right to free speech. Long Live The Hamb !!!
Go to Quick Links near the top of the page, at the bottom of the drop down window you'll see "Who's online" click it. In the red box it tells how many members and guests are online. Edit......Just found an easier way. Go to jump forum at the bottom and select who's online.