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Art & Inspiration 2010 HAMB calendar photo submission thread

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by Django, Sep 29, 2009.

  1. Django
    Joined: Nov 15, 2002
    Posts: 10,198

    from Chicago

    Wow, that took awhile to get through. Almost 800 posts and I have about 200+ pics that made the initial cut. I think the quality is up this year too, which is cool and sucks for me at the same time! :D Thanks to everyone who submitted.

    Someone asked why vertical? The short answer is that the vertical format makes me happy and with the many hours (weeks) I put in on this project, I tend to think that my happiness is pretty important. Dig?
  2. T-Roy
    Joined: Aug 12, 2006
    Posts: 931


    Really nice submissions for the 70% or so people who actually read and followed the rules. Can't wait to see the photos that made the final cut!

    Django, once again you've got your work cut out for you...
  3. have fun with that! like i said before, i wouldn't want the task of saying yay or nay on the pics....lots of good stuff there. Good to see that there's still some film users out there that know aperture and depth of field.....real photography- good stuff, can't wait to see this one! Thanks in advance for your efforts as we all appreciate it!
  4. Gaters
    Joined: Dec 29, 2007
    Posts: 566


    You're right! There are definitely more great shots to choose from this year than in the past few, I think. I can't wait to see what you decide. Not to sway your decision, but I'd noticed beer cans seem to catch your fancy. I totally forgot about that and was going to send in a shot just for fun:D. I forgot until now:mad:. I don't recall seeing a picture with beer cans this year but after 800+ pictures it could slipped by me.

    I dig! You deserve to be happy if your got to look through all those picts and decide which hand full to use. It'd be like trying to take all of baseball's greats and chose a starting roster with a few relief pitchers. Ugh!

    What's you first cut like, best 100 or so?

    Good luck, have fun!

    Gaters -
  5. MR. FORD
    Joined: Aug 29, 2005
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    MR. FORD
    from Austin, TX

    Man, this pic is awesome Javier!

  6. MR. FORD
    Joined: Aug 29, 2005
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    MR. FORD
    from Austin, TX

    Ok, had to do it.....Hank Cash (Jeff) took this pic at the HAMB drags 08. I think it would need to be flipped? The streak across the background is a semi truck going by...long exposure. Anyway, its one of my favorites...

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  7. breeder
    Joined: Jul 13, 2005
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    i know its over, but dont it have to be takin this yr? mr ford, can i have your coupe? trade ya a klondike bar for it!!! :)
  8. Buick59
    Joined: Mar 3, 2001
    Posts: 1,995

    from in a house

    Shooting with film or on a Brownie Hawkeye does not make one a better photographer than those who use the digital medium.

    real photography....what a joke.
  9. breeder
    Joined: Jul 13, 2005
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    I agree! and shit!!! i owe you a shirt!!! oops!!!:eek:
  10. "Shooting with film or on a Brownie Hawkeye does not make one a better photographer than those who use the digital medium.

    real photography....what a joke. "

    lighten up dude. obviously you shoot digital and took this as a personal attack, sorry- everyone's entitled to their own opinion and that's all it is, MY opinion. Too bad that you had to take my opinionated statement that wasn't even aimed at you, and insult me directly by qouting me. Real mature. But, on the flipside of your statement, Being good at photoshop doesn't make one a better photographer either, in fact quite the opposite. You can't cheat with film ;) If you take a crappy picture, you get a crappy picture. Alot of "professional" photographers out there owe their success to software. Now THAT'S a joke. Ansel Adams didn't need photoshop, or Walker Evans, or.......the list goes on and on.

    Now before i hurt anyone elses feelings, let me make clear that i don't hate the digital format. I think it's great. I only don't agree with how the software is used as a crutch and true skill is tossed by the wayside because hey, why bother learning how to be good without it when you don't have to? So once again, let's recap. John doesn't hate digital. John just prefers film. John thinks film and proper camera fundamentals are superior to digital and photoshop. This is John's OPINION. John also likes grainy photos. John also likes to have to carry his film with him and deal with keeping it cool in his trunk for hours so it doesn't get ruined. Digital folks don't have to deal with that. John chooses to. John has spent hours in a darkroom trying to get a shot exposed right. John doesn't have to do that. He could just use a digital camera, but he likes to do it the hard way. Think of it like a person who would rather wrench on a flathead with old tools in an old garage vs. a person who would rather just buy a crate 350 and run MSD ignition or Pertronix etc. Same difference. I'll always like old Fords with old Ford parts that need working on and old cameras that use old obsolete film in a darkroom. I just think they're both better and you'll never convince me otherwise. But i'm allowed to think what I want just like you are, just don't attack me because you don't agree ;)
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2009
  11. Having spent 25 years shooting film, digital is a breath of fesh air. A bit like moving on from gas welding to mig.

    I still love both, flame and film but hey, progress is progress.
  12. of course it is, it's half the work of film format. It's a preference. Plain and simple. I also like vinyl over c.d.'s. C.D's are definitely clearer in sound than vinyl. Doesn't make it better to me though, i like the sound of vinyl. Progress isn't always for the better. Look at the automobile industry. It's funny, everyone's defending digital like i'm attacking it. lol
    I should be careful what I say though, some know it all wizzard will come out of the woodwork to prove i'm wrong. lol knock yourselves out. i'll still prefer film. I'll still prefer vinyl. I'll still prefer old Ford parts. Guess i'm not the "progressive" type. New inventions and new thinking isn't always a step forward. A little soul is lost along the way IN MY OPINION. Let me restate that. IN MY OPINION.
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2009
  13. No, not knocking it and good for you that you have a medium you like working with.
  14. sr
    Joined: Feb 12, 2007
    Posts: 430

    from Monterey

    one photo I will never forget.

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  15. ELD
    Joined: Apr 11, 2008
    Posts: 653


    "Strangely enough, this is the past that somebody in the future is longing to go back to."
    -- Ashleigh Brilliant :cool:

  16. LOWCAB
    Joined: Aug 21, 2006
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    from Houston

    If you think that film photography shows how good of a photographer you are then you have never spent much time in a darkroom. I have spent time in the darkroom watching how pro photographers would manipulate the photos they had taken. Yeah even good ol Ansel used a bit of darkroom magic I'm sure to get some of those famous shots of his. I'm sure purists love fighting over film vs digital. As far as photography, some have it and some just don't. Digital or film, that is such a dead horse. To each their own and thats cool.
  17. sr
    Joined: Feb 12, 2007
    Posts: 430

    from Monterey

    one of my favorite old photos. sorry I dont know how to make it larger. scanned from an actual photo.

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  18. that is a killer photo! What is the history on that? An old family pic or did you just come across it? man that's a cool scene-
  19. hellisterrodder
    Joined: Jan 4, 2009
    Posts: 175

    from Hollister

    John is the greatest. John also took the words right out of my mouth! :D
  20. hellisterrodder
    Joined: Jan 4, 2009
    Posts: 175

    from Hollister

    I agree with you 100% john.
  21. Buick59
    Joined: Mar 3, 2001
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    from in a house

    Where did I "insult" you? How did you take insult to that? The reason I took exception to this is this is not the first time you have declared yourself a "real photographer", you did so on one of the art shows tearing apart digital photographers . I have spent years in the darkroom. I learned all off that in college before digital was a popular format. And I'm expressing my opinion just like you.
  22. Buick59
    Joined: Mar 3, 2001
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    from in a house

    Oh and far as collecting records I agree, to some extent. I have cases of 78's, 33's etc. But I spent one summer putting them all in digital format on my computer and enjoy them tons more. No more worry about breaking my 78's or needles or anything like that.

    As far as overhead valve engines vs non-overhead valve engines. Flattys are great, but you can't compare to an OHV engine. And that's my opinion too.
  23. KIRK!
    Joined: Feb 20, 2002
    Posts: 12,031


    I love ya dude, but that's like saying that modern drag racers are not as good as drag racers from the '60s because the technology has advanced. They have learned a different skill set. If you took a modern Top Fuel funny car back in time and gave it to a drag racer, he couldn't immediately drive it. Same goes for putting a modern guy in a period correct old car. Both would struggle, but that doesn't mean that either of them isn't a real drag racer.

    I know a very good analog photographer who can't shoot digital to save his life.

    In my opinion, the art is in the eye of the photographer and the chosen composition, not in the fact that he had to get a bunch of setting right.

    I shoot both and they are apples and oranges.

    Unretouched Digital...





  24. hellisterrodder
    Joined: Jan 4, 2009
    Posts: 175

    from Hollister

    Maybe tomorrow i will be an astronaut.
  25. Being a photographer, I just had to jump in and play devil's advocate. I apologize ahead of time!!! :D

    At least with digital you can tell what's in or out of focus before you move on to the next picture. My point can be made clear by looking at this out of focus picture.

    Unless of course, the photographer's intent was to draw attention to the spreader bar bolts by making them the in focus part.

    Attached Files:

  26. I seriously thought about signing up on the hamb under a new name and posting a giant vertical cartoon penis. Is that wrong? Cartoon ones aren't as gay and they are funnier. I was too scared I would get caught. And it's not like a have a surplus of cartoon peni's laying around. Killer pics though. It would be a very difficult job to pic 12. Can't wait to see it!!!
  27. 49ratfink
    Joined: Feb 8, 2004
    Posts: 19,421

    from California

    ha ha... the old digital VS film debate.

    makes me wonder if some of these diehard film guys are sitting home at night staring at the fuzzy screen of thier analog TV shouting to anyone within earshot about how much better it is.... or was.
  28. hellisterrodder
    Joined: Jan 4, 2009
    Posts: 175

    from Hollister

    I wanna see the giant penis
  29. nutida
    Joined: Apr 14, 2008
    Posts: 29


    Looks like I missed the deadline but here's some vertical eye candy anyway.










  30. 1beatnik
    Joined: Aug 12, 2006
    Posts: 201

    from indiana

    Here a couple of my coupe,



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