I have been planning on something very similar for my headlight bar. Excellent execution on this, it looks great!
I like the headlight bar idea. I have been debating using this idea on my 26 RPU. I think it also adds some support to the shock mounts and steadies the headlights ? I have always wondered how shaky the headlights mounted off of the top of a shock mount without a headlight bar or any other kind of support would be.
The front view is awesome. What a clean no BS look. I hope that shock/headlight thing works. The springs are great. Nice build!
Is that it for the exhaust? If so, it's gonna be loud. That's gonna piss people off. awesome. Exactly what a hot rod should be.
Y`all know that old saying."Mo betta pissed OFF,than pissed ON".Hehehehe. Good luck.Have fun.Be safe. Leo
I'm liking the looks of this Eric. Nice work! By the way, might that be the Olds engine you considered putting in the truck? It's cool!
That makes more sense. It's getting a 350 now. Not Olds but Chevy. Guess I should start a thread on it. Posted using the Full Custom H.A.M.B. App!
It took me years before I realized Isky had done that. I always knew I liked something about his car, just couldn't figure out what!! I think raising the turtle deck, and, cutting the back of the tub down, really has the look of a '26/'27 roadster, which is stood thing. I really like where you are going with this. A lot of the same thing I was going to do to mine, before I sold it I am living it through you now! Cheers, Stewart.
Lowering the rear edge of the body was a good move.. It looks much more longer and a little more sleeker. Very nice!
South!? I just moved here.. You heartbreaker. I love gauges in the firewall. Excited to see this one will have them too.. Just one of those cool touches from back in the day. Posted using the Full Custom H.A.M.B. App!
Didn't know you were moving. Wish I was in a position to buy your house. I'm past ready to get out of this idiotic state of South Chicago. Good luck with the move and upcoming wedding. Posted using the Full Custom H.A.M.B. App!
An early welcome to Austin! If you need suggestions on neighborhoods or anything else, send me a message. I've been here a long time. Two kids in high school here, yada, yada.