No offence, but thats just plain ass stupid, and this is coming from an 18 year old! Rethink that front perch. Thats a wreck waiting to happen. Get your motor and everything up on jackstands first, then start measuring.
I wasnt finished but i guess ill cut it off and use the stock model a front cross member its my first build im only 17
I can admit when im wrong, and i appreciate it when people tell me that i f'd up. thanks for steering me in the right direction
Thats cool man. Everyone's gotta start somewhere. You've already got what looks like a 3"-4" kick in the front, that should be sufficient. Chop off that perch and start fresh. Like others have said, that springs gonna settle a bunch with the weight of the drivetrain in it.
your best bed for keeping it low is one of the new dropped crossmember and a lowered, reversed-eye main leaf. the same can be said for the rear. you can keep your floors and lower the kick in the rear by about half if you switch to a 1940 rear spring with reversed eyes instead of the A spring. since it's a sedan, nobody will see it and there's no point in running one unless you are sticking a quickchange out back.