Is there much of a difference between the 30/31 ford pickup fenders and the 33/34 ford pickup fenders and running boards? When I start all the bodywork and metal work etc. on my 30 ford pickup, I am going to be looking to get new fenders and running boards and am wondering how much work etc. will be involved to make the swap to 33/34 fenders. Thanks Nate
The 33/34 pickup uses the same size frame as the pass cars so I think the 33/34 fenders will be too long for a 30/31. The 30/31 has a wheelbase of 103" or so and the 33/34 has a 112" wheelbase - a big difference. The 30/31 fenders are cheaper, too.
I would think there is quiet a bit of difference,,,,the 30/31 frame uses splash aprons to attach the fenders to the running boards The 33/34 the running boards attach to the frame,,,HRP
I think fit would be nearly hopeless...the only reason I can think of for the question is that maybe you have access to some truck fenders? I'm pretty sure that the '33-4 fenders are worth more than Model A, so sellem and go after something that will fit.
Thanks for the replys. I do have access to some and thought I would ask, you never learn anything if you dont ask questions, my father always said.. Thanks again Nate