Grasshopper....... the floor is raised in the body (by the depth of the frame or more); this is what we call a "channelled" body. Then...... the frame zigs down closer to the ground back where you can't see it behind the firewall and body. (Find a pic of the frame without a body mounted, the frame builder has a thread in the for-sale section). This is called a "Z'd" frame. When used in combination you get the lowest possible body mount while salvaging just enough interior room.
Funny thing is when I was building mini trucks we called it a body drop, then when I switched gears and got back into rodding, it's channel. Everyone was like " how much you gonna channel it ?"..I'm like, don't know, but I'm gonna give it a 5" Body drop. LOL
Body drop..... I went to school with Body drop. His real name is Chris. I wonder what is gonna happen to him with the demise of Monster Garage. EVILT
That's cool how you got it going together. You'll have a roller the minute you get the frame home Charge your camera battery..keep us posted with pictures.
UPS is great,but don't those styrofoam peanuts suck?! Don't know why they keep making 'em.I can't eat more then a handful.
Funny you brought that up. I had this big ol' smile on my face when the boxes showed up, then when I opened them and I saw the peanuts. My smile went upside down. I hate peanuts..... Dig Dig. Dig. Dig....... Did I get everything ?, dump, re dump, ect.ect. they should outlaw them. LOL.... But whatever keeps the cost down and the parts safe....
I'm shooting for Turkey day to have a roller and Late Jan to Mid Feb, to have some skinny Firestone marks in front of my house.
HOLLY COW.... COKER IS FAST...... Ordered them Wed, they sowed up 8:00 Friday Morning..... They did however get the back spacing wrong on one rim and backordered my Trim Rings. But there making it alllll good. No worries.
OK, I B TIRED.... I spent about 12 hours driving today chasing parts. My garage is losing space quickly and I am out of money . At least I have all of my big items purchased. Now the project can start nickle diming me to death. I picked up the following stuff today from Jason at Bear Metal Kustoms and his buddy Erik.For those that Don't Know Jason, he does some pretty sweet one off stuff and is living the life ( Fabbing for a living on the coast of CALI... ) I would give him a call for anything hot rod related. Thanks, guys. As soon as that frame get's here, it ONNNNNNN... (no pun intended) Picked up a 241 Red Ram Misc parts Gasket Kit Adapter Kit 727 Trans Fuel Cell - Thanks Erik Winshield frames ( 1 w/glass ) - Thanks Erik And a freebie
Glad to see you made it home... It is a long turn around trip... Keep us all updated on the build and if you need anything else, give me a call.. Jason.
I was sitting in the parking lot at Harbor Freight in Sac at 4:30 I can't believe I didn't get a ticket. My Chebby was pulling a full 16PSI boost at 2750 RPM for like 4 hours straight..... Thanks again, it was great meeting you and I'm sure I'll see you at a few shows next year.
#'s came back as a 54' HO dodge LOL 150HP... 10 more HP than a STD 241 Pulled the heads off the block. Pistons are stamped in firing order and have " 252" Stamped in them So sometime between 54' and today, this engine was rebuilt ( as EVILT said ) Also a few other packages showed up. 40' front front spring, trim rings, and a set of VERY NICE 1926 hella headlights. This is what I'm thinking to get the engine on a low budget. -Remove internal sludge ( anyone have a good method for this ), I was gonna use FEB ( foamy engine brite ) but fear rust. - New timing chain set - Stock intake and carb ( for now ) - Stock valley cover - New oil pump - stock timing cover - fuel block off plate - hidden electric fuel pump - hidden electric RV water pump - Hidden drive shaft alt. - Home brew mounts - valve covers bead blasted. Red lettering and bare metal w/ clear coat. - Electronic ignition RUN IT
Im glad the lights and spring showed up unbroken. the UPS shipper spent like an hour wrapping alll that stuff up and shoving it all in the box...I felt bad...But im glad it all worked out...hope it all looks good to you.
No issues. I'm going to pressure wash the spring and run it. Lights looks GREAT. very different from the norm. I love them. I'm going to fab some sick frame brackets for the mounts. Thanks for the quick shipping and good packaging. RJ
You must be talking about the ONLY T-shirt... I am not some low budget operation.... That shirt I gave him is .... One high quality Heavy weight Dickey's work shirt with custom silk screening..... EVILT
Good stuff man! BTW, are you having trouble not flipping off the camera with all your time spent at pirate? I'm trying to keep my toyota crawler and build a hot rod at the same time.
HA! that's pretty damn straight to me, only 3" of rot? Nah, looks cool, it'll be on the road in no time, keep us posted our sedan is MUCH worse.......
got a few more hours in. Decided to mix it up a bit and work on something other than patch panels. Spent some time on the chop, visor and windshield frame.
few more. Not sure if the visor is where it should be , but it looks good to me. As sone as I get a masters in lead work, I will fill it. Until then it will stay rough.
How much is your coupe chopped? I like the look. Do you mind me asking how much you had to give for yours?
6" Chop, planning on a 4-5" Channel I paid 3K for the cab which came with 90% of the original parts ( fenders, axles, ect.ect. )