[ QUOTE ] I love this thread.I want to learn more about trucks and rods.Lowlife do you or anyone else have more pics/info on this truck.I want to build me a truck later on.I was set on a fenderless chop but now after looking at the full fendered pics I'm not sure. [/ QUOTE ] Try this thread if it works, http://www.jalopyjournal.com/ubbthreads/showflat.php?Cat=&Board=UBB1&Number=141190&Forum=All_Forums&Words=1564&Match=Username&Searchpage=1&Limit=25&Old=allposts&Main=141190&Search=true#Post141190 The truck has been going through some changes and has a lot more flat black on it now.
Thanks Bdrake.That is a sweet ride and all I have seen here are.I can't wait to find a truck one day.It looks to me that you guys have fun cruising those killer chopped trucks.
looks like Brad might be running a MOPAR? Makes my Father proud, he'll put a 383 or 440 in just about anything with wheels.
Here's a shot of my heap as it sit's tonite. 39 axles, 34 cab, 32 bed, 46 wheels w/ well used 600-16 rubber, 62-64 -327, 6 hungry stromberg 97's behind a 39 truck (hell yeah) grill shell and LOTS of work to be done. The under construction chassis features repro 34 frame horns from the cowl forward, from the cab back is 5x2 tubing that,s been contoured to follow the cab up inside the cab. The front axle will be suicide mounted with the spring either hung from the bones or mounted from perches atop the axle with the rear axle being hung from the gennie 39 transverse spring...
yeah that is a y block underneath it with six 97s.It has a 54 ford dash in it corvette rear and mustang 2 front end 41 chevy headlights molded into the fenders. Its a wicked bitchin ride and he builds his own rods and he is 60 something!! totally kool Nate
Thanks Lowlife I see what you were explaining to me now.I was going to ask if anyone had more pics of his truck.What about Wiley Miller's?Any more pics of it?
These are pictures of my friend Karl's truck. He was a real HAMBer, he built it with brains, not money. He died about five years ago from prostate cancer. His wife had the details finished on the truck and still drives it to this day.
That truck looks good.Its nice to hear of a widow driving and enjoying what her husband worked so hard for.Instead of selling it like most do.
here is a 34 I finished in 1987. Had to sell it to build a shop-the wife got tired of overspray all over everything in our house garage. Would like to find it again-anybody seen it?
I used a 1967 nova L-79 350 h.p. 327. Tme motor was original except the cam(general kinetics-270 duration) and the oil pan set up. The trans was a turbo 350 and the rear was a 1968 chevelle 12 bolt. the front axle was a bell tube 4" with 54 chevy brakes. The rear was 83 ford escort coils and ladder bars. The bed had new oak and stainless with seatbelt latches to hold the gate shut. I will post pics of the int. and bed. Thanks, Dale oh yea, I didnt know the motor was 1 of 6 produced for the nova in 1967 till after I sold it LOL...
[ QUOTE ] .. [/ QUOTE ] This has to be my favorite.How is it lowered with the front wheels being extended out infront of the grill.What is that called?I notice that some others are not lowered in this manner.Is it possible to lower later year model trucks the same way?Say 35 36 models?