Here ya go guys. I am making this wheel for my new ride. Still have to cover the wood with some foam and leather, but very happy with what I have so far. What do you think of it? Dennis
Dennis, The old girl sure looks great! Hard to believe that after all these years sitting in one place or another, you stepped up and fixed it right. I will be excited to see it come together as a finished ride. By the way, since I joined this board I have been inspired to build another car. Found a 27 T cowl and am building a modified...maybe not so traditional, but built to the general style of a lakester. I am enjoying following your build here... Mike
Excellent progress ! when you post pictures, can you make them the LARGE size rather than the thumbnail size?
If you click on the thumbnail sized photo it will enlarge the photo. Hope this helps you see things better.
hey bubba...what he means is YOU can make it full size when you post's easy... when you click on the 'Upload a File' button (middle button below and to the right), your pic shows up at the bottom of your post like my first pic. See my arrow in the pic? You can choose either thumbnail or full image...hit full image and it will be full size in your post instead of a thumbnail size.... this...easy.
OK Larry from now on all photos will be full size....Sorry about that shit, but ya got to remember I am 75 years old and don't know my way around this PC crap very well. Hell I do good to even get on here. I am a old retired construction worker & we never had any use for these things back in the good old days. If it did not drive a nail, cut some lumber or dig a hole we never knew how to run it. Dennis
Wait until you fumble with one of them dag' gum smart phones. As much as I hate it, submissions are easier to post up with 'em.....almost automatic......especially with the image/capture camera more uploading/transferring waits from a camera....just to pick a wrong file anyhow. I will say, I do love my PC over the palm sized gadgetry. I have to be upright and comfy for all of my automotive porn viewing. Can't see technology ever eliminating a comfortable seat.
You mean after they come out of the camera you don't have to wave them around to get the image to show up? Huh.... Dennis, progress is looking good, it's going to be a neat little car!
Here are the latest photos of the 3 window and where I am at on the column with the banjo wheel mounted.
Great looking car and workmanship! I am just itching for a 32 or 34 three damn window . . . just need to find a really good body to work from!
Roadsir, (3 window seat) I don't have it done as I am waiting for a fellow HAMB member to send me the seat base. His name is floorboardinit . He keeps telling me he will send it, but been waiting for a couple months. Send him a PM about every week. I just can't understand some guys. He put it for sale on here, I offered to pay his price + shipping...So why not get it done. Thanks once more for the great patterns.
Looking good, man that tiny back window is cool! Can you say, back up camera! Posted using the Full Custom H.A.M.B. App!
Well I am off to Andy's tomorrow to see how the 3 window is progressing. Should have some up dated photos of the project in a few days. wedjim, I like the back window also......looks bad ass to me.
One door done and the other well on it's way. Door tops have been cut about every way you can think of. At least now I can install some glass in them. Before they had so much of a bow in the tops it never would have fit right. Starting to look like a body now.
Greg is it cool if I come by to sit in the 3W and listen to some Dion? Let me know, thanks, Wyatt "I need my mirror boy"
Actually, I live in KS. The car is in NE. I post the pics for 383deuce just to help him out. And, I take no credit for this amazing work being done. Wish I could.
wow Dennis, this build is amazing!! would love to see the car next August in your shop!! Keep up the great work, soo cool!!
Peter, Thanks for checking in on the build. It sure looks a lot better than it did when you and I looked at it in North Platte a couple years back does it not?