i know the difference in the front fenders on a 1/2 ton pick up between 32 and 33-4 with the rivit re-cess around the front crossmemeber, the question is,is there a difference in the 32 to 33-4 big truck fender along the frame rail ?i have a decent pair of 33-4 pick up front fenders that are butched along the frame rail area beyond repair. i wondered if i could use a pair of big truck fenders to make them fit a 32 frame, or would i have to use 32 only big truck fenders to do this, or are they different all together in this area because
Big truck and pickup fenders within a given year are the same except for spare tire wells... I don't know for sure, but I think the fenders ('32 and '33) are much the same except for the flange curve, so if you need to make a new flange maybe this would work. Shape would be guaranteed by clamping your new piece to the frame...if they are close enough in dimension the '32 running board would give another location point for figuring out the splice.
Yeah, there ain't much shape in that area (fender flange to frame rail) on a '32 fender. Simple shaping project and some welding. Swankey Devils C.C.
From the slightly back of the firewall forward the big truck frames had the same shape as their pickup counterparts.
Like Bruce said, there is only one '32 fender (except for spare well sizes), and there is only one '33-'34 pickup/truck fender (except for spare well sizes). The top edge of the frame has the same profile on '32 big and small, and then the '33-'34 big and small. I've always wondered how easy it would be to change one to the other. You should take pics for us to see as you do it.