Well my ebay score heater looks kinda cool! And it fits the old arvin heater holes too! Now I have Heater choices! The Perfection heater is a 6 V, but it was re-done, so I bought a 12-6 reducer, and an old 6V Chevy reproduction lighted heater switch. Then I bought a new old stock 12 V motor and a 12 V Chevy lighted switch for the Arvin heater!
Are those Stewart Warner "Datcon" gauges? Holy Star Wars . They probably light up the whole interior. Cool.
All I know is there from the 80s! Why are they worth some money still? I got some new ones so they all match they look like the speedometer!
Did this car knock around Vallejo CA in the early 70's. I lived there from '72 thru 90. There was a black 33 2 dr sedan with 33 DOLL plates that I saw from time to time. Always a chick driving it, dark hair if I remember right.
Yup! My Aunt Dolly! Shes gone now! Pops bought it 74-ish The whole story is in the beginning of this thread! Yeah alot of people knew this car in the 70-s 80-s!
We left Vallejo in 73, and moved up to Folsom Lake area. Until my parents split up, and then I was all over the state, came back in 90 and been up here ever since, and my wife and I have lived in Lincoln since 99’ Pops moved up to Jackson Pine Grove area. In 08’
Early Vallejo/ bay pics. I am a little blonde kid in my uncles 34, and in front of the 33 with my aunt when she bought it and the kid in the trunk of my uncles 34
Yes stage III not datcon. My bad. I don't know if they are worth anything. They would be cool in a 80's dodge Baja trophy truck tribute though. Rod Hall, Parnelli Jones era stuff. Highly off topic.
The guy at Dutchman axles asked me what length the axles were when I was ordering them and....”I said well....Doy... I think they’re out of the 67 Mustang”?so “he says well better make sure before you order them because you’ll have yourself a nice set a boat anchors!” Well… It’s all good! my research paid off and my outside measuring worked!!! Its all Groovy Baby! Although the old axles seem fine, and third members in good shape, just some nice yummy honey grease butter in there!!!! Hmmmmm!!
Naww! They are the open kind! Destruction time! whadda mess! Man! I forgot the spring is still under tension even outta of the car! Looks like new shackles! I think I’m gonna put the main leaf in the brackets when I do the rear end and then put the together-with it in there already! Thats what I did on my 47” worked alot better!
Got pretty far today. l pulled the Rearend out. took it apart, all the new pieces look like they’re going to fit, got the frame elevated up high so I can clean it and paint it after I get the front end and small parts off and then it’s time to rebuild it! yay! However… I finally got my surgery date (all of a sudden) for my hernia! Tuesday! So I’ll be down AGAIN for about a month!!! I’m glad though.....to get it fixed right! Not have to worry about blowing out bigger hole! They’re going to put that mesh stuff in there that grows into your muscle! Wish me luck and prayers!
Good luck! Had the mesh thing done a few years ago. It heals fast. Ya never notice till ya do something dumb, like me crashing on a snowboard yesterday. ...
Steel Belted Crotch Time...Welcome to The Club...You know all the He Man things we did when we were Younger eh......Happy New Year......and speedy recovery...What you've accomplished last year will speed up your recovery...
Have enjoyed following your build. Great story. All the best with your upcoming surgery. Sent from my iPhone using H.A.M.B.
Thanks! I tend to ramble a bit between, actually working on the 33’! But, everything has little, sub-stories with this car! Like the guy the other day who remembers when my Aunt had it in the 70’s.
Thanks all! Got some errands for the woman around the house, before my surgery, but I plan on working on it for a few hours here and there before Tuesday! We shall see!
In regards to your surgery, the mesh can come loose as it did in mine and cause pain in the groin. It eventually went away and is fine now. Ask your doctor about the mesh he is using as there is a noticeable difference if you try to heavy lifting. Good luck!
All finished for the day! Not bad since I worked on a bunch of stuff made a huge mess, cleaned everything up and parked woman’s car back inside. I have to do that every night! See if I can get a few hours tomorrow, and maybe Monday before I go in for my surgery on Tuesday!