i'm actually thinking about getting a set for my 36, and mounting some wide whites, i really like the way that car looks with the small caps and no trim rings.
I agree, Gordon has built a realy nice car there, and it deserves some coverage...he is not one to blow his own trumpet..it has taken a while, but he has really nailed it...good lad.
So happy to see your cars finally on the road Jeffrey James, it's looking great! A '35 or '36 coupe is definitely next on my list.
Man thanks so much guys!!!! I can't believe anyone pays attention to my shenanigans. Sutton, I wish it was on the road. It starts up but I am having a hell of a time getting a pedal on the brake. I think I'm going to put it up on jack stands remove all the wheels/drum and recheck all my inner working to ensure everything is where it needs to be. From there I'll then head to M/C and then if all else fails I'll burn it to the ground. Thanks Dooley!!! I appreciate the compliment.
Had a chance to get a decent 36 from a guy here and went with the 37 instead . I should have got the 36 and kept it at home .
Wow, yeah that's my favorite part too!!! Kevin Silva as Silva's Sportswear did the chain stitching on the cover and my wife sewed up. I'll get some pics once it's back together. I pulled the seat when I got home because I need to find an inch or two more of room. Pretty tight between the steering wheel and the old thighs. I thank you for all your help Jake. Owe ya! Should have came to Jalopyrama!!! I might drive it up there next year if I don't have another bun in the oven haha!!! Thanks so much guys, it means the world.
My cusomer's car. pretty good lookin so far. Almost there. Got a lot more rubbin to do. This car has put the owner and I through quite a bit, but she is a gem none the less
Lots of polishing. Polishing black sucks. Everytime I think I have it licked, it shows me something I missed! After that just a few small things here and there on the interior. The interior is what came in the car when we got it. Looks like it was done in the 60's. Cool stuff.
I was lookin for a pic of the interior. Guess this is what I have on my comp right now so that will have to change soon. I will update with better pix soon as I have some better ones. Thanks for the interest.
thanks for all the inspiration in this thread. we have a long way to go but in the garage making brackets for the rockers this evening. gotta start somewhere...