Got some more done over the weekend. Finished off the cowl and dash and put epoxy primer on it, really happy with how it came up. Fitted up the inner guards etc so that I could gap up the front end. Have some issues with the fit of the bonnet to the repro grill, have to cut and modify the top of the grill to obtain an acceptable gap and make bullnose fit. Fitted everything back onto car to make space. Getting my Dad's 56 Customline back home on Tuesday. They moved house over a year ago and the car has been in storage at my sisters place ever since, so had to make room for it. Also have the chassis and body for my 12 year old sons A model roadster pickup in there. Holidays are over, back to work tomorrow so it will be nights in the shed again. Need to finish the L/H front door welding, and then strip and finish the tub ready for epoxy primer.
Quick update, got some more done tonight. Made a new bracket for interior rear view mirror, mounted door mirror and arm rest. Driving position is perfect. Got the bonnet and grill fitted up and gapped nicely, still need to cut centre bar from grill and moved forward to meet up with bullnose, time for bed
Quick side note, got my dads Customline home, I really love this car, it's great to see it again, might start a new thread with some better photos when it is all cleaned up.
Can't believe how long it has been since I got anything substantial done to the car. Finally got back out there, finishing off all the little things around the tub to get it ready for primer. Also got the left hand front door outer skin finish welded. Only the inner to go. It is supposed to rain this weekend, so should be able to get a bit done. Cleaned up the R/H Rear quarter panel with the deox gel to get all the surface rust off. Might do the other side and back tomorrow night.
Finally got the rear into epoxy primer. Little bit of filler work to do and it is ready for primer. Feels good to have it sealed up and in one colour. Back in the shed tomorrow.
Thanks tub1, don't know why you are jealous, you have a genuine tub. I would love to have the real thing as well.
Couple more photos, fitting up tail lights. Need to roll them back a bit so they sit level. Also need to shorten bumper irons to bring the rear bar a couple of inches closer to the car.
blackroad im jealous because it was a dream of mine to build a 2 door tub i had all the stuff to make a complete car but sold it when i needed money ,and i didnt think id ever get around to it so it went .my old ford is a neat old car but it is a 50 footer up close the paints stuffed ,trims untidy leaks oil etc but still great fun ,look foward to seeing you car completed hope to see it completed regards tub1 by the way your work looks first class on that car
my favorite line--it's only metal!!!!! gotta get through my truck before I can find one of these and get started!
In my case, it really is only car is a piece shit!
Hey nitrohonkey. just to a look at your thread. Doesn't look like you are afraid of a bit of metal work. Keep going, subscribed to your thread, can't wait to see this one come together.
Been a while since I did anything substantial to the car, been doing little things and sorting out little brackets and things before the body comes off. Stripped it all down today, tomorrow the body comes off and I will strip the chassis down, before taking it to the sandblasted this week.
Stripped it all down today, chassis is now ready to drop off for sandblasting tomorrow. Body is on the trolley and put away for a while whilst I play with chassis. Sorry for the photo quality, took them on my phone which didn't like the lights.
Finally got my chassis back from the sand blaster. Really happy with the chassis, no cracks and only fairly minor pitting. Now the fun bit begins.
Righton! Now the fun really does begin. I know all it took was to get my frame back from the blaster to truly kick start my progress and motivation. Looks great!