I have a 37 Chevy Coupe. I would like to make the wipers work properly but I discovered that under the dash all the wiper parts are missing ... I have no wiper motor and there is no transmission or linkage. Any of you guys know where I can find these parts and what I need to buy for the best? Thanks!
Chevs of the 40's. I got two individual universal motors (with arms and blades). They might have a single motor with the transmission that will fit. www.chevsofthe40s.com 1-800-999-CHEV
The standard model had a wiper arm on the driver's side and a plug on the pass. side. Master model had both wipers. Hard to find used so maybe like some said Chev of the 40's has the parts in reproduction.
https://iandireproduction.com/1937-Wiper-Transmissions_p_837.html https://www.chevsofthe40s.com/detail/8873/Chevrolet_Windshield_Wiper_Transmission.html I've never used these so no idea on the quality. There are a different wiper motors available that attach to the stock linkage. The 3 I've converted I just used cheap universal wiper motors and adapted the stock pieces from the vacum motor.
I & I Reproductions has an excellent repro wiper system (transmissions and linkage) for your Chevy. Not 'cheap', but worth the money, given the quality. I, too, have a '37 Coupe and I purchased the I & I unit. Very good quality and nice chrome on the transmission towers. They also sell the excellent Newport Engineering electric wiper motor conversion for the same price as Newport. I also bought that assembly for my '37. I have purchased and installed several Newport systems from Newport directly and they are first rate systems. The problem with a used system is likely to be the chains in the transmission towers, as well as the chrome having deteriorated. I could sell you the wiper system I removed, but it would only be useful for appearances. It works, but not well. Also, if your purchase the I & I unit, PM me for some suggestions for getting a better fit of the arms to the transmission tapered shaft. Ray
Twenty years ago I used a Newport motor on my 39 Chevy. I was pleased with it. But they don't include the towers and linkage. You might need to get those I and I parts for that. None of it is cheap, but it will be all new. Rechroming those parts is not easy or cheap, if you can even find some originals.
https://newportwipers.com/product/1937-38-chevy/#wiper-motor I have installed Newport wipers (in different applications) and was very pleased with the results.
Are you missing the transmission (the chrome part that sticks up through the cowl)? If not, the Newport motor works well, and the linkage parts wouldn’t be too hard to fab if they’re missing. Sent from my iPad using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
there is a whole bunch of 1937 Chevrolet wiper motors and assorted parts on ebay right now. if what you need is not there today, it will be within a month or so. both original and electric aftermarket pieces. you can do a search, then save that search and look at it every couple days until what you want shows up, or even have an daily email with new items.