Hello there I have a 390 with a c6 behind it and I don't think I have the right tranny dipstick and also the bell is broken off so it doesn't stop when it should. Can somebody please measure their dipstick and let me know the bell location measurement and overall length as well. Thank you so much.
There are several different shapes of tubes depending on truck, van or car and what year. Each one has there own stick length.
You could try to find one for that vehicle and hope he was right or go to a Tranny rebuild shop and ask who they buy cores from. Call them and get a tube and stick that are a pair and move on. Last time I did that it cost me $20.oo The Wizzard
So I called around town and apparently nobody knows the answer. Is there anybody out there that can help me? The number on my current dipstick says dotp-7A020-B if this helps at all. The guy said the engine and trans was out of a 70 truck . The question I have does the dipstick go with the info I have?
I think I have another dipstick from my C6 , it is from a '68 I think. Pm me your number if you want.