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3D Cad model of small block chev engine

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by brianangus, Jun 24, 2006.

  1. Okay, thats it for me today---Four barrel Edelbrock double pumper carb.---Brian
    Yes Scooter, peice by peice.

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  2. Petey
    Joined: Feb 22, 2005
    Posts: 223


    Thats is awesome!

    I am also a solidworks user. I use it at school to model parts for our Formula SAE race car.

    I definitely want to contribute to the cause.
    Thanks for finding a use for any of the very little spare time that I have.:D
  3. Petey--thanks for the offer---I've just about got this one beat, but I could use a straight front water neck---nobody has modelled that yet.If you get one modelled up, send me a partfile by email---Brian
  4. 3034
    Joined: Nov 18, 2005
    Posts: 435


    Here,s the intake I just sent over. Add that carb and start 'er up!

    Attached Files:

  5. Holy Cow!!! Are we cookin' or what??? Keith from Mineapolis just sent me a really great intake manifold model (very nice work Keith, thats a complex bugger to model). I stuck it on my engine assembly, and added my carberutor and distributor. Guess I better get my butt in gear and edit the block so I can mount my starter and fuel pump!!!---Anybody out there brave enough to take on modeling a turbo 350 automatic tranny????

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  6. Brian....if you need the bolt hole location for mounting that fuel pump I have an engine just a few steps away.
  7. Johnny---thanks but---I need to get close up and personal with a chevy block for a while. Its not just the bolt holes I need--I need to edit the block and add the bosses and the holes for mounting the fuel pump, the starter, and the oil filter. The only engine I have here is the one in the roadster pickup, and I can't really get at it to measure it. Eventually I will "borrow" a block from one of my hotrod friends, set it up at home (my office opens onto my garage/work area) and complete the model.---Brian
  8. Woogeroo
    Joined: Dec 29, 2005
    Posts: 1,270

    from USA

    Heh - that is neat - no cut and try approach for you guys.


  9. 3034
    Joined: Nov 18, 2005
    Posts: 435


    Lookin' sweet!

    Brian, can you email the distributor and carb to me?
  10. One more thing. The right side cylinder head on a SBC is .88" farther back than the left side. Looks straight across on your model.
  11. 3034
    Joined: Nov 18, 2005
    Posts: 435


    How about a little chrome...

    Here's the model rendered:


    Ooops - the file was too big. See below.
  12. 3034
    Joined: Nov 18, 2005
    Posts: 435



    Attached Files:

  13. Paul
    Joined: Aug 29, 2002
    Posts: 16,698


    can you guys zip and attach these files to this thread?
    like the Cad test thread in the archives..
    this should (will) go to the Tech Archives when it's done.

    that chromed picture is damn cool
  14. I'm not sure if I can do that or not. 3D is really weird stuff, and there are about 10 different file formats that all need proprietary software to open. The files are friggin huge.---and yes the chrome looks really great.---Brian
  15. Paul
    Joined: Aug 29, 2002
    Posts: 16,698


    friggin huge?
    what if they were broken down into smaller files and posted separately?
    we have a 732.4 KB max...
    probably still not big enough..hmm...
    let's try a Cadd file...

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  16. Rolf
    Joined: Jul 23, 2002
    Posts: 1,835


    This is great stuff, guys...virtual parts coming from all over, way cool...

    Now stop it with the SBC and make me a Nailhead ! :D
  17. Paul
    Joined: Aug 29, 2002
    Posts: 16,698


    note and disclaimer:
    Ansen style swing pedal set above is not complete
    I was working on the pedal pad bolt area last..
    if you can get it to open you may see that area incomplete..
    this was just a test to see if 3d posting is practical :)
  18. I am attaching the fuel pump as a zipped up Acis (.sat) file, version 4. According to my Solidworks provider that is a file format that nearly any 3D cad program can open. Try your luck and see what happens, with Autocad, SolidEdge, ProEng, etcetera. Let us know----Brian

    Attached Files:

  19. Jeez---it does work!!! I just double clicked on the zipped up folder on the HAMB, clicked on "extract all files" and my Solidworks opened the .sat file---I never did that before!!! Lets hear from some of you other software guys---
  20. Paul
    Joined: Aug 29, 2002
    Posts: 16,698


    dag :eek:

    it doesn't work with AutoCAD 2000...

    maybe I should buy some software?

    what exactly are you using?
  21. Paul---I use Solidworks software. Don't think you'd want to buy it--it costs over $6000 before taxes. Check and see what kind of 3D file format you can open. I will save the fuel pump as .iges file and zip it---see if you can open that.---Brian

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  22. Paul----I just opened the solid model which I just posted as a .igs file from the HAMB and it worked great--opened with no trouble---are you sure your doing it right with the Autocad 2000???
  23. Broman
    Joined: Jan 31, 2002
    Posts: 1,487

    from an Island

    You want a cheap 3D program that renders beautifully?

    Try Bryce5

    You could probably find a cheap copy on ebay.

    The renders are very good - but very slow.

    For a high quality (read fine art) print you might wait as long as a day or two for the full render (no kidding).

    For a quick and dirty (like shown above) - less than a minute per render.

    It reads .3ds files, .mdl(?) and few others.

    Not a great program - fun and easy for a novice to pick it up and run with.

    Me - I use AutoCAD 07.

    Last time I exported a 3D .dwg to .3ds - and opened it in Bryce - I had a bunch of clean up before it looked good.
  24. I just started using '07 at work. I don't do much 3D, but I've heard 3D guys say AutoCAD isn't very good for it. Is '07 better than before at 3D?
  25. david4991
    Joined: Feb 1, 2006
    Posts: 105

    from Louisiana

    I have 07 on my laptop, but use 06 at school along with SolidWorks SP5
  26. scootermcrad
    Joined: Sep 20, 2005
    Posts: 12,383


    3034, what did you use to render that SW assembly??
  27. Broman
    Joined: Jan 31, 2002
    Posts: 1,487

    from an Island

    07 is light years ahead of 06 in terms of 3D.

    For 06 user's who have built models in 3D - you can remember the frustration of editing a model.

    In ACAD it used to be (for example) - if you built a box and put a "hole" in it - then you found out your hole was the wrong size or in the wrong location - you basically had to "fill" the whole and do it all over again. (now that doesn't seem so bad, but imagine a complex drawing or complex part and the frustration multiplies).

    In Solidworks/Pro-E if the hole was wrong - you could just pick the feature and adjust it's attributes (size/location) and - viola, you got a good part!

    It's called parametric programming. Well ACAD went in that direction. They have a parametric modeling capacity now and with it comes a few perks (like Push-Pull, etc..). if you do 3D work and were either thinking of going to Solidworks or Pro-E, maybe you should try 07 first (once you get used to ACAD it's hard to give it up).

    If you are in 06 and you DON'T do much 3D stuff - I wouldn't bother upgrading for a while.

    They added a bunch of new toys for 3D users, but little else. Plus they "effed-up" the inteface. Tools that you frequently used in 06 and are very familiar with their locations - are all moved around and changed (like some of the Express Tools). And they changed the appearance of some of the buttons and the ACAD file pictures - so you find yourself looking for the old ACAD pictures that accompany the .dwg files and certain buttons (like the 3D Orbit)and not finding them - then realizing that they are right there under your nose, but they just look different......arrg!!!
  28. scootermcrad
    Joined: Sep 20, 2005
    Posts: 12,383


    I started my 3D life out using AutoCAD 2000. Gimoungus pain in the ASS!!! I got REALLY good at it, but once I tried SolidWorks I never looked back. I've heard good stuff about ACAD 07. Don't have a reason to switch at this point, but if I were starting fresh I would try it to see what it was like for sure. I would also like to spend some time with Pro-E. I've heard it's VERY powerful... it's also VERY $$$$$$!!! I think last I checked, the full version was like $21K or something insane. CRAZY! Not sure now though. Yeah, what you say about ACAD is true, and for AutoDesk's sake, I hope they keep the upgrades coming and move into the real world of 3D. The 2D stuff is the best for sure though.
  29. its_a_nick
    Joined: Jul 17, 2005
    Posts: 236

    from Sweden

    I have heard from a friend :) that all these programs (Pro E, solid works, solid edge, autocad and alot more) are all downloadable from the net in cracked versions=illegal. But they do work, so they say anyway. :)
  30. 3034
    Joined: Nov 18, 2005
    Posts: 435


    I did it with Photoworks -an add on to Solidworks


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