anyone come across one of these? i found one today looking for someother stuff and dont remember were it came from. 9 tooth pinon and a 41 tooth ring gear and the banjo center is stamped 9 / 41 so its factory. i have a 9/40 center thats a 4.44 out of a 60hp car. i thought that was the lowest banjo ratio from the factory (these are 6 spline closed drive shaft banjo rears 37-48) 35/6 had 10 spline so it rules that out and 32-4 were different also
1940 and 1941 commercial with a 60HP or 4 cyl came with a 4:55 rear. I am not aware of any others but wouldn't say there aren't some.
FWIW I think you will find Ford listed it as a 4:55 ratio. I also think you will find the 4:44 came in the 37-40 passenger and 37-39 commercial with the 60hp. 1940 60hp commercial and 1941/42 4cyl commercial came with a 4:55. The 42 would have been with an open d/shaft.
The 4cyl which was basically the same engine as the 9N Ford tractor engine was available 41/42. They were very under powered and there were not very many of them around this part of the country. Too many hills and mud roads. I have personally never seen one of them.
And...the 022 prefix is specifically a 60 part number, meaning that was the original design application. There were some lower ones still used in some British commercials.