Thanks guys... Iam hoping to fire her up tonight, might actually make it to the show if all goes well!
Well, i tried... I get NO fuel coming out of the pump, when i have the line ran to the fuel tank. If I use a funnell and hold it above fuel pump level, i get fuel coming out. Any ideas?
Is the tank vented, try taking off the gas cap and see it that helps. Has the pump been serviced, it might not have the vacuum to pull the fuel and the funnel trick might be force feeding the pump.
Glad your dad procrastinated for so long and didn't gold-chain this thing out. Awesome build. Just curious on how old you are and why you didn't start on it sooner? Was it off limits to you until recently? Did you bug him about letting you get your fingers on it for a long time or did it just recently occur to you to start messing with it? Did anybody else know it was in there? I can't believe buzzards haven't been begging to buy it for years.
glrbird, yes the tank is vented. I sent the pump in and had it serviced, and flow tested by Hilborn. I talked to a tech there today, and he said that is a old pump and the take AWHILE to prime the first time... So iam going to give it another try again today. 283john, Me too, and thank you. Actaully my dad dint want to to even touch the car for years, I finally convinced him to let me work on it, then my mom stoped me, for what ever reason... I respect my elders, and didnt want to piss them off. But after several more years of 'nagging' I got the ''ok'' to work on it. I have know idea why, and cant get a clear answer to why, But the car was stored in a hay barn at my uncles house, even though there is barns and such at my folks place. Besides family, nobody, NOT even me knew it was there when i was growing up, until ONE day he decided to drag it out and bring it home... Honestly we could go back and fourth on 'why' and 'when' for awhile but, I will proly never know myself.
Thanks! I actually got her fired up last night, and running off the fuel the tank!!! Talked to a tech at Hilborn, he told me a little trick, to put a little light oil in the pump to help it prime. He said the pump iam running is a really old style and they take a lot to prime. I just had to keep 'shooting' gas down the manifold while cranking, and she finally came to life. I will try to post a video tonight, runs pretty good for not doing any tuning yet. SNAPY throttle response, but the butterflies don't want to close to idle when its hot, any ideas there?
Congratulations on getting it to run, you must be grinning from ear to ear. How long do you think it has been since it ran last?
YES I WAS. Well I had it running not too long ago with a carb, just to see how it ran. And make sure i rebuilt the transmission correctly. But as far as running with the Hilborn I would say since the 60's sometime.
Awesome job! Music to my ears, I bet your Pops is very proud of you. Posted using the Full Custom H.A.M.B. App!
Thanks Guys. It sounds a lot better with the injectors than the carb setup. Really crisp! Cant wait to see what people think about it the Key to The Hills Rod Run in Boerne, TX tomorrow.
Since you have aluminum and steel together, the manifold and the butterflys and shafts heat up at different rates, clearances may be too tight when the engine is hot. I am going to try to make it tomorrow just to see the coupe. Good luck!
Do you have pictures of your front mounts? I am looking at a hilborn set up for my Stude and need to get some ideas.
glrbird, I am going to try 'adjust' the butterflies when the engine is hot. I did them when it was stone cold, and Hilborn said that might be a issue. Just checked the weather and they say rain in the morning, but who knows. CGkid, Front engine mounts? I am using a very old style pump drive below the distributor.
OK I thought you were driving the mechanical pump off the front of the motor. Which is why I needed the pics never mind.
Well we made it through the show. Pretty good turn out, even with the weather. The car got more attention than I expected! swade41- 324ci bored .030 over. Around 9.5-1 compression.
Had some personal issues come up that made me miss this years event. Hope you got some pictures you could share with us unfortunates.