did the front bumper bracket today by sliding it inside the frame rails and lining up with existing holes on the bracket and drilling holes into the chassis i welded a nut on the back side of the bracket and slide it in and screwed the bolt in easy peasy
yeah i have a small list of stuff to do as far as fabrication work then i have a list for motor work once i remove the body one last time then all body work and patch panels is next then finalize the wiring harness into the car im going to have the bare chassis in running condition so i can't install the wires in the car yet hows your project going pugs did you make any new decisions?
joel torrejoel torress Just wanted to tell you Good job and good luck with all the things you do in life.... After you finish this job you will know in your heart that No one can stop you from anything life throws your way..... howco I agree 100 % with his statement to you ! This CAR/ BUILD may not be my cup of tea, But all the work you put into it WILL show everyone that you mean business and that you will get it done... You should be proud and your family should be proud. Don't give up now on this car OR ever in life ..... You will go far in this life with a heart like yours......
thank you very much i made a good score today the orig column i messed up and i purchased a caddy column from the u-pull it for $20 but i didn't want to use it cause the telescopic part but i also grabed the shaft with it ( don't know why it did ) well today a buick regal was all torn apart in a driveway so i stopped and asked if they where selling parts off of it and could i look well i got a column for $10 it has the key broken in the switch but still unlocks and he kept the wheel i didnt need anyways and that extra caddy shaft i mentioned is actually longer then my stock monte shaft so it all connects i don't even need to purchase the $75 coupling and $40 shaft from the column company man i had to run inside and share the news i think i will treat my self to a nice banana boat ice cream sunday aaaahhhhhhh
Way to stick with it, keep plugging away and you'll be cruising in no time! Just a heads up on your York, I noticed in the pics that the first bracket has the york laying one way and the second bracket pics show it laying the other direction, right vs. left, if you will. I'm not sure if that's the same pump in both pictures, but keep in mind that the letter in the model number determines which way you can lay them. The suction should always be on top. A 210R has the suction on the right side and a 210L has it on the left side when looking at the clutch side of the pump and that determines which way they can be laid over. Again, suction should be on top.
ok i have to figure what im going to use for radiator hose im thinking of using that expensive chrome metal flex hose or first go to the autoparts store they let me in the back and find something i can work with i think i will reuse the 90 degree metal pipe the orig 47 used for the bottom and reconnect to that aswell they had a great idea back then maybe i can do it again its getting late so i jump on that tomorrow il be in lancaster p.a. this week wed morn to sat night taking a break with the family
hell bring that spare chassis down with as you when you come to Pa, will be basically going by my place
OK I NEED EVERYONE TO HUDDLE UP AND CRACK SOME IDEAS OUT ON MY NEXT STEP i want to put my factory steering wheel on a gm column i mocked it up and the proportions are kinda off now i could make that end cap more smooth looking with a little bondo and sanding to make it look like an end cap but i still have to trim the back side of the wheel so it could slide more onto the shaft here is my first mock up what do you think?
Take the old center out of the old wheel.... use it to fit the column, maybe trim some of the wheel off so you would weld it on the metal structure, then build it up like you are saying with JB weld, bondo or wheel repair stuff?? I think that'd work and look good.
Hmmmm - what about breaking down the upper portion of that GM column? Move the igniotion switch back to the dash, four way switch somewhere else, maybe a universal old timey directional switch. Wait a minute,even easier, you could graft the upper (visible) portion of your original column to the GM lower (behind the dash). But only if you are ok with a more old-timey look.
im working this idea as an option i was just starting to separate the middle of the gm wheel from the rest maybe attach it to the Plymouth wheel hhmm that is an option to relocate everything i still have the old steering shaft but i like the gm setup with cruise,turn signal , i do have those old turn signal add ons i picked up couple years back but i think im going to sell them later i think i can get this wheel on the column i know il think about it all week i was also thinking of this idea but i don't think it will work right but if i could afford a banjo wheel i would like to mount my Plymouth horn ring and center to it that would be cool i have to remember that this wheel is not priority to the build just icing on the cake
ok with a little bit of thought i figured if i fill in the wheel to match the circumference of the column it will look stock also allowing me to shave the back side of the wheel to get more bite on the shaft ouch. i simply add some color to the picture to get an idea how it would look what do ya think i have to figure what to use im thinking a shit load of gorilla hair fiberglass or a pvc plastic tube a little bit smaller then the column diameter screw in to the wheel or attached somehow then glassed over that reducing weight then smooth bondo in the pic the top looks perfect but the whole wheel would have to get filled all the way around the pic does not represent that
That would work and be a heck of a lot less work than the other suggestions offered, including mine, and it preserves all of the features you want to keep in the column, and finally if in the future you get one of thoes aftermarket banjo wheels you are still set up for them. There is no stress on the part of the wheel you'd be working on, so use fiberglass, bondo, JBWeld, MarineTex or whatever you want. Smooth out and blend in all of your contours and repaint the wheel - they were painted from the factory anyway; the black is where the paint wears off because no power steering!
going over my list of stuff to do before the body work and it looks like a small list get new upper and lower radiator hose $ repair rear brake line repair gas tank vent line new thermostat housing for a 350 to match the bigger hose for radiator $ DONE seal gas tank $ seal radiator $ epoxy steering wheel $ properly fit wheel to column get a gas tank strap $ remove old exhaust manifold bolts finalize steering column mount under dash once dash is removed modify front airbag cups to sit front end lower get the new gauges $$$ run wiring thru under dash custom install my l.e.d.s to my rear and front lights (going to be bad ass) finalize the front nose fitment install power seat on bench ( thanks plym49) get new battery install trunk mount a/c if i think of anything or complete anything i'll add it here to push me forward
i mocked up my lower radiator hose reusing the orig pipe the 47 used i think it will work fine and save me $60 bucks for a flex hose even tho i am probably going to buy it anyways got myself a mopar trans oil cooler yeah baby freebiee
four car batteries and they are all dead dammit i wanted to start it today my blood is boiling after you left john i got it to crank but now the fuel pump wont kick on its still external in a can so il check all connections when i get home tomorrow the game is afoot
I finally got to meet Joel in person and he is the nicest guy. A true hot rodder, very ingenious and capable. He also has it running in his blood. Not too many people around of his caliber. Thanks for the gauges, Brother, and let me know the length drive shaft you need because I have one that might work and if it will its yours.
I did kinda the same thing, but used a 1950 Plymouth wheel and adapted it to a Nova column, it has the correct size neck to column circumfrence. It had a gap between the column and the wheel, but I found that the bottom of a quart paint can was just the right size to cover it so I just cut a quarter inch up from the bottom, drilled and attached it to the 3 original screw holes on the bottom of the steering wheel. pic provided for reference. Hope this helps
haha u beat me to it!! im gonna use a 53 plym wheel but with the grant wheel adapter because i set the wheel at the right spacing with the adapter.
thanks john i get on that measurement soon morparman please can have some detailed shots of that wow its as wide as the column i wonder if i can attach my 47 horn center to your base more pic please please please