im home working on the car and i realize i need an english wheel i just ruined the patch panel i made trying to make a curve in it by hammering it on a pipe i jigged up now i have to make an english wheel so i can make a patch panel anyone can lend me an english wheel?
I don't have one. However, I have lurked on the metalshaping forum and it is incredible what some of these folks do with a tree stump with a bowl-shaped cavity hollowed out in it. There are plenty of posts and also youtube videos. You can take a stump and use a Skil saw to cut a bunch of radial slots, like a pizza, then chop out and shape with your angle grinder. With the right hammering technique you can shrink and shape curves. It might be all you need instead of a wheel.
the curve i have to make is the bottom 2-3 inches of the door its not allot of curve but the metal im using is thick its the same gauge as the orig door skin so its dimentions is about 3" wide by 3' long but if i had someone professional that could really make it i would make the top and bottom curve here is a pic the green rightabove the gray rocker skin
Congrats on the new gig Joel!! I fix them the same way Fitzee does, from the inside out then the skin, usually do the corners first, then connect them with the new bottom. To shape tha curve, weld 2 long pieces of pipe beside each other ,leave eonugh space between them to fit in the sheet steel ,with a little pressure you can make a nice gentle perfectly straigh curved piece...weld a bracket to the pipe so you can hold it in a vice, or make some legs for it, works great, poor mans slip roll !
I'm sure you will figure it out...Its amazing what guys can do with a leather bag filled with shot beads too! I wish I could afford metal working tools too but that stuffs expensive! My body guy does it with tons of small pieces welded together. When he's done you can't even tell! Congrats on the new job! It sounds like its right up your alley! Sounds like youve got alot of exciting stuff going on in your life right now! Good Karma Man! Keep it up!
can you share some photos of your idea i did make something yesterday sort of the same conceptbut it stillneed improvement and yes im feeling the good karma now and it feels great considering i was tired of all the crap i was going thru and didn't want to be here anymore made some side cash last night and hitting the stores to pick up some things
Another way that might work. Cut a 3" PVC pipe lengthwise (2 cuts) so that you end up with a part of a circle and, longer than the doors. You just want enough of a arc of a circle left that is a little more than the amount of curve you need. Then cut your patch panel and anneal it - heat to dull red as evenly as you can and let it cool slowly. Now take a piece of steel pip - I dunno, maybe inch and a half? - that is also as long as you need. Sandwich the patch panel between the steel pipe and the PVC. Use a bunch of c clamps and squeeze it down. This should give you a patch panel with the curve you need.
hhhmmm wonder if i could do that to the orig door and get the shape i have steel sheets im going to make this my next purchase very soon maybe i should wait
OK here is my attempt till i can buy the machine needs more curve captain, but the lithium crystals are going to explode looks good but im not happy i will wait for the machine
Seems like some flexing somewhere, are you adding some heat? If you were to put some cranks on shorter tubes you will have a roller. Looking good ...
Heck, you're half way there. Anneal the steel panel and add two clamps in between the others as that top pipe is flexing some.
that's what i wish i could make but 35" long i was just goofing around with that panel toseeif it culd do something maybe ishould do it in an english wheel?? just go back and forth in a straight line?
whats up guys been very busy with work i started spraying primer on some areas and it show the areas that need work, little wave in the body or dent. i have a question about self etching primer, i have areas that i see small specks of black under the primer is this heavy rust being converted by the primer or rust trying to get out some of the areas had pits like behind the moldings and stuff. do i have to hit the car with a media blaster? i started working on my rear fenders repairing the area that attach's to the body i willl spray some rubber coat under but leave the body work to a friend. all my doors are back on and look solid now but they need some finishing touch's im not going crazy doing the body work i have someone inmind to do it so im going to try to just assemble and repair what's left. after rear fenders im going to work on the nose so it's 7:30 a.m. on a sunday i better get to work
I built a sand blasting booth but havnt aquired the right sand yet havnt done too much my job has kept me busy but i getting on it the past two days
Hi everyone. Been thru hell and back long long story. Getting myself back in gear to work on the 47. Just brought the hamb app for the iphone so im in touch more then ever now. Best app i have ever purchased here are some pics of its current state and yes those are dents in the hood from a baseball bat repeatedly falling on it over and over My boys are getting big and are doing good. Im ok hope everyone is doing good Posted from the TJJ App for iPhone & iPad
Its one of two backup air compressors (one on each side) that fill up my air tank which supplys air to my suspension They are mounted externally for space saving. They will be hidden behind my rear fenders Posted from the TJJ App for iPhone & iPad
Hi Joel - Good to see you back on the radar! Man, your boys are getting big - that's all that really matters. Your '47 is looking good. You have worked some metal stitching miracles.
Glad to see you're thread back to the top. This has always been an inspirational thread to alot of people...keep it up!