So I've had my '50 for about a year now. Woken up from her 30+ year nap. Running, lights work, hell I even got the radio working. But now onto the cosmetics. The driver side rear door sits proud by about 1/4" when latched at the latch, not the hinge side. I believe the catch can be adjusted in and out by loosening the 2 big phillips head screws that hold it on? If so, what size is the head, way larger than a #2 and I don't want to strip the heads so if someone can point me to a source for the right head size and adjustment procedure, it'd be helpful. Mike
#3 or 4 Phillips, an impact driver is definitely the way to loosen them, but I like to use a wrench on the hex on my screwdriver when I tighten them up. It will get them tight enough, and they get enough of a beating getting them loose. Inspect and lube all of the latches and stuff, along with the hinges on a yearly basis, and you will save yourself a lot of wear and headaches also. Same thing applies to the hood and the trunk, maintenance be always cheaper than repair.