Okay, I see it now. You want a blunt, bull-nose look to the hood instead of the narrower, pointed, 1930ish leftover look of the Pontiac. You are parsing the details pretty finely and it's nice to see someone making that effort. Looking forward to seeing more.
thanks guys ... heres what i got done today . went together quiet nicely except for the pass hood corner there has to be 2 or 3 pounds of lead in it . this was the side with all the lead seems like a nice repair probably from the factory because there are no dents in the hood itself. i finished the whole outside frame of the hood .. the piece i used for the bottom front lip of the hood was from the side of the caddy hood because the orig piece was getting pretty rusty. all the gaps need work but the hard part is done
the fat guy with the grinder isnt me haha . the metal got to my eye with a faceshield and goggles on not as lucky as him i guess. should have the last 2 pieces tacked in tomorrow. then onto the real fun welding it all up and not warping it ....... shouldnt be to bad you can get under it all except for the center strip. then onto the rear quarters the bottom pan of the surround and the 51 ford dash board...
got a ? How would you remove the front clip, is it just as one whole piece? I have always wondered that since I saw the first fully incorporated grill into the fenders JC
pontiac was 1 piece from the factory even though it didnt look it . fenders are rivited to the inner fenders which are then spot welded to the front splash pan. so i just really made it play the part haha. well got most of the hood done today. still needs a ton of hours though, put the new piece on and marked how far down it sat . so the nose ended up being sectioned around 3/4 of an inch cadillac was off the day the made this hood. the body line is horribly off center where it should run into the center of the hood ornament pad it veers hard to the right and was really throwing me for a loop and makes the hood look very tweaked. guess the dies were getting worn or sumthin because thereare no signs of work in that area. the front still needs a bunch of pie cuts to get everything lined back up but you get the idea. forgot to take a pic of the whole thing ohh well
Im not familiar with the cadillac hood but I thought these cars were similar platforms, was it at all close in dimensions to the pontiac hood?
totally different . no interchange at all. caddy hood was about 8 inches longer probably about 4 inches wider and i had to section the nose on an angle so it was to tall by about 3/4 of an inch because it didnt flow into the orig pontiac hood.. if any of that makes sense haha.
Thats OK I guess....hahahahha....Amazing work. I wish others (non car fanatics) could truly realize what goes into cars like these adn not shrug them off like they are just some old car. You are a very talented guy...keep on keepin on man.
yah im kinda figuring out theres sumthing wrong upstairs but hey i kinda like it. and i know nads.. unless you really love pontiacs you will see it but not many are gonna catch it . all im gonna hear is hey thats a nice nice chevy you got there .
Hey, that's a cool Chevy you got there, my uncle used to have one just like it.........hahaha. Now get back to work!
I own a 52 pontiac hardtop and a few of the "old guys" didn't believe me that the US Pontiacs nose/hood/fenders are 4"+ longer than the chevrolets, so the Cadillac must be significantly longer than the same generation chevrolets. Not much on my pontiac interchanges with a chevrolet, none of the firewall, inner fenders, or splash tin works, after looking mine over maybe the doors, rear floor and trunk pans are the only items that swap. Flop, I have been following this thread and you seriously make me feel lazy, great work. Do you have a guess on hours put in working (including hours scratching your head)? s.
hours haha to mannnnnnnyyyy!!! ithis car has made me sick , stressed me out , cant sleep at night if sumthin didnt turn out right the girl friends jealous of it you name it . some progress on the hood. finished the big piece up today this hood never fit right i i had to force it into submission haha . so im happy with the gaps on the sides now that back corner was the biggest whore of the whole jobso far.. for some reason. the hood didnt fit right from the get go eveything adjusted to the max and i still had a half inch gap between the door and hood so i had to stretch the hood back and get a nice gap. as chad s and i were talkin about gaps ..they make or break a car.
Still one of my favorite threads, had to comment that I noticed that bottle of Boone's and had a high school flashback of cheap wine and a certain cheerleader's panties on the floor of my VW....sorry, now back to your regularly scheduled programs.
great progress,,that was an excellent idea, and you pulled it off beautifully,, the car is gonna rule..
thanks alot .. its tedious on this one it warps like fuuuuuck ... alot of high crown dolly work and a ton more to go but i think it will be worth it in the end. pabst got to damn expensive since it has gotten trendy...16.99 for a 30 pack fuuuuck that.... so ive switched to the boones and schlitz ice boones is 2.25 and schiltz is under 10 bux so i can get a case of beer and some chinese take out for the price of some pabst haha!!!! haha sounds like a good flashback jasone!! thanks jim did you move to the center of pa yet?
heres some more progress ..i can finally start to see a little light at the end of the tunnel and the way i pictured this car to look in my head. this picture i think makes all the time and enegry spent worth while it just has that look to me . so what do you think guys staight hood corners and no body line or rounded corners and keep the body line?
I feel the same way. I love the new hood work but the squared corners draw my attention away. All in all this is an absolutely phenomenal build. A+ man, thanks!
rounded corners it is i already have them drew on there just gotta do it now ... yah the more i look at the old hood with the big rounded corners the more i hate it im gladd i got rid of that i think its pretty ugly now haha . thanks guys for the input.
You have done an excellent job on this car!! However, I'm not buying that crap about you being only 23 years old..........the quality of your work says that you have 20-30 years experience. Fess up now.