those cuts are not really relief cuts i just called them that to seem more professional!! they are gonna stay so it looks bad ass!!!!! not really stayin!! so when you comin down here to teach me how to do that fancy lead work !!
This car is going to be beautiful. I like the spine down the hood. Are you going to put one down the trunk too?
haha, it will keep your engine bay cool that way! I think sam barris did it once back in 1953.... Soon my friend. Soon! My buddy Rodney (remember him from your party?) found a place that sells lead here in Ohio cheaper than eastwood. We'll get ya goin' -ace
no spine down the trunk there is to much flow goin on there and i think it would ruin it . ace: west penn laco right down the road is 11 bux for a pound the have 10 ponds in stock they said. should get some more work done today not goin to hershey until tomorrow
nope no new pics haha... sick of the hood for the time being so im gonna mess with the grill surround some more. plus i didnt like the way one side of the hood turned out so it will most likly get cut apart again. got a 51 ford dash for tthe pontiac at hershey to bad its six inches wider which really surprised me .. i mean come on a ford dash not fitting in a gm car ha!!!! which will make it even more interesting to get chromed.
What does the dash look like before you customize it, not too many of them over here, so i'm not too sure what it looks like and it would be cool to see the before and after shots. Cheers
Hey! This looks like what I was working on about a year and a half ago on my '51 Pontiac. Good times!
heres what the dash looks like bash no custom work gonna get done to it besides makin it fit in the car and gettin chromed.... yeah lots of fun when the sheetmetal doesnt warp !!!!but wahen it does bad times haha ... any pics of your poncho on here kopis?
that guy hold the electric cut off wheel ,backwards ,pointing towards himself ,with no safety protection . is the dumbest shit i've seen in a while . other than that , the over all porpostions of the car looks good .
Aaaw come off it Flop, you know you're gonna fiddle with it, look at your whole car man, y'aint left anything stock!!
thanks skratch ..yeah hes a dick they arnt my eyes or face meat !! did some more lookin at that dash when i was at the shop its gonna be interesting to get that to fit in the old dash hole . ford dash reaaaal pointy pontiac round. hmmmm they dont fit together nicely. hey bash i wont be stock for the pontiac so it totally custom!!!!
Is the stock dash bare steel like the Ford? If so, could you cut the front end off the stock dash and mate it to the Ford to match it to the windshield. I don't know much about the stock Pontiac stuff, so this could be a totally useless suggestion. You're going to have to section a chunk out of the center anyway, so you're gonna be in there welding already, what's a few more feet of bead on project of this scale?
thats what im tryin not to do is cut ford dash down the middle... because i dont kno how ungodly straight you have to have it to get chromed and look good. never took anything to the chrome shop before this project. but im guessing it will come down to that.
When the sun hits that chromed dash, you may wish it were painted! I'm surprised to see that Buick so close by and uncovered. Will there not be pits on the glass and stainless from all the grinding. I'm not trying to be an ass, just curious.
im gonna have to carry around some sort of fabric with magnets on it for really sunny days to put over the top of the dash and some sunglasses that buick has pretty much been abandoned havent seen the kid that owned it since before this chop started. called and told him to bring a cover i had one on there for a while but then it went to a dif painted car.
Its the only portion that really makes sense. Either that or your speedo is in the door or you lose the glovebox, ha! Maybe hack out the radio area, or take it from the gauge area. Or widen the car 6 inches!
Yeah, that nice flat section there where the radio and controls are is what drew my attention. If I had to section that dash, that's where I'd do it. Not saying I could pull it off in such a fashion that the result coule be chormed and look worth a damn, but that's where I'd make my cut all the same.
probably gonna take it out where the orig. speaker was where the script and emblem are. no other options really.. i want the glovebox ... but also thought about wideneing the car 6 inches!!!!!!! hhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaah! sick of the hood so i messed with the pan that goes in the grill surround. fucking math makin this thing made my damn head hurt haha!!1 all my calculations were gone by this point. blue marks are for the bead roller real subtle bead rolls looks much better then smooth gonna run the inner fenders into the pan and cover up the nasty hack job they did cutting the front frame horns off.
fixed the hack job the guys before me did on the inner fenders.. made it look stock with the 2 breaks against each other had to use a burr on the end of a die grinder to get the bottom ground down nicely alll welded up finished .. tryin to take this car to the world of wheels here in pittsburgh in feb. in bare metal so time is a tickin now..
Flop, no one will ever call you lazy or accuse you of taking the easy way out. The ride is coming along great!
im truckin haha!!! thanks bash any progress on your chev? im as lazy as the next guy i just want a nice car haha!!!! finished up where the hacks cut a hole through the inner fenders for the ac line then onto sumthin different. the orig bracket that supported where the hood latch needed to come out with the new pan goin went from the hood latch through the pan to some substructure under the car. well thats not gonna fly on this car. heres the orig piece. it had another 2 feet on the bottom but that got cut off so nuthing interfers with the grill opening.. its barely noticible when installed but someday when someone tears this car apart again they will be amuzed someone took the time to do this. that brace botls to the bottom hood latch which will have 2 more braces running to the fenders to sturdy things up inder the hood.
haha i knew someone would say it !!!! it came with it.. it works ,and its brand new !!! thats gonna be the only tell tale sign of it right there that one fitting !!!!
i knew it all along and kept my mouth shut. Glad someone else got to him, keeping it quiet was killing me!