awesome job! I hope to do that with my 1950 chevy.....keep us posted! I'm sure I'll have lots of questions!
im thinkin about keepin the pilliars and moving the whole quarter window back with the b pillar. windows look to small for my liking when the coupes are chopped. thanks for all the comments also
thanks 32 where in pa are ya? also the car was chopped 4 inches in the front and the crazy crazy crazy part i cannot figure out the rear was lowered 2 and 5/16" maybe is because the roof is very short? maybe the way we layed the rear window down... i dont kno!! rusk any thoughts on that you seem to know your coupes.
looks kick ass flop! chopping a model a does count. he,he.. roofline looks right from front to back. one of these days i gotta move to the 'burgh screw cleveland sacred pistons rule!
Flop..looking good bro!!! the way the roof flows into the back glass looks "right".. good work,,,poncho..
whats up mike long time no talk ill get down there one of these weekends you gotta scrounge up some more parts for me to buy Kenny! i was just up in ohio with kevin and ed and all those guys a few weekends ago for a junkyard crawl in the freezing cold baaaah pittsburghs not that much fun you guys got it made in ohio with your car laws you would shit if you had to deal with the stuff we do.
4 out of the post. which then measured with a square up to the other line was the magical number written on the post in the one pic. thanks 49ratfink. you have solved one of lifes mysteries
got the posts to line up nice we cut the inner roof braces it turned out better then expected only pinches the corner of the windshield a little bit .... but i think that was because of the old lead work there fron the factoy front shot
Awsome work, It looks great so far. Cant wait to see what your going to do with the 1/4 window. Me and my bro will be doin the same thing to our 50 chevy coupe come summer time.
I'm really not interested in cutting my coupe... but in the event that I did, I'd hope to lay it down as tastefully as you are. Hats off to anyone who tackles such a huge undertaking... but most people who chop coupes ruin the flow of an already cool looking roof line. Well done and I can't wait to see more progress! -ns
thanks for the good words everyone i just hate to see cars that are chopped horribly nuthing flows ,lexan etc etc etc no metal working genius im 23 for gods sake. i did my home work looked at 100s of pictures asked tons of questions and stared and stared at the car and drew lines every which way. also a few good friends will help a ton to hear out your ideas and give there own maybe something you didnt think of. take your time and do things right it will all show in the end. yah i spent a ton on the windshield but it will make the car 100 x better lookin then cheapin out. im gonna keep updating this thread when i finish each step and will post the pics so keep checking back 1st on the list is the packing tray later flop
Thanks a ton for the detailed pics and comments. I'm about chop my '49 Lincoln coupe. All advise is welcome. Cheers .
Looking bitchin', I'll be keeping an eye on this one for reference since my 52 coupe should be going under the knife soon. Keep us updated. Drew
i am thinkin about a very deep metallic red with gold undertones. im not a painter i dont know if its possible but thats what i see i n my head how the shoebox coming jim? ahhh no pontiac this summer probably next summer .... i will be drivin the 47 coupe this year
So are you slanting the b-pillars or taking them out, my 41 has slanted b-pillars, I'm not sure how long they did that. Again great work , thats going to turn out real nice.