Bit of a stand still at the mo'. School holidays and work are keeping me busy for at least another week or 2. But don't worry, I can watch you hard at work instead.
flop nice job iam tinindian I have 52 chieftian that I going to cut soon cant wait to see your finished chop job please send info on any thing you can to me email thanks Miles I,AM NEW TO h.a.m.b.
howd those door work out for ya custombird? also nice meetin ya and cant believe ya hauled em away in that convert!!! thanks nads i appreciate that !!! didnt like the way the passenger side came out on the hood... so whats a man to do in this situation ?? cut it back apart !!! its ok folks im not that crazy i swear all went back together much nicer got most of the body line finished in the front also . cut the other caddy fender apart today to get the next piece of bodyline ready. the real job is dead so i should be able to make alot of progresss comin up here.
well the back of this hood was never right ithink it flew up one time and got bent or sumthin the rear was always aboove the cowl and i am sure cutting and wleding this hood up didnt help plus the edge didnt have a rolled lip just cut .. kinda weird in my opinion. so whats a man to do in this situation? first i tryed some relief cuts to bring it down . FAILED FAILED FAILED!!! the solution was the 50 chevy parts car in the yard.. mmm nice rolled lip on the edge and a tad bit more less welding then fixing whats there now so this is the next twist in the 3 differnt car make hood ... pontiac caddy and now adding some chevy !!
WOW! That will be a cool car. I'm very impressed with your vision and the talent to make that vision a reality. Keep up the good work.
thanks guys few more mods and the body will be done finally nowhere close to you yet jim in the mod area!!!! 51 merc front bumper with a 52 merc splash pan and sectioned guards. chromed 51 ford dash chromed garnish mouldings 53 caddy steering wheel extended quarters into 53 kaiser tailights and a 53 cad rear bumper and thats it .. then air bags and a shit ton of block sanding !!
Hmmm..........a Pontiac, a Chevy and a Caddy.........It's a Ponchelac! Yeehaw. Nice work man, i'm always impressed with how tidy it looks after you dressed the welds.
nope the peaks goin all the way back still. most likly will split the chevy piece in 2 so i can get the gap nice and tight against the cowl. yah i like to weld haha. ya know when ya do it to much cause you know what the metal is gonna do next. i kinda like that.
Hey Chop, If ya stretch that hood at the rear with a couple of come-a-longs, or a 4 ton porta-power or soldered on tension clamps and a porta-power, she'll do just a bout anything you want. Could save ya a shit load of welding and ''sailor language"! That's a great lookin' kustom comming to life, there! Swankey Devils C.C. "Meanwhile, back aboard The Tainted Pork"
hey pimpin that sounds like it could go bad real fast !!!. all i have it a come along but i think im gonna stick with weldin that chevy part in. thanks for the tips though . haha maybe its the weld fumes druss!!! but you can usually tell if its gonna be high low or perfect before ya weld it up .
sorry about that custombird. the assbags before me who "built" this thing were hacks. glad one worked out for ya . i think there were still some nice regulators in that shitty door though and a lock setup. thanks guys off to the real job...
thanks concept heres whats new more huge holes that are mssing metal what the hell else is new haha!! split the 50 cevy hood in 2 so i could get a better fit on the cowl . just a few more feet of welding haha!! much nicer then what was there before. lines up with the cowl perfectly and the gap is nice but it still needs work what the buick sees
Man this thread is worth the price of admission. When i saw the back portions of the hood cut off for a second I thought you might be putting a window in like was it ford?? or olds that did that? you know window in the hood to show off the new engine? any way not that I am making that request just love what you got goin on and look forward to watchin your progress! you.....sir.... may now continue rocking.
Wow that's nice. How long did you cogitate on how to piece that into the build? (ie, I don't have as developed an eye for that, so I don't know if I would have even realised that it would have worked at all)
i knew a chevy hood would fit a pontiac but its 5 inches short. and pontiac for some reason didnt have a nice rolled lip and edge like the chevy where it meets the cowl.. plus the back never met t he cowl right as long as ive had the car and after man hours of fucking around with it before i cut the hood i couldnt get the back to lay down. so something had to be done and that was the solution. so walked outside got the hood off the 50 chevy coupe parts car and off it went. haha yah james there have been many gaping holes cut into this car .
Because of you, I just bought stock in welding wire! Holy crap, you are on a roll. Its a 49 50 51 52 53 54 55...