I personally love the look of the caddy tailights, What rear bumper is that if you dont mind me askin.
I think the Kaiser lights would work and look great if you brought the bottom in towards the quarter, thus rendering that bumper basically useless. Thats what you meant right? Any other ideas for a diff bumper?
Ya they would, the bottom of the bezel is kind of bulky. However, no bezels might cause it to look too custom if that makes sense. So far everything looks as though it could be from the factory, but taillights with no bezels might clue you in too much. Or maybe its me speaking from my hindside.
i dont think the 49 50 cads have been done to death they dont have the reverse light and a cool little thing on the lower bezel also they wont be in the caddy quarters so no little tail fin deal. the bumper is a 53 cad dakota .thanks model a . correct slownlow that would make the bumper totally useless and i dont want that. def wanna have that bumper. gives it a nice heavy look in the back with out being to bulky.dont wanna run the pontiac or chev bumpers they are on everyone of thos ecars ohh wait there supposed to be there ! taillights def have to have bezels and your ass talking slownlow is correct !!!!
I think the Cadi light would look good. Are you planning to suck the bumper in closer to the body? I assume that you are but if not I think it looks too bulky front to back in the middle section the way it sits now almost looking like a continenal bumper without the tire.
bumpers probably gonna go in another 1/2 of an inch .bumpers about 2 inches from the body. gonna run a pan in between them. it will have a dif look once the bumper guards are on the quarters are extended and the lisc plate bracket is on.
Flop, i like the caddy bumper a whole lot. your idea is pretty much identical to one i had for my 50 chevy...I was gonna use a 50 caddy bumper, that i actually got from Jim, combined with caddy tail lights stuck on some slightly extended quarters. I dont think i recall ever seeing that done before... but also what if you flipped the kaiser lights so that the long side was facing up, parallel with the top of the quarter? that might flow a little better but i dunno haha. I like the caddy idea!
Flop, I've been watching this thread too. I don't pretend to have your sense of design or aesthetics, but here's an idea completely different for the tail lights. Never seen this done, and maybe that's the beauty of it, it's an idea I had for a '50 Merc but never carried through on it... What about dropping in the taillights from a 57 or 58 Corvette? like these...
Flop, if you ever come over to "The land of the long white cloud" New Zealand, we are hitting the bars all night long.....my shout......I just received my order of Roloc discs from the U.S. and gave them a quick try, sweet!! Even with the conversion rate AND delivery, they ended up costing me about a buck apiece........that's better than $2.50 each that I pay for them over here. Cheers
yah its gettin there now mpc can kinda see a faint light at the end of the tunnel. thanks wrfritchen its caddy lights for sure found a set today gotta pick em up tomorrow. hmmmm a trip to NZ to get wasted if i ever get that way i shall take ya up on some heavy drinkin bash!! glad they worked out for ya . well got the bumper kinda attatched to the car today . what you mean a 53 cad bumper wont bolt up to s10 frames what the fuck!!! heres what i satrted with. cut the lip off the bottom our neighbor has a fence company so went over there got some square stock. mmm plate steel is such a joy to weld to after 2 years of sheetmetal. dont think the bumper will fall off anytime soon. watch out these old cars bite few butterflys and i was good to go heres my gap between body and bumper .. also cut the tube to the angle of the guard and they will be bolted on to the new piece of square stock . tacks are holding it in place for now gonna need some work to get that center section to work out . doesnt seem like ti will be to bad though i think all the blood and work was worth it in the end looks killer on there but hey thats just my opinion.
nah, looks like shit bro. HA! only kidding ya. you guys have anything going on at the shop coming up? Gotta get back out there and see it 'live' again. and Brians B cup.
i think the liquid on the floor is a mix of melted snow and peroxide probbaly some blood down there somewhere. but hell if i was bleedin like that i wouldnt be puttin pics up!!! me and blair are plannin a winter party at the shop soon ace i think in jan probably. hot apple cider and rummm!!! mmmm thanks james
I second the 50 Dodge taillights... Use the lense and the trim around it,not the potmetal part with the reflector. Here's a pic of them...
wow. just spent the last hour+ reading through this thread. flop- you clearly have the right combination of balls and patience. my hats off to you. i love the progress and how this is coming together. -scott noteboom
flop, let me know brother i'd like to come out. i'm making cider this year, it's fermenting away as we speak! If you think about '54 merc lights like hemifarris said, i may have a set... -ace
well i went against everyones recomendations and decided this is how to start off every day befor ei work on the ol pontiac 40oz of malt liquor and mechanical camel rides!!! back to the regularly schedueled programming and went against everyones suggestions with taillights and went caddy to match the bumper. very rough mock up as of right now sumthin just didnt look right back there i finally figured out what it was . the chrome piece that sits onto of the bumper and goes int othe quarter was tooo big and bulky so whats a man to do in this situation. uhhhhohhh tape down the middle section them of course gotta get the set off the parts car to finish the corners much less bulky after the section job also gotta mess with the top of the quarter to make it run into the tailligh and run a little body line off the light liek cad did. tons of shrinker stretcher work in my future to get those quarters buttoned up thanks everyone for the suggestion and good words. this just seemed perfect with the cad bumper and its gonna be my gas door like on a cad.
Looks great, your a thinker which is part of that particular job. Think it will look just right when your done, nice work!