I can´t find it now, but there were photos of a black coachbuilt Cadillac with the same setup as you are going for - the Caddy lights without the fins. Looked very good on that car. Edit:- Valley Customsor Coachcraft built. Great minds think alike! (Well, apart from the mechanical camel thing I would guess) More here... http://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/...76&highlight=cadillac+custom+valley&showall=1
Flop I have watched all the James bond movies, mission impossible movies and all the other spy movies I could find and now I am going to fly to the U.S undetected and swoop in and jump out at high speeds and capture you and haul you back to Australia and stick you in my shop and feed you beer and pizza ...Man good work well done AND AT THE AGE OF 23...soon to be honoured in the Kustom hall of fame...mark my words young man...well done... Arty.... my 51 pickup my pick up with skirts
thats a killer car james .. been lookin dont kno why more people didnt use the caddy light also a cool spot to put you gas door . ohh welll. did all the coachcraft stuff have the same hub caps? and where in the history of customs text book does it say that coachcraft didnt ride meachanical camels!!!??? i shall let ya know ace when its gonna go down. thanks bash damn right there gonna work even if they didnt i woulda made em. thanks alot diablo!! im gonna stick with the US we dont have as many posinious creatures here . where ya at in pittsburgh ken? more then one try so far nexx!!! hard to make tight curves on the shrinker
hey,,,,you better wear your safety turban next time you ride that camel...... i like the taillights more than i thought i would,,,,nice job//
this is the reason this car will stand out completely. Flop could have went with an easier light assembly but he decided to stick it out and cut it apart and think COMPLETELY OUTSIDE the box. good work man. I always look forward to new posts from you with photos, cause it means you are doing something again. Im so jealous of your ambition and TIME. Keep it up. I cant wait till your done.
Flop, damn. You're a bad dude man. Just like you, I can't leave anything alone. Problem is I have all the will and none of the skill. If you ever get too overly confident, you can slide into TN and try to chop a '50 4dr Streamliner Poncho and see if it breaks your spirits. Awesome work bro, keep the updates coming!
Yeah, I figured that wouldn't be on the first try. I know you'll get it though, I was just hopin' it would cooperate a little more (don't know why it would change now ). Oh well, was just tryin' to offer encouragement (hope it didn't come off as me flippin you lip or anything, cause that's not how it was meant). That's a neat Caddy. With the reflections of the clouds it almost looks like there is a swail in the peak of the quarters as they approach the lights (but when I look real hard, it apears to be a continuous curve down to the light so). Guess that's what you get with a REALLY shiny black pain job.
no sweat off my back nexx takes alot more then that to get me goin. hell its only the third time i used that shrinker stretcher the rest was just seeing what it could do haha!!! yah i looked close at that caddy and it does look like they swoop up a hair but its all in the reflections crazy shit!!! thanks popo you cant wait till im done.. imagine what im feeling!!! thanks man more pics for ya guys soon. jim..if i woulda been the whole way through the 40 oz i think a saftey turban would have been necessary. thanks midnight i get offfers to go to new zeland and you think your gonna tempt me with TN hahaha!!! i dig that car just the way it sits. well maybe with 2 inches outa the roof. now those in the barris car mo dont do it for me..what year caddy was that? probably stock lights .. the reverse lights take the classyness out of it in my opinion but to each there own. barris must have been thinkin about saftey that day !!!
thanks van horton well i got the corners on the piece over the bumper took a while cause the fit has to be perfect because its gonna get chrome finall got the hang of the shrinker stretcher .. didnt want the weird buldge that caddy had down there plus there were rusty as shit so it was time to start shrinkin. finished the other side up today too still tons more fab work to do . alot harder then i expected when i first started. because the quarters are canted in so i gotta repostion the body line on the little part of the cadiilac quarter to make it all seem right to the eye and to line up with the piece on top of the bumper. gonna use a piece of body line off the top of the actual caddy quarter to do that.
Im so glad your doing this .I'm using a 50 caddy bumpers on my 53 ford and i was brain storming on the ends where they meet the quarter caddy had a indent and like you i have to replacate this . i was amazed that the cad bumber are around 7 inches wider than the ford i too cut them behind the guards i am leaving my ends pieces stoch height because im using the stock taillight location. your craftmenship is amazing keep it up and i cant wait to see what you do next
Ahhh, finally got to catch up on some of the progress. This thread has become my obsession. I love to see Flop's deterimination and skills out there for all to see, and he's completely humble to boot. Can't wait to see the next set of pics.
this really makes me want to build a custom now... i want to do something ridiculous with the shell of my 50 chevy... It's seriously inspirational! Im so glad your doin the caddy lights, cause i had the same idea a long time ago, and its cool to see it comming together and actually working...
love the lights never realy cared for the fin on the cady any way. looks like a small peak it would look good fading in to the top of the 1/4. must be the body line your talking about. this is a great thread. you have THE eye for this flop. would be nice if others could see it the way you do.
Nearly 85000 viewings of this thread - must be a record for the HAMB! Man, you are going to be walking 6 feet off the ground when you finish this. Imagine what Flop's 3rd chop is going to look like!!!!! When he has practiced a bit more, and really "got his eye in"......
neeeeeeeeeeeever eevvvvvvvvvvvvrer neeeeeeeeeeeever try to taper staright quarters unless ya like to weld hahaha.. im gonna have pie cuts half way up the goddamned quarters!!! where i am at now i am at a stand still untill i find some 49 or 50 cad quarters heeeeeeeelp!!!!! hey slownlow its gonna get a 51 merc front bumper!!! and a 52 merc spalsh pan in the front!!!!! next project is gonna be a ford you will be happy then ahhh customs its a love and hate battle van horton. hopefully this car isnt the death of me flying monkey and puts me 6 feet under im stressin about the lights i dont kno why probably cause i cant find the cad quarters. thanks guys gonna work on the 47 chevy tomorrow got the rear end back from the shop mmm thanksgiving dinner reaking of gear oil!!!! have a good thanksgiving guys.
pure genius! Flop, you make young guys like me yearn to become the talent that you posess. Ever since I started to follow this build my work has gotten just a little better. I stand back and look at the time and work put into each bit of this car and realized that my own work was lacking in those areas. You know I am sure there are a lot of guys that do quality work like this but, flop has the ability to ( nothing bad intended ) dumb it down a lil or make it look easy. Things that I didn't quite get before have been made a lot clearer. Okay so I just realized that I sound like some kind of Flop groupie so, I will stop now. But, Thank you for the great thread.
thanks low down hey man your makin me feel old sayin the young guys haha!!! METAL FINISHED first time i truly metal finished anything. crazzzzy crazy tiime with the file on these . started with a real coarse one then to a really fine one whose scratches would come out with 80 grit. not chrome thats steel they were sectioned an inch and i added corners to them because the sectioning moved them forward. polished to 1500 grit ready to go to the chrome shop. had to step the work up a notch to get it this nice. got about 25 hours into this one. and it still needs a little work but ill leave that to the chrome shop. all thsi because the lack of caddy quarter panels for sale at the moment haha!!! hard to get nice pics of shiny stuff
i didnt kno steel could get that deep of a shine to it . sure surprised me . hell if ya could get clear to stick you would be in buisness haha went from 80 to 1500 and then buffed probably shoulda went to 2000 but ill let the chrome shop deal with it i got most of the major stuff out of the way on that piece. i didnt know how crazy to go i just listened to what the chrome shop said to do . knocked the welds down with roloc so i didnt go to deep into the metal then file file file. thanks sam, bill and chad and everyone else