Good to see you back on this! Sometimes all you need is a new perspective to get things rolling again glad you were able to find it. Keep the progress coming.
Looking good Flop... It would probably be a 4-car shop if one of the three cars wasn't a '59 Fleetwood! The metamorphasis is truly impressive!
thanks for the welcome back geeze didnt expect that !!! sorry the shop looks liek fucking mars the roof leaked a ton and metal dust plus water equals rusty everything alright so back to those rear bumper guards once side all tacked together big holes from my stupid cutting mistakes woooops heres how i fixed it up .took a piece of heavy paper and found an orig 53 cad bumper guard made an outline of the bumpers shaape on that and there ya go a perfect template taped to the new bumper guard draw your lines cut the new metal piece on and tack it in !! needs some work on the edge but you get the idea! heres the other side that was filed ready to get polished but it got rained on those are scotch brite marks on it
Good to have you back flop!! looks like you had a blast at the round up!! i ll be there next year with the chevy!! the guards are comin out nice bro!! Ian
they are knocked down pretty close with a 2 inch 36 grit roloc then they are filed down the rest of the way with a file goin from coarse to fine to get the scrathes out from the coarse. you would be there all day with sand paper if ya wanted to try and get the scrathes out that way . its about 1/8 inch plate that i filled the gaps in with . same width as the orig is made from.
Flop is back on it!...I think I just heard the faint sounds of angel trumpets...haha. Glad to see that you got a clear head and are ready to keep the masses intrigued once again. Keep up the posts.
Welcome back Flop. I've been following this like a hawk and I love the work you've done. Keep it up!!!
Great that you are back! This is an awesome build that I have been following all along. Bumper guards look sweet. Can't wait to see more of this build. Great work.
finished the other bumper guard today just some pics gonna get the other taillight done and the rear splash pan needs made still still a few pits here and there that need filled but you get the idea the quest for perfect gaps. bottom still needs work
Hey Flop, I have a nice license plate light housing with a really nice glass lense (1952 Cadillac) if yours is missing/broken/or badly pitted... If you wan't it, it's yours. Just PM the shipping address to me...
welll hammer and a dolly ya gotta beat the living christ outa 1/8 inch plate to get it to move just a hair. easier with heat. files a ton of them coarse to fine and a roloc disc 36 to knock the weld down then 220 for some finish work ya gotta be careful though with the 220 so ya dont mess up your file work . ya dont wanna dig any grooves . and thanks todd ill take ya up on that
well after a bunch of staring and 4 or 5 beers ive decided i hate the caddy taillights so back to the drawing board!! im thinkin 53 54 pontiac station wagon like the sam barris buick
Honestly, I think the Pontiac lights would screw up the flow of this car. They are too "busy" and would draw too much attention to themselves. Having trouble coming up with a good alternative, though. Maybe 41 Stude? 51 DeSoto? This car has a real "early custom" vibe to it, so I'd try to keep your choice to something pre-54ish. And don't be afraid to turn a light upside-down, or rotate it 90 degrees, etc.
What specifically don't you like about the Caddy taillights? Or is it just a general vibe thing? (I think they are perfect, or damn close.) If your many fans know what you think might be wrong with the existing ones then maybe we can help?
I'm with ^these^ guys, the Pontiac light wouldn't fit on this car (or, I'm having a hard time imagining it anyways) I really dig the Caddy lights, maybe theres some other lights that will look killer too, I don't know.
how bout some 51 frazer lights like the Frank livingston 49 chevy or put shoebox windsplits on it and be like the larry ernst chevy 56 plymouths or maybe upside down 54 merc lenses with the extra ribs or keep the caddy lights they dont look bad
I love the idea of the Caddy lights but I think the bottom of them from a side view should be parallel with the rocker panels.
I don't know Flop. The caddy lights do fit real nice and aren't that common on kustoms. What do you have in mind?