well flop, whatever tail lights you decide to go with it will still look like crap, like the rest of the crappy job you've been doing on that pile of junk. KIDDING of course buddy. Hoping i can get out to the show on the 24th man! I'll see if we can't get the whole gang down there. Glad you got a new shop! Talk with ya soon -ace
Where the hell have i been!!!thanks for an inspiring thread!your metal work is amazing it pushes me to do better for sure!i cant wait to see the finished product.
No on the caddy lights?? I can't picture the poncho lights on there either (as others have said) maybe a picture would help? Too bad I'm so bad (unskilled) with photoshop.
Man so glad to have you back in business FLOP! How about Mustang tail lights or a set of lights from my 66 Galaxie! Totally bullshitten man what ever you decide will be money! I have to say I love the Cadillac lights just make sure that you post some pics man! And soon
Flop....you just made me late for work!, I couldnt stop reading this thread. This build is Fricken AWESOME! Shes coming together very nice, seems a shame to throw paint over all that metal work......
well thanks for all the ideas advice and sorry for making people late for work ! well after more beer drinking and staring ive decided to keep the lights with a bit of change involved. im gonna go with what 00mack said and make the base of the light parallel to the rockers . with the slant down to the lights now i think it takes away from the classyness that the car has . and how its gonna be a very subtle custom to people who dont kno but in theroy every panel has been modified. and that rake just seems outa place on a classy looking custom . with changing the lights involves more work with the quarters . to level them i will either have to add to the top of the quarter or take some out of the front of the quarter to take some of the swoop out . dont kno if that makes any sense but its gonna need to be done at my new shop since i can get a dead on side shot of the car where i am at now.so that will get addressed in about a month . 2 and a half years to this point and its not block ,,,it used to be a slaughter house and the room im in was a meat locker so the walls have 3 inches pieces of cork on them
OK , FLOP . Its all your fault. My 51 Pontiac Chieftan will now be getting a chop, I have to , your car looks perfect! Mine looks like a fish bowl.
IM HOME FLOP and ready to be impressed. Can't wait to see what this week brings! I hate being away for the army, the HAMB is blocked on all gov computers.
well nuthing to exciting goin on popo just movin to the newww shop new place is about 1100 square feet just enough room for me i cant complain its about a min from my house and the rents cheap!!and a classy office overlooking the whole deal!! its even came with a 47 chevy and a pit bull haha!!!
good luck in the new shop. all the work I have seen you do so far is fantastic wish you were closer to me I would offer you a job in a heartbeat
Hey Flop. First of all, I want to say that your work is amazing. You must be extremely patient. I am getting ready to chop a 51 Pontiac, and I really like the roof line you created on this one. I saw earlier in the thread that you cut the posts at 4", but I never saw what you cut the windshield posts at. You mentioned that you wrote the measurement for the windshield posts on the car. This picture has 2-3/8 written directly above the post. Is that the length you cut out of windshield post? Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
i took 4 outa the front posts the 2 3/8ths i believe was the amount of verticle drop ya get when ya take 4 inches out if that makes any sense.
Nice shop Flop!! When you make you way to NC with that PONCHO you can swing by our shop which is very similar. We have a pretty cool area over the shop that over looks the place. Nice Dog too!!! APBT?
oh, man! this car is the shit! you work is be-a-utiful! can only hope to have that kind of skill one day!
Good luck with the new shop there. Bet you'll fill it up quick! Looks cold in the winter, which means you'll weld and grind alot to keep warm. Good to see your gettin back in the groove soon. TP
hey flop, I'm jones'n for more update shots please tell me your working your ass off on this thing and not wasting your time on the hamb like I am I should be out theathering my hay.
I've been watching this thread all along, Flop your work makes me fell like a lazy hack (which is often true) My 52 pontiac is on the lift and not much is getting done. Too many other projects going on. A office over the shop, great idea I'll pass it along to the owner..... oh wait there is already a bunch of crap hanging from the ceiling but it would be a better view s.
My girl filed a mising persons on me cause i've been staring at the screen for like three days!! Exelent work man!!! Maybe at next years round-up I can get a ride in that clean ass poncho!!
im alive no pontiac work bein done though. got a set of 52 chev quarters for the car goin back to stock and starting over again. car hasnt been moved to the new shop yet either. ive been busy with a customers 50s lambretta scooter project . need the money so thats taken priority. ...for some reason he wants a 3 person scooter. so stretched it got. all kinds of cool metal work getting done to it but dont think its that hamb worthy