WOW never expected a reply from barry mazza on my thread .. thanks alot very appreciative.. well if that doesnt get a fire under my ass nothing will. cars coming tot he new shop this week so expect alot of work to be gettin done soon. also think im picking up a tig very soon so alot of cool shit for the future!!!!!!
The top looks like it's lining up well.I agree about keeping the tulip panel original length,just looks better. Hammer and dolly work commin' up huh ? Nice work.
well starting up again for sure this time cars at the new place im about all moved in 52 chev quarter kinda in place still needs tweaked some also sectioned the 53 cad piece another 3/4 of an inch copper sink tube also good and easy to bend to make a nice contour and it was cheap these seem to fit the cars style alot nicer for some reason i think it flows way mooooore better haha!!!i feel much better about the car now haha shut up i know im weird
yeah no fucking around now back on it for sure!!!! gotta go pick up the new tig welder on next thursday sos that should make this alot more fun now!!!! thanks guys!!!
You still got a girlfriend Flop? Cause she needs to realize you HAVE to get this car done this year!!! not just for you but for US ON THE HAMB. we are dying to see this thing on the road! Glad to see your back and you move more than a high school girl changes boyfriends.
FLOP!!! get that thing finished so you can head on over to CLT and get started on my family '54!!! Nice and classy for sure.
Good to see you back at it. I like the look of the new quarters an I agree I think they flow better even though I liked the cad ones as well.
ditto -this is incredible craftmanship... I'm so glad you are sharing your work too. GREAT build... inspiring to us mere mortals. peace
well this is what my brain was seeing the whole time.... fits the car so much better then the cad lights....
caddy bumper things were sectioned another 3/4 of an inch everything is all lined up now just gotta fil in the holes now
yah if you get you ass to pittsburgh and help block till we have no finger tips hahaha!! those quarters do it for me finally!!! theres still a hint of caddy back there and a touch of custom now. most of the serious metal work is done gotta do the inside bracing of the deck lid same for the hood 53 olds dash build the grill front bumper air ride and then every other little thing thats gonna show its head when i put this son of a bitch back together
TIG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! holy not as easy as a mig hahaha..yah mean i gotta use both hands and one of my feet????!!! i sucked at playing drums so how am i expected to weld good !!! well heres the first welds witht he tig on my pontiac and what a difference its amazing how much you can beat on these welds and they dont crack but ya get a little more warpage in return got a smoking deal on a miller synchrowave 200 off of a guy on the hamb and by some means he was driving through pittsburgh from illinois so a deal was struck i had to do some wiring and then i was welding away with a tig ..thanks johnny!!!! aww my first welds with it . never touched a tig before so it took some gettin used to got about 2 hours on the machine so far got the holes filled in with metal finally looking like i pictured it !!! thank god!!! sorry for the shitty pics the digi camera is outa commision so your gonna have to deal with tthese for a while
I would think TIG is overkill on this. Yeah it isn't easy, your first welds look better than mine did.
I dunno man, while a tiny o/a torch is my preference for this kind of thing, a TIG is a damned fine second choice. Lets you work the weld after you've made it, without having to worry about cracks and whatnot. I like this current thrust Flop, much more than the previous version. Less flamboyant, more subtle, etc. Whatever you call it, I dig it.