i like the swoop looks good as long as you dont french in 39 fords, 50 fords, stock ponchos or 59 caddys maybe bumperguard lights?
i love the fact that you decided to change it even after all the other work. shows your willing to do WHATEVER it takes and not just short cut. Not that you have at all so far, but your killing it man!!!
cool, i lost track of this build for awhile but am glad to see it is still on track. looks like its all coming together nicely.
thanks alot guys im gonna put 3 59 caddy lights on each side!!!! sticking out at various lengths...............HAAAAA no taillights in the quarters geting bumper guard lights.quarters are gonna get a subtle body line coming up from the peak at the bottom im gonna be stuck with this car for a long time popo so i better like it haha!!
Flop, you know what? I'm going to hack up 51 Chieftan and it's all your fault. That car you are building is just what I want. Thanks for all this insite... I may PM you a couple million times when I get started.
tig is sloooooooooooooooow but im makin some progress almost time to start on the other side. gonna wait to fill in the old taillight hole till the other side is in so it gives me some kinda reference points to work from tig is nice to hammer on for sure and seems to file down easier on the finish work. yah im still that picky 2 years into this thing
mooooooooovin along . no more big holes bill the are all full of metal . sorry for the blurryness all i got in the cell phone for now well got most of the hard work done today quarter has a nice little curve in it to meet the caddy bumper (chevy and pontiac quarters go straight back.)
I really can't tell you how much this has been a joy following this thread...if I can't seem to do it myself...its been a pleasure livin thu you and this Pontiac! You are a dream creator!
I see your tig in the photo, i have the same one but, hobart. Too bad i can't use it anymore. They work nice flat welds. Pain in the ass if your joints are not tight. Tough to bridge a gap but, can be done. Interesting to see your progress, i'am watching your work in progress , very good stuff. Barresse'
well since most of the other quarter was done i figure i would build the splash pan and then start on the other quarter . got the digital camera working again just for Slowandlow haha!! well i got some metal and a harbor freight bead roller and i used the step down die wow look at that it doesnt fit the bumper wprth a damn because of the steps the caddy bumper has in it so imagine this im gonn ahave to do some more cutting and welding cut the lines at the stpes in the bumper to make the filler pan have the steps... used my 6 ton press to get the steps put into the pan alot easier haha or a regular bottle jack put in a particular place
the steps i was talking about incase ya guys didnt understand used the step down die on the other side to make it look like it was pressed intot the metal now and my memory card was full so the story will get finished tomorow haha
Im pulling a Flop right now. Im moving! Man I'm still following ya too, your still as crazy as before! I can't wait to see this when you change it again, i mean get it finished!! lol
My son wears safety glasses and he still got a piece of steel in his eye the other day. Sat in the hospital 6 hours before they fished it out.
Wow Flop, the car is looking great! I love looking at the details of these builds, I learn so much and get so much inspiration from them! Can't wait to see it done!
didnt get anything done today went and bought some new stuff for the shop in ohio and just relaxed had my first day off from work in a while!!progress tomorrow fo sho!!! i kno me some good beers bill. pabst is just good for the shop because if i spilll it i dont care or get luke warm haha. where ya movin to popo hopefully pittsburgh? only 2 episodes of metal in the eye ball on this build we have some eye hospital in town so its a real quick job since there arnt to many daily eye injuries. thanks cadguy