the bondo stripping is what started the nightmare on this car . put 12 inches all the way around on the bottom.
At least you knew if would need doing , Are you going to pan cake the trunk lid to continue the flow?
yah the trunks goin under the cutting wheel.probably gonna take 2 or 3 inches out . hood will either get the strip filled down the milddle or somehow im gonna get a 49 caddy hood on there havent decided yet .
some more progress made put the trim on for kicks saw an area that sucked in so that had to be fixed. cut out the bad spot ot was thin and shitty then i welded up below the rear window
today i started messin with the side windows. i dont like the way coupe rear quarter windows look chopped so i moveed the whole frame back to keep the window as big as possible and to take up some of the room above the beltline. uhhhuh you know what the green tape means big gaping holes haha posts are gonna be straight wanna kinda keep a stock look to the car nuthing to crazy... but still have people scratching there heads.
Damn, glad I finally bumped into this one. Looks really good flop. Thanks for documenting it so well. Can't wait to see what happens with the B pillars.
what are you doing with that buick sitting next to it? great work - this has to be the most in-depth chop progress how-to - im book marking this for future refrence!
im tryin to show everything i do to this car to give people an idea of all whats involved with cutting a roof so maybe it saves a few cars from being hacked apart and hopefully a bunch of ya guys learn from this as much as i have learned from this website nothing to the buick because the guy never shows up to work on it that cars gonna be angry when someone get it 2 years sitting there but atleast its inside
wellllll i am wating for my windshield gasket to get here before i can do anymore welding on the chop so i decided to make some more work for my self lets Pancake the trunk wooooooooo.... well i was reading rod n kulture with tiny doing a tech on it and boy did they make it seem easy easy as pie.... nope not easy as pie maybe a pancake but who knows well here is where we started took the nice decklid off the parts car and put it on the pontiac did some masking measuring and some staring and came up with this that equals 1 3/4" gottta cut out the inside structure also a whole ton of pie cuts later and its starting to look like something
thats gonna improve the looks of that car a lot....... what are you using to make all your cuts? a whizzer wheel?
Wow, Flop, I'm impressed, been a Poncho nut for my whole life, and that is gonna be one of the coolest rides I've ever seen. Keep up the good work on it, I'm envious of you young 'uns .
jim..all the cuts on the outer skin were done with a cut off wheel some of the inner was done with a cut off wheel then where it was to deep for the wheel to get it i used the sawzall. and thanks poncho thats a hell of a compliment this whole thing really scared me at first the oh shit factor set in for about 5 mins thinking that ya ruined the decklid, then your brain finally kicks in and ya figure out what to do . heres some pics of all the pie cuts its not completley finished but ya get the idea side shot
Nice job bro! Lookin' good. are you guys having a get together this spring? I'd like to see the ol' poncho inperson. Hey, if it's not a pain in the ass (or you haven't done it yet) how 'bout a profile shot of the before and after with the lid 'caked. -ace
yup memorial day party for sure no dead on profile shot with the differences ive seen enough after the 1000s of pics i looked at of other cars on here and and i liked them with the cut decklids better .or maybe the winter is just making me crazy whooo knows?????
that's a distinct possiblity! Ya know i was thinking, i haven't been to a single memorial day show you guys do because we're always playing a show that weekend. Memorial day is May 26th right? So, is it the 24/25th? If so that's awesome, i'll be around. Rock on! -ace
You are an absoute fuckin king!For weeks Ive been lookin in and thinkin"Wow he placed the backlite just right but Im suuuuure he wont pull the 1/4 windows back and make the posts straight" You nailed it!Your car rocks! Just think,Its probably gonna be the best 50 Pontiac coupe ever done!
Man this is super sweet, giving me some inspiration to 2 door my A40 and chop it. Bugger, this was going to be an easy build. THANKS!
carb should be back soon from the carb guy, sooo outside it will be soon... thanks alot mack00 barely even see ponchos cut up or messed with so ya gotta look at the 51 52 chevs for your ideas. they go real cheap too same with parts. they are never easy doc . what an A40?
thanks guys one last pic before i go back out and start weldin it back up atleast that buick next to me is good for somethin... you can really start to see a huge difference now
Big difference flop!! hows the ol' pancake job coming? Once she's done if you need some striping done let me know.
Truly an inspirational thread and i've learned alot of do's and don'ts when I go cut mine up. Flop, when you cut the trunk up to pancake it, then push the top down to meet the bottom part, does the steel crinkle at the top left and top right where the cuts meet at the "V". Also, when you push the top part down to meet the bottom part, does the top lip of the trunk pull back away from the body of the car? If so, how do you fix it so it's all gapped the same around the trunk? Cheers.
to early to think about striping but i shall let ya know ace haha... when i pushed the top of the trunk to meet the bottom the steel did not crinkle i cut it damn near to the edge on the lid. where it did crinkle is at the bottom where the decklid curves . the top didnt pull away from the body but the bottom did. i am going to have to add to the bottom of the decklid i do believe . i started with the trunk perfectly gapped and welded to the tailpanel but as soon as i needed inside the trunk , the decklid did what it wanted to do and the bottom lip sucked up some. also the top corners pushed out and will need trimmed and welded back up. they do not fit in the channel any more and are onto the body by about an eighth of an inch. this i think is more difficult then the actual chop there is a ton of work to be done here . here are some pics to show ya whats actually involved instead of just the fun parts in the magazine article that tiny did in rod n kulture . heres some pics all of this was like shootin in the dark for me and aparently i cut to much out of the sides so i had to add some. theres gotta be a better way of working with the sides though anyone else wanna chime in about that. probably some math equation or sumthin i dont know.
The proportions on that thing are starting to look like what GM shoulda done to begin with. Very smooth. Looks like it's going fast even sitting there in your shop.