Flop, looking great. This whole thread has been about the metal work, I was wondering whats going to be under the sheetmetal? Straight 6 or 8?
well i do have a 47 coupe aqua but i doubt i will ever chop that one and have fun finding that beltline trim i had to buy a whole nother car to get it . neither chieftan... its gotta a pontiac 400 with a th400 in it car is on an s 10 frame i dont know why the gap got so screwed up the decklid was tacked to the quarters when i cut it and as soon as i cut it apart after the whole lid was tacked all hell broke loose
[quote Flop i dont know why the gap got so screwed up the decklid was tacked to the quarters when i cut it and as soon as i cut it apart after the whole lid was tacked all hell broke loose[/quote] Hey Flop, The deck lid fit up probably went south from heat build up and not having enough material welded up so the panel could support its self. Another way to section a deck lid or hood panel is to align the gaps all around the deck first, than add bits of round stock in be- tween the gaps, tack weld them in place and leave them in until it's time to reweld in the inner trunk stretcher panel. You than add what material is necessary to blend the flow to the panel to the area being sectioned. On the chop, be sure you reweld all of those stretcher panels, the Cant rails, the inner quarter to wheelhouse panels, all again as oem or better. If not, all of those cuts will become hinges from the torsion- al/tensional forces transmitted throughout the vehicles body/frame. For your first time at bat, chop-wise, I'd say you "knocked it outa the ballpark" It would probably take me longer to learn how to take and post all those pictures, than to chop the roof! Major point on the board, metalwise on this one! Swankey Devils C.C. "Meanwhile, back aboard The Tainted Pork"
thanks for the reply pimpin it makes sense after the fact .. everything i cut out from inside on the roof is getting replaced i knew it had to be important with all the spot welds i drilled out !!! next is a mock up of the windshield to make sure the fit is perfect. then onto the quarter windows and doors
WOW all i can say is that this is prob. the best thread on the site you did a great job on this car and it give everyone that has seen it inspiration to try it and it also gives us something to admire cuz thats beatuiful work good job and thanks for making me want to try something like that one day.
life and the real job got in the way but time for some more pics and updates well its time to get the rear quarter windows squared away heres how i did it .. i dont like chopped coupes with tiny quarter windows so here was my solution . straight posts for a more stock look how much it stuck out from when the actual roof moved down and in side view with the window in place the cut below where the pillar is retached is a relief cut so the pillar could go in on itself so it would meet back up with the roof in its new spot more after some dinner
long dinner ha! back to the pics pic shows where the window orig was and where it is now continuing the stock feel. corner cut and in place... had to put one cut in the corner to get it to line up right no crazy tricks there all simple stuff lookin like a car again
side shot with the corner in the quarter window fillin in some blanks cut the piece missing from the body line out of a junk door i had heres with some welded up not gonna weldit up to far until i get the piece of drip rail and roof incase i gotta do some tweaking also gotta remake all the inner bracings then start on the door frame more progress to come this week i hope
The old Poncho looks good Flop!!! I can't wait to do my own "real" chop! (something besides a Model A) I just have to wait a couple more months....
man that is a lot of work (it might have been easier to take a piece of sheet metal and hammer a '50 pontiac out of it!!).. those quarters will look sweet, everything flows very well together. excellent work!!!
im gonna think about making them out of a few sheets of 18 guage after this one 65. ahh all the works payin off now startin to look like sumthin fianlly. thanks klaus and i should be gettin it outside soon so thats gonna be the real test picture see how everything looks then !!!!
Flop, Now that your done with the deck lid I'll give you my shipping info so you can send it to me! Car looks perfectly proportioned. You've got a good eye.
Like the flow of your chop...... most coupes look squashed from the back and the quarter window ends up out of proportion, this one looks good. and nice metal work too.
This might be one of the most documented chops I've seen on this board. This is only reinforcing my idea to chop my shoebox Ford. I have to fix the roof before I chop it though. Can't wait to see how this turns out, as it looks awesome already. Eric
thats for the feedback guys makes this alot more fun and less tedious well got the corner of the window done and half leading up in to the roof the whole window is on a taper so with the corner getting moved forward a little it was a hair off stuck out just enough to screw things up if ya welded it like it is put a cut in to move the piece in to make it line up with that all welded up the next part that was out was the inside of the corner so that also needed a slit to make it line up lots of file work iin the corners
next onto some inner fun. everyone was wondering why im doin a nice job on the inside too .. i f i ever sell the car and someone tears it apart .i want the outside to be as nice as the inside. details details details not the most exciting but things like these really make or break a car and these are the things people never show ya the edge is all ineven and chewed up.. i dont like it much better i think 3m seam selaer and some rustoleum because ill never be able to get to this part again when the supposrts are in. so ya gotta do it now cut the corner to fit
thanks heres some more well im some kinda weirdo i guess but i wanted the hole to back back where it was supposed to be so i cut it out from the orig. corner piece noone will ever see it still needs a little work but turned out decent
Hey Mr Flop you are one talented and brave man. You have my total respect and admiration. Tell me you had more than one welder guy helping you. I can see where this gets overwhelming. I would like to chop my 52 coupe. (NO BALLS) Iwill study your pics !!!!! LATER 52 csb
yah your talkin to the welder you really get the hang of things after a chop if you had any doubts before lol. more pics this after noon .. goin to get the pieces of roof from mr chevrolet on here thursday so i should be done with this side of the car by next week.
Please Flop, don't stop taking and posting all those step by step pics ! You just can't imagine how it is helpfull, and inspiring for suckers like me !
last ones for now more pics when i get more work done and yes blkcat77 send me your addy ill get right on shippin out that decklid
well heres some more of the non fun to look at part but could be informative if your choppin one of these cars inner bracings go in today if you are careful ya wont have to fabricate anything so when you are cutting them out in the beggining do a nice job and you will be happy when it comes around to this simply put the support in its original place and line it up with where ya want it to go now and bingo theres your line to cut for a perfect gap and a perfect fit to the other bracing make sure ya do a nice job on these put your spot welds back or else the roof is gonna flex like hell everything seam sealed and rustoleumed and the edges with weld through primer for the top piece to go on with spot welds whcih i will have to make tomorrow there is no saving the top piece to many spot welds to get out