turned out great..wish my hardtop vent windows were that easy! Hardtops have pot metal frames .. and i agree.. chopping isnt too bad to do.. you just really need to think and re think the glass before going too crazy on the chop.. i got my glass in and still had a few minor problems with my rear corners.. but got it to work! anyways, great looking car, good job! CJ
I have an old 52 broken glass on sides, front. I keep saying that will be the one that's gets the chop. Hat's off to you for your skills and showing us.
Thanks buddy... it was your thread that I studied about a hundred times that made me go for it. I choped my model a first, but this was a whole new animal. lol
I keep going back and forth about chopping or not. Maybe this one stays stock and the next one is my chopped custom. I could always tell the wife this ones for her. Your thread has me wanting to attempt it. Maybe i should practice on a pinto or something of no value
Nice thread, I just put the bracing in my 51 Chevy this afternoon, started drawing off the chop lines, getting ready to do it too!!
Nothing new, still want to do a custom grill and maybe go with some skirts... not sure yet. Just been driving it and took to a couple of local shows. I kind of got into another project right now, but maybe over winter I will finish it up. Here is a cool pic of what it looks like now...
when i seen you were going to chop it..i went noooo..then i seen what ya made of it,,damn...nice...its very fluid now..has that cool stance..good job
I bought my 52 a couple weeks ago with this type of thing in mind. I was curious as to whether or not you'd be willing to email me the pictures you took while documenting your project as some of the key ones don't come through. My email is gravelpitcustoms@yahoo.com. Thanks in advance for any help you can provide me!!!
Well, it’s been a while but I’ve been meaning to update this tread. I ended up doing a custom grill made out of two 52 Buick grills. Also my buddy painted her for me. We went with a gloss black but reduced it to make it kinda look like an old lacquer paint. She came out great! Now I’m running fender skirts and switched out the hubcaps. She’s finally done.
Turned out great! I figured this was another old thread bump by someone new. Glad it was you and an update on the car!