Got a lot done the past couple of weeks... Made a fan shroud (still need to make a lip to cover the top.) Started routing all electrical wires Mounted fuel pump Made a new pushrod and fixed geometery for clutch pedal. Works NICE.
Been busy working on it, and not much posting... Since last time I have taken this truck on a test drive. Autozone parking lot - Had to replace the battery It drives nice, but my brakes dont seem to be working as they should. I finally got wise and ripped out all the mickey mouse shit I put in there and ordered a Wilwood assembly I also bought new axles because I was having a wheel seal issue. While changing axles I found out that my carrier bearing preload isnt set tight enough allowing the carrier to slide back and forth a bit, not good. So I removed the rear and dropped it off to get properly done by a pro. New axle on the right Bad axle -- New exhaust cutouts - Cant wait to scare women and children! Hope to have more updates soon.. Stay tuned.
Got the new pedals mounted up. Looks pretty sweet. I still have to create the under dash supports and a new way to mount my steering column but that should be fairly easy I hope.. Here are the pictures. I know my mounted plate isnt flush. I still need to massage is a little bit to fit between the two ribs of the firewall. I had to cut a chunk out of one of the ribs. SCARRY! But, it had to be done. Best picture I have of the pedals inside...
Nearly finished mounting my new pedal assembly. It works GREAT. I guess thats what you get by spending the money to do it right. I still have one more bracket to make to keep the firewall from flexing under panic breaking. But other then that looks GREAT! I also went to the local swap meet over the weekend. I know I am going to get blasted for this, but I freakn love this air cleaner. No usefulness to it, but it just flows really nice with everything. From this aircleaner - To this one - WOW! Makes me funny on the front side. Also take note of the new three master cylinders on the firewall. Things are starting to come together. Got the truck back on the ground as well. Now I just need to figure out how I am going to mount my steering column, and change the power valve in the carb and she will be ready for her second test drive.
That one is coming along pretty nice it looks like. As a guy who drove his 48 in black primer for way way too many years please leave the red or do the truck justice and paint it with shiny paint. I ran the primer because I was too broke to do anything else and not because all the "cool guys" were running flat black.
Your right Mr48. I am still considering what I want to paint it. It would be a year or two before I have the money to do so. I bough this truck for $6200 and I have spent over $10,000 this past winter getting it to this point, so now its time to enjoy it $10,000 worth before I lay down another $10,000 for paint.
Sorry nothing to report at the present. I just bought a new house and I am still get all my tools and toys in the new garage. Soon I have some plans of fixing up the interior. I will report everything soon. Thanks for your interest! Posted from the TJJ App for iPhone & iPad
Pottsie, I just found this thread, I'm working on a 52 short bed and was wondering whose triangulated four link system you used. Did it come with any decent directions and how complete was the kit? The work you have done so far is really awesome and shows a high level of talent and skill. Hope mine comes out half as good. Malcolm
Hey man! Thanks for the compliments. Still just a work in progress though. I just wanted fun and safe. At some point I am going to pull the body and do a ground up on it. Here is a link to the 4 link kit. Those guys are top notch. They do come with some basic instructions but you will probably need to do a lot of research and studying if it is your first time. Geometry is the name of the game.
pottsie, thanks for the info on the rear set up, Ive looked at theirs and wondered how complete and uncomplicated it was. Thanks again!
No real updates on this project, Ive been to busy enjoying driving it around and working on other projects.. 38 olds, 30 model a... I have a list of things that need to be done to the truck by the Hot Rod reunion... Thermostat has a leak that Ive got to pin down, I still need to make a bed floor, interior needs some work, line lock on the front brakes. I do have a couple videos of interest, everyone likes a burnout, here are two. I need to invest in a line lock its damn hard to work three pedals with two legs. Even as light as the rear end is, this truck just wants to go! PS... sorry for the terrible quality, it was taken by my friends android phone.
Thanks my man. It's been fun tooling around in it. My only fear is that I'm going to get a little to brave with it one day and find myself in a ditch. Posted from the TJJ App for iPhone & iPad
Really sounds mean! I gotta get on it, everyone is posting these videos driving their trucks and I'm jealous!