Dunno about Styrolene, but I think Cosmoline is the stuff that they coat mill cutters and other metal things to protect them and prevent corrosion. Kinda greasy stuff IIRC.
Car is sitting in Vasoline. Underground in a concrete tomb, with rubber sprayed around the lid. If it did leak, everything is cool. Are there any other real time capsule cars, or do you have to pay $19.95 to see one.
Vasoline? The lady in charge of opening that thing up has been emailing me about what she can find out. She was not around or possibly even born at the time it was buried. She did say that the lid was sealed with a tar/rubber substance.
Old news reports indicate the gas was buried in case internal combustion engines became obsolete by 2007 and no fuel was available. Other buried items include the contents of a woman's purse: 14 bobby pins, a lipstick, a pack of gum, tissues, a pack of cigarettes and matches and $2.43. I call dibs on the smokes and the gas! Rashy wants the lipstick!
im sure they means COSMOLENE(sp?) its a greasey preservative thing. they have it on like Cranks that get ground and wont be used right away, and blocks and soforth.
cant be as bad as half that stuff we pull out of fields and piece together. i plan on being there for this one
Its funny this post should pop back up as i was only talking about that car a few days back. Throw a battery on it & i bet it'll fire right up! Kev.
Check it out,Y'all-it's a chrysler product. it will be incredibly rusty,reguardless of if they had submerged it in 80 90,then buried it. Dodge=rust.
Someone should rent the building next to it...dig to the tomb...replace the tires with some worn out bias plies globbed with cosmoline, swap the speedo with one that reads 80-90,000 miles and rivet a last years HAMB Drags timing tag to the dash. Reseal the tunnel just like it never was... THAT would get some heads scratching once the lid was popped off!!!
i heard a few years ago they dug part of it up while doing some construction in the area.dont know if they damaged the tomb or not ...
wow i cant wait for this thing to be opened up, and it'll be one year tomorrow, thats my mom's b-day. i'll be sure to keep my eyes glued to the newz to see how the pymouth looks and stuff. ooh man imagine if the person who gets it is a hotrodder and the next week after its unburied and given back, the guy shows up at the town hall with it slammed, gold flake paint, and a whole bunch of various mods done to it, yeah that would piss the town off haha
"Up next here at Barrett-Jackson 2008 in Scottsdale, Arizona...a 1957 Plymouth Fury....Now, the story behind this car is a strange one..." ~Scotch~
The Plymouth also had: Statement from Tulsa council of Churches – and prayer for greatest good next 50 years... I think we did well considering we survived: * The Cold War * The Space Race (Remember Sputnik) * The Cuban Missle Crisis * China, India, Pakistan, France, and England getting nukes. * The '73 & '76 gas crunch (that 5 gallon can of gas was a pretty good prediction!). And a quite a few other things that the prayers 50 years ago could have helped with. And Americans are still the only ones to walk on the moon! Life is pretty good since we all can collect classic cars and talk on the internet about how cool this was!
Norwell,,,,BITE ME! They did dig into a chamber of something doing some construction. I was in contact with a lady on the commitee a while back and asked her about it. She said it was determined that they broke into a little known second capsule placed near the first. This one was supposedly done for the kids of the time to place what they thought the people of the future would want to see. She mentioned there were a lot of report cards in there. Hmmmm, I should have thought of burying mine... We're gonna party like it's 1999 when that thing is opened!
Yeah, that is funny. I'd like to see that. I hope a HAMBer will be onhand to take plenty of pics. I really want to see how this thing looks. Oh yeah, and whats up with the gasoline they buried with it? I bet that will be one smelly can full of varnish.
Hmmm... I'm curious about how the combination of gasoline fumes, cosmolene (or whatever the actual sealant was), and a bit of condensation reacts in a sealed container. This could turn into a very interesting 50-year-old chemistry experiment. I'm thinking they'll have discovered one of three things: The perfect metal preservative, a new explosive, or the world's best paint stripper...
I wonder... "If the car see's its shadow under the Gas price sign... will it mean another 2 months of GAS price increases...?"
"That's about the finest smell in the world, 'cept maybe for cosmolene." "O' course the car came back fifty years later." "Came back? Whatta ya mean 'came back' ?" (insert creepy old man stare here)
when exactly are they gonna dig this thing up? i read the whole article but it didn't say (or at least i didn't see it; maybe i'm gettin' blind in my golden years). and i'm just too lazy to read 7 pages of this thread hoping to find out.