Hi again. I am looking at putting disc brakes on my 58 Fairlane. I have found a company in the US that does bold on conversions using 75-80 Granada/Monarch rotors and 78-81 Camaro/Firebird Calipers. The company is ECI (Engineered components Inc), has anyone used these kits before? Are they as good as they sound?
yes, my kit worked great, instructions are a little vague. there are others out there, who have used newer ford spindles and ball joints, not sure if it goes back to 58 though.
Used A Kit From Master Power Brakes On My 59 Was Around 650 For Rotors,bearings,calipers ,brackets,hoses,power Booster,dual Master And All The Other Small Parts Needed.only Problem I Had Was The Linkage Rod From The Pedal To The Bellcrank Assembly Was To Short For My Car They Sent One Right Out As Soon As I Spoke To Them On The Phone